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I sent a message to T3nd0 about it,


He basically said it was the smallest possible error in Papyrus unless it is triggered extremely frequently. (like, 20 times per second).


Although I agree its a small error, for anyone using a large base mod with several script oriented one these small issues can really stack up.

If you are fighting 3+ caster, it can get really ugly considering the issue affect every single vanilla damaging spell.

Add Wet and Cold, Frostfall, RND, companions and yourself spamming spells on top of that and I'm pretty sure the engine will beg for mercy. :P



By the way, I took a look at the v1.3 change log on the mod page and I did not see this issue addressed.

Are your script fixes compatible with SkyRe 1.3 or only with 1.2?


It looks like they should be based on my quick review.

  • 1 month later...

Anyone who use Skyrim Redone must be familliar with this papyrus warning log:



[05/21/2013 - 09:14:03PM] warning: Property xxxsneakTouchOfCalamity on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 13 on  (00000014) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/21/2013 - 09:14:03PM] warning: Property xxxsneakArcaneAssassin on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 13 on  (00000014) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/21/2013 - 09:14:03PM] warning: Property xxxsneaktouchofcalamitysneakmessage on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 13 on  (00000014) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property



It get spammed A LOT when fighting casters and in my case I have found that it can easily cause a CTD.

This is when I decided enough is enough and decided to hunt the bad boy at his core.


I spent 2hour trying to find any reference to these in the SkyRe .psc/.esp:

  • xxxMagicSneak
  • xxxsneakArcaneAssassin
  • xxxsneakTouchOfCalamity
  • xxxsneaktouchofcalamitysneakmessage
I literally found nothing that reference these file AT all.

Except the xxxMagicSneak.pex and xxxMagicSneak.psc.

But it contains the xxxSNE* properties and not the xxxsneak* one.


They seem to be old propreties that got renamed to xxxSNE*  and the old one are still getting called by something, somewhere. :dry:

But... Where?  :wallbash:


Is there any tool I can use to search more deeply in the .esp or something like that?

TES5Edit and Creation Kit dont seem to cut it.



After some perseverance I finally found the issue!


Basicly every single damaging vanilla Spell would cause this issue when casted:



[05/21/2013 - 09:14:03PM] warning: Property xxxsneakTouchOfCalamity on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 13 on  (00000014) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/21/2013 - 09:14:03PM] warning: Property xxxsneakArcaneAssassin on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 13 on  (00000014) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[05/21/2013 - 09:14:03PM] warning: Property xxxsneaktouchofcalamitysneakmessage on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 13 on  (00000014) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property



Because the property name didn't match the property referenced in the xxxMagicSneak.psc script

The property name was xxxsneak* but should have been xxxSNE* instead.

This should greatly improve SkyRe performance in combat.


Download the Script Fix here (see EDIT EDIT)


BUM Setting:

"BOTTOM" -> SkyRe


I would not recommend using ASIS Automatic Spell with it as it might use the SkyRe_Main.esp setting and overwrite the patch.

I did not test with ASIS Automatic Spell but it's what I assume it will do.




SkyRe Script Fix update:


I missed three property for the spell Frostbite, Fireball and Flames.

New version here. Thanks to Epothos for the feedback.


It might not fix all issue related to SkyRe but hopefully it will help


you SIR are a SAVIOUR!!

thank you very much

  • 3 weeks later...

EDIT- I made some errors with this post, I could have just deleted my post, but instead I will try to give some insight for others. Here is what I have learned:


1. This script DOES fix the xxxMagicSneak errors.

2. The xxxMagicSneak errors DO cause CTD.

3. You WILL stop seeing "Bow is fully drawn" messages after installing this, BUT:

4. This is actually a FIX, because the perk Power Draw is NOT working, and I shouldn't be seeing "Bow is fully drawn" anyway.

5. This is a common bug in skyre, all the bow perks are borked pretty much, after a while they will all stop working (some have the theory this is related to saving the game during bow usage).


I've been playing Skyre for about 400 hours now, it's a great mod in concept, but it's buggy as hell. Most of the perks will bug out at some point.




I tested this several times, back and forth, with the mod installed and with it uninstalled. I always used appropriate saves when uninstalling.


While this mod does indeed clean up xxxMagicSneak errors as advertised, it also breaks certain functions of Skyre. When this is installed, I do no receive "Bow is fully drawn" messages. When this is uninstalled I once again receive the proper messages. I tested this 3 times, and there is no doubt this is the only variable. I also tried restarting the combat module (stopquest xxxcminit/startquest xxxcminit) after installing, and still do not recieve the "Bow is fully drawn" messages.


I do not believe the xxxMagicSneak (and similar) errors cause a CTD either...


Use at your own risk...

  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hi there everyone, I was just told about this post & wanted to come let ya'll know that this script name issue is part of the update to the Unofficial Skyrim Redone Patch (USKRP) that we are currently playtesting over at SkyRe Compatibility and ReProccer Patches on the Nexus.

The update should be released in the next few days, and is for SkyRe v1.3.01, a full changelog for the update can be found in the first sticky on the site linked above.

