DoubleYou Posted November 3, 2013 Posted November 3, 2013 Actually, the only patches I have created for AOS that aren't covered in Michael's patches were for Civil War Overhaul and Thunderchild Shout Package. Everything else was right as rain compatible, albeit the author just uploaded a new version so I may have to recheck.
exploiteddna Posted November 7, 2013 Posted November 7, 2013 Quote Whatvwe really need is someone to take the time to patch aos for step. Anything that does a cell edit could conflict. There is at least a half dozen or so that might conflict in small ways.all you have to do is ask I'll make whatever patch(es) need to be made. In the interest of plugin slots, if I need to merge any of my individual patches into one proper ESP, that can also be done.In terms of formal testing, I'm all for it.@admins - do you have any specific areas of interest that you want MTs looking at or testing??
mothergoose729 Posted November 7, 2013 Posted November 7, 2013 I full STEP patch would probably be really cool michaelw. In particular, IHSS isn't compatible with AOS last time I tried.
Nearox Posted November 7, 2013 Posted November 7, 2013 Quite a few of the STEP sound mods are incompatible with AOS... AOS is open for Mod Testing atm so who knows, it might be included in a future version.
exploiteddna Posted November 8, 2013 Posted November 8, 2013 well, the reason i havent patched IHSS is because it loads after AOS. If you want AOS to overwrite IHSS, then just uninstall IHSS. One could argue that some of the subrecords could be merged. Like, I could use the Output Model from AOS in place of the vanilla Output Model that IHSS has assigned to some of the Sound Descriptor records. However, when you start mixing and matching different components of Sound Descriptor, there is no way of knowing if the result will be a good one. If we use output model from AOS, static attenuation from AOS, the sound files from IHSS, and the priority and dB variance from IHSS, who knows how it will actually sound when you're in-game. If we do that, we basically create an entirely new sound that neither of the original authors intended. Thus, mixing and matching should not be done with the subrecords of sound descriptors. We all have to decide if we want to use the record from AOS or the record from IHSS. If it's AOS you want, you can either uninstall IHSS or move it above AOS in the load order. This type of patching is highly preferential. I tend to be very conservative and make patches that are good for general release, very black and white, this or that. If experienced users want to mix the different properties of single sound and hope the combined result is favorable, then more power to them. At that point you may as well just add in your own values and tweak it to your liking. :) As far as other STEP mods being incompatible, this is true. However, most/all of them overwrite AOS so they don't need patching. Like above, this is a preference thing.. users have to decide what they want. Since AOS is an overhaul, I would always load it as a base, then overwrite it with all the specialty sound mods. That way you get most of the sounds from AOS, and all of the smaller sound mods as well.
Spock Posted November 8, 2013 Posted November 8, 2013 Due to the very nature of AOS, I wouldn't use any other sound mod that touches things AOS already covered. If you mix sound mods you will find the sounds mismatched. The only two things I know of which AOS doesn't cover is dungeons ambient (will be in the next release) and thunderstorms.
mothergoose729 Posted November 8, 2013 Posted November 8, 2013 Last time I tried to run IHSS with AOS, the human footstep sounds became the same regardless of terrain type (obviously bad). I spend more time on foot then on a horse so I had to forgo IHSS, which made me sad.
exploiteddna Posted November 8, 2013 Posted November 8, 2013 hmmm, maybe there is something else interfering with it in your load order that youre not aware of. Looking at both mods in detail, trying to sort of reverse-engineer, I don't see anything that would cause what youre describing. Wish I could be of more help
deathneko11 Posted November 8, 2013 Posted November 8, 2013 I don't think I could live without IHSS if I ever do take the plunge on AOS.
Nearox Posted November 11, 2013 Posted November 11, 2013 Review & comparison starts from about 0:45. It doesn't review every single sound ofc but gives a good general idea how they match up. AOS is the clear winner for me :)
Allsunday Posted November 11, 2013 Posted November 11, 2013 Quote Review & comparison starts from about 0:45. It doesn't review every single sound ofc but gives a good general idea how they match up. AOS is the clear winner for me :)Totally agree (and btw, I'll take AOS over IHSS any day of the week). AOS sounds fantastic when you hear someone hammering from afar.
TechAngel85 Posted November 11, 2013 Posted November 11, 2013 Quote Review & comparison starts from about 0:45. It doesn't review every single sound ofc but gives a good general idea how they match up. AOS is the clear winner for me :)No way I can decide simply from that video. If I was, it would be SOS. AOS is very "noisy" in nearly all of the compares. Perhaps this was simply due to the fact that nearly all the compares were next to water which drowned out the other sounds or perhaps it's AOS. Point is, I can't tell from this compare. I'll likely do a in-depth compare of my own and upload it; however, it won't be for a few weeks at least. One of my fans died in my laptop and I'm awaiting the arrival of a new one. Until then, I can't do anything stressful on my system or it'll get too hot.
Nearox Posted November 11, 2013 Posted November 11, 2013 Yeah I wouldn't want you to decide from a single video either ;) But it is the first one I found that has some kind of meaningful comparison. It's a start at least. AOS appears more noisy in the beginning. I am of the opinion that it is mainly because we have not been used to hearing Skyrim sound so detailed and clear for the last 2 years. AOS is a novel experience imo, which I found can be a bit disturbing at the start. After a couple of hours playing with it, and then going back to vanilla and sos, I thought AOS was the more natural one. But perhaps it all boils down to personal taste as well. This is especially the case for sound (and also music). One only needs to read the (silly) comments below any music video to see people arguing quite aggresively - sometimes to the point of deathwishes (let's hope it doesn't come to that here haha :P). Looking forward to your comparison tech :)
Spock Posted December 7, 2013 Posted December 7, 2013 Since I did some T5E work over the past days I noticed another pro for AOS: It seems to require less patching with the STEP setup then SoS, at least concerning cell/worldspace edits. If not using patches this might be another (small) argument for AOS.
PlanetExp Posted December 19, 2013 Posted December 19, 2013 AOS is fantastic. It is very close to vanilla in that it doesn't add many new sounds (that I know of) but it alters the soundscape of existing sounds to sound larger and more dramatic in a way. I can't play without it now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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