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Immersive Survival (by tehherb)

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Copy/Pasted from the wiki. >>WIKI LINK<<

This pack is not targeted as a general pack, as a few of the mods will cause you to have to play a certain way. If you do, or want to play a hunter character who spends a lot of time exploring the skyrim wilderness instead of fast travelling, this pack will add some spice to your playthrough.

If this pack is fully installed as I have it set up you will;
- Be vulnerable to cold weather and rain, and will have to actively keep warm and be selective about your armour.
- Have to eat, drink and sleep or you will be affected by negative buffs, and ultimately die.
- Be able to become diseased, again suffering from negative buffs.
- Have an array of craftable traps, which can be placed and activated when something walks over them causing damage.
- Be given more options when looting a beast kill. It can be picked up for later use, or it can be butchered for meat and ingredients on the spot.
- Get more loot from harvesting ingredients that would otherwise give you only one.
- Be able to obtain a hunting themed home on the edge of Riverwood.
- Notice your character's muscles dynamically grow when used over time.
- Receive visual feedback from attacks.
- Get more immersive game messages in the form of thoughts.
- Be able to craft a variety of cloaks to help resist the elements; NPC's will also wear cloaks now.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I am using this in a playthrough with all of STEP CORE and most of STEP Extended. My weather pack is in there but with Unreal ENB and I have added an as yet unpublished Vilja pack and DUEL V7 as well as an as yet unpublished other lands pack (Falskaar and Wyrmstooth and related mods). All of which is working well together so far.


Below I am showing your Immersive Survival Pack with some extra mods that I feel will add to the immersive experience both as a hunter and as an explorer both inside and out.




-===========Immersive Survival Pack=============

+Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival

+Realistic Needs and Diseases


+Hunter Traps

+Hunters Cabin of Riverwood

+Pumping Iron - Dynamic Muscle Growth

+Real Wildlife - Skyrim (If using Hunting as a theme then this is useful)

+Realistic Wildlife Loot And Recipes (If using Hunting as a theme then this is useful - though not completly sold)

+SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators (increase immersion with the fauna of skyrim)

+Skytest Real Wildlife Skyrim (Gets the last two to play together well)

+Subliminal Traps 2 (Improves immersion in dungeons need to keep an eye out for tell tale signs)

+Tougher Traps (Gives an excellent reason for being careful in dungeons improves immersion)

+TK HitStop

+TK Recoil

+TTYM - Think To Yourself Messages

+Cloaks of Skyrim

+Winter is Coming - Cloaks


I have not looked to see if and where "Realistic Wildlife Loot And Recipes" conflicts with Hunterborn and it may even not be necessary but in theory it is a good addition.




These mods I have added as suggestions mean that pretty much every mod in my Survival pack are included in yours but to suit the fact that I am a confirmed Requiem user I would not use most of these mods in my game and would need to highlight which ones not to include for users of Requiem, were we to do a combined Immersive Survival pack as we have begun to discuss.


These do all work together well as far as I can tell. Only Frostfall, Hunter's Cabin, Pumping Iron (personally don't care about this one though the idea is cool) and the cloak mods are not covered by Requiem (Realistic Needs is suggested but Requiem already adds in recipes and food buffs but not penalties). I quite enjoy playing as a Hunter but as much as I like realism I prefer this kind to be in the background rather than the foreground, part of the atmosphere, all the animations that go with getting goods out from the carcass of animals grate on me after a while but I do see the attraction and why Hunterborn is so popular.


Anyway to sum up, I have had no issues with your pack as it was intended by yourself and after I added my suggestions in, so thumbs up / or endorsed - to use mod speak.




Chipping in here, if using skytest and multiple other mods that add npcs to the exterior world of skyrim (such as immersive patrols, sands of time, warzones, asis increased spawns, etc.) be sure to use the version of Skytest that only modifies animal behavior to increase stability. I do not recommend using the full version that adds spawns for animals and predators unless you are sure you are not running other mods that could affect the spawns or multiple mods that increase exterior life in general.


I know about that but only SkyTEST adds anything here really the others just contribute to the variation. Seems to be fine like this have had no problems with it but if I was to add immersive patrols and Sic etc.. then there would be problems, but for this pack meant to be immersive survival based around hunting etc.. then it is fine on it's own.



  • 3 months later...

hi, thx for this pack, i was playing with some of them before, but i will have a better imersive game now, thx.


But, why did you not use the Compatibility patch for Clock of skyrim With Winter is comming ?


hi, thx for this pack, i was playing with some of them before, but i will have a better imersive game now, thx.


But, why did you not use the Compatibility patch for Clock of skyrim With Winter is comming ?

Good afternoon,


You don't need the compatibility patch if using the CRAFTING ONLY version of WIC. I guess Smile44 uses this version.


Hope it helped.






I've discovered most of these mods on my own and I'm using them as "core" mods since. I do see some things on your list I've never used and I'll definitely try them on my next run. Thank you for creating this module and I hope you'll be updating it as necessary with time.



  • 3 weeks later...

Just a note about Skytest: I think it spawns too many animals, such as elk, and especially when doing a hunter/survival game play.  It seemed all I had to do was open my eyes to find an elk to hunt.  With so much venison just waiting to catch my arrow, I was never concerned about where my next meal might come from.

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