Edited by Raulfin
  • +1 1

Hi there everyone, I was just told about this post & wanted to come let ya'll know that this script name issue is part of the update to the Unofficial Skyrim Redone Patch (USKRP) that we are currently playtesting over at SkyRe Compatibility and ReProccer Patches on the Nexus.The update should be released in the next few days, and is for SkyRe v1.3.01, a full changelog for the update can be found in the first sticky on the site linked above.

Thanks for the update/great patches. WAF just updated to version 5.0. Will it be compatible with your update patches?
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)



Just wondering if you guys have addressed this issue yet - I have downloaded the unofficial Skyre patch update (and it did fix a lot of things) but this error is still being spammed to the pap log (spammed big time)... could this have anything to do with the fact the skill is at 150 (where the cap is current set?)... EDIT: on a new game, skill at 40, this still happens.


Edit: Strength in Numbers not working - this was an issue with the mods that were installed and/or removed. A new game fixed this problem (sorry about that).


Edit: Cryomancers Contract - this works as intended, I failed to notice that the DMG output was reduced instead of zeroed (which I believe is how the mod was a couple years ago, last I played it). 


Please note that Mod Organizer is trying to place the Skyre Unofficial Patch Update before Skyre in the install order (the left hand pane - which will overwrite all but a couple of the files of the patch with Skyre;s original data).


I would also like to take the time to thank you for all the hard work you have done to give this mod some new life. I don't think I could play this game without Skyre - there is no thinking about it, I wouldn't play this game without it.

Edited by Ceindynce
Posted (edited)

I've just uploaded an update script, that me & EnaiSiaion worked on, to SkyRe Compatibility and ReProccer Patches to address this issue, the new script checks for both forms of the perks name, xxxSneak and xxxSNE, so that no patches need to be updated or changed as long as they use one of those names. The proper sneak damage multiplier is also displayed now.


@CeindynceThe Strength in Numbers effect should turn on any time the global PlayerFollowerCount != 0, only thing I can think of is that you have a mod that isn't letting that value change when you have a follower.The -mancer perks were worded wrong, they don't stop you from being able to use the spells from the other 2 schools, they just reduce the damage and effect durations of them by 99%, making them pretty useless. The updated script should clear up the pap spam.

Edited by Raulfin
Posted (edited)

Hi Raulfin,


I know I posted about this in the Perk Overhaul Thread (I will not post about this issue there anymore, now that I know you are still active in this thread). I just downloaded the script fix. Installed. 19 Seconds later, found a bear, went into sneak mode, fired one dual cast Ice Spear at a bear and killed it, then exited the game. This is the result in the pap log.


[08/07/2014 - 11:59:33AM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (2A0C4C3A)>]: Loaded user settings. 
[08/07/2014 - 11:59:52AM] Warning: Property perkArcaneAssassin on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 1 on  (00082FCC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/07/2014 - 11:59:52AM] Warning: Property sneakMessage0 on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 1 on  (00082FCC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/07/2014 - 11:59:52AM] Warning: Property sneakMessage1 on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 1 on  (00082FCC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/07/2014 - 12:00:10PM] VM is freezing...
[08/07/2014 - 12:00:10PM] VM is frozen
EDIT: As a test, I repeated the above sequence on the same bear but DID NOT go into sneak mode - the resulting pap log.
[08/07/2014 - 12:47:45PM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (2A0C4C3A)>]: Loaded user settings. 
[08/07/2014 - 12:47:59PM] Warning: Property perkArcaneAssassin on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 6 on  (00082FCC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/07/2014 - 12:47:59PM] Warning: Property sneakMessage1 on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 6 on  (00082FCC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/07/2014 - 12:47:59PM] Warning: Property sneakMessage0 on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 6 on  (00082FCC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/07/2014 - 12:48:24PM] VM is freezing...
[08/07/2014 - 12:48:24PM] VM is frozen
I hope this will be helpful.
Sorry man - I so hate being the bearer of bad news, and I so wish this would have fixed the problem.
Edited by Ceindynce
Posted (edited)

Did you clean the old script from your save with save game script cleaner or scalpel? Do you mean IcySpear "Icy Spear" [sPEL:0010F7EC]? and are you using SkyRe v1.3 (I assume you are, but just want to make sure)?


Looking at the propertiys it's giving errors on, they are not proper, these are the properties that should be set on the spell effect:


The perk properties that should be set on the effect should be 1 form each of the groups below;

Perk Property xxxsneakArcaneAssassin AutoPerk Property xxxsneArcaneAssassin Auto


Perk Property xxxsneakTouchOfCalamity autoPerk Property xxxsneTouchOfCalamity auto


The message propertiys should be;Message Property xxxperkarcaneassassinsneak2 Auto  Message Property xxxperkarcaneassassinsneak3 AutoMessage Property xxxSNEtouchofcalamitysneakmessage Auto


Can you load your full load order into T5E and see which mod is setting the script properties of MagicSneak to;

Property perkArcaneAssassin

Property sneakMessage1
Property sneakMessage0
Edited by Raulfin
Posted (edited)

Hi Raulfin,


Yes, Skyre 1.3 and Icy Spear.


I used the SaveToolCleaner to remove orphan scripts but it says there is none.


I don't know tessedit well... but this is what I found.


Left hand pane

skyre_main > magic effect > Icy Spear (red background, red wording)


right hand pane

(00) Skyrim.esm,  (21) Skyre_main.esp, (7D) post reproccer fixes CCOR IA7 IW UU aMidianss Content add on patch


Under this section:

VMAD - Virtual Machine Adaptor > Data > Scripts > second script reference (script name is xxxmagicsneak) > Properties


> property 1 thru 4 the data under (21) skyre_main and (7D) Post Reproccer fixes is identical (yellow background, green writing)


> 5th property (property name is xxxsneakArcaneAssassin under skyre_main.esp - background is red, writing is red but there is no other data to show what the conflict is. The fields under Post Reproccer fixes are empty and shaded pink).

> 6th property is xxxsneakTouchOfCalamity

> 7th property is xxxsneakTouchOfCalamitySneakMessage

(these 2 properties are like the first one, shaded red, red writing, nothing to show what the conflict is). I loaded the full load order - this doesn't make sense (it shows a conflict here, and skyre_main is the loser but nothing to show where the replacement data is coming from).  


Under that is property 8, 9 and 10. Yellow background color, green writing for all 3 properties.

(00) Skyrim and (21) Skyre_main cells are blank but (7d) post reproccer cells have data.   EDIT: This would be the conflicting data of the above 3 lines? as they both have the same FormID.

> 8th property is xxxSNEArcaneAssassin,

> 9th property is xxxSNETouchOfCalamity

> 10th property is xxxSNETouchOfCalamitySneakMessage


I just installed PDTWrapper and looking at the save... Yeah, this program says the same thing: removed 0 unattached instances and removed 0 scripts


EDIT: I am looking at tes5edit again because didn't make sense, why wouldn't the conflict be shown on the same line - so I checked PerkMatchSetHeavy (at it's conflict) and it's on the same line. Those are 2 different set of records - assuming they are indexed by property name (so there should be no conflict), so, something is up with this conflict with no conflicting data. I am unable to edit the corresponding cells in the pre reproccer fix column (they are blank and shaded pink). 


EDIT: I am not sure if this is relevant or not, but I search for xxxmagic with PDTWrapper under script data and there is NO class for xxxmagicsneak in the save game.


EDIT: OK, last night, I downloaded a Tes5edit manual and have a better understanding of the conflict. 5th, 6th and 7th property have a conflict with the post reproccer fix because the fix has left the cell empty overwriting the data of those cells skyre_main with NULL entries - which is no big deal if xxxsneakArcaneAssassin, xxxsneakTouchOfCalamity and xxxsneakTouchOfCalamitySneakMessage are not being used by anything (this I do not know, if these properties are still being used).

Edited by Ceindynce
Posted (edited)

The script will still be attached, not an orphan, you have to manually pull the old xxxMagic Sneak from your save, I'll take a look at that patch and see if I can spot anything.LOL, I forgot,  I tested the script on the updated version 2.4 of SkyRe & the reproccer patches, not the currently released versions. The Patches have been gutted of all the, now, unneeded records, I'll PM you a copy of the relevant files to check against (you'll probably still need to manually remove the old script from your save).

Edited by Raulfin

The script will still be attached, not an orphan, you have to manually pull the old xxxMagic Sneak from your save, I'll take a look at that patch and see if I can spot anything.LOL, I forgot,  I tested the script on the updated version 2.4 of SkyRe & the reproccer patches, not the currently released versions. The Patches have been gutted of all the, now, unneeded records, I'll PM you a copy of the relevant files to check against (you'll probably still need to manually remove the old script from your save).

Updated version 2.4. Patiently waiting for a release.

Posted (edited)

Hi Raulfin,


So reading Tes5Edit manual, about conflict resolution - I decide that maybe this is a good idea to create a t5e patch. I loaded my DLCs and unofficial patches to create a merged patch manually (as part of the learning process) of the conflicts created by the DLC's (hard to believe there can be this many conflicts from just the DLC - Beth just doesn't care if they have a stable product or not eh)


NEW QUESTION: OK... found an example that I am not sure what to do.

Skyrim puts in falmer armor, USKP has it the same (it is in conflict and losing - red background and words) because, Dawnguard has those cells blank, Dawnguard patch also has those cells blank, no other files are displayed (I assume this is because those cells are not referenced in any other files) and so the T5E merged patch left those cells blank. Now, are they suppose to be blank because dawnguard loads after and says they are to be blank? Or should I include them in the merged patch? If I leave them blank, the conflict doesn't go away, if I copy the data from USKP cells to T5E patch, the conflict is resolved.


I guess the real question is, did dawngaurd leave it blank as a result of shoddy programming from beth, or did they intentionally leave it blank because that data/object whatever isn't being any more?


If you just delete the data in a cell, it leaves NULL _____ in the cell, not blank.... how do you make it blank?

Edited by Ceindynce

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