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Figured it might not be a bad idea to just start a general SR support thread for help since the feedback thread is focused on actual SR feedback. I'll start this off.


So was playing earlier today, then went and made today's latest changes:


- Updated Lanterns of Skyrim to use Realistic Lighting Overhaul optional preset.

- Added SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators. Removed More Village Animals and Roosters At Dawn

- Updated Apahii Skyhair Natural Retexture.


I also added Grass on Steroids and it's associated INI changes.


I now CTD every time on the menu load. I reversed the INI changes, unloaded SkyTest and Grass on Steroids and still CTD.


What would be the first steps I should in debugging this?



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Posted (edited)

I followed all your SR:LE guide. With Vividian ENB 6.621. Now I noticed it has updated to 7b2 so I downloaded that, installed it through MO. I'm using ENB manager but when I want to add files I only see the "enbseries" folder and "enbseries.ini" in "Vividian ENB Install Files" folder.

That looks very different than 6.521 - that's why I'm asking if thats correct or not? Or I'm doing something wrong.

Edited by Drusek
  • 0

I followed all your SR:LE guide. With Vividian ENB 6.621. Now I noticed it has updated to 7b2 so I downloaded that, installed it through MO. I'm using ENB manager but when I want to add files I only see the "enbseries" folder and "enbseries.ini" in "Vividian ENB Install Files" folder.

That looks very different than 6.521 - that's why I'm asking if thats correct or not? Or I'm doing something wrong.

That is correct, it only has those two. All the files have been packed into the enbseries folder that used to be outside of it except for the enbseries.ini, remember to copy the enblocal.ini you made previously into the new preset as well.

  • 0

Hi there, the mod Better Vampires is not available anymore on Nexus, do you have any recommendation where to get it? Thanks.


It's back up now with the new 6.7 version.


What I've occasionally done in the past when mods aren't around is to grab another language's version and throw that in temporarily. Making a note in the mod title to swap when the English version is back up.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Thanks guys for those tips.  ::):


I once more need your help... I had a failing SSD (where my system was installed) this weekend and I just finished re-installing windows and steam (I was able to back up the ini and everything important).

Can I drop the modded skyrim folder (and the relevant .acf) inside steamapps/common or should I first drop the vanilla one for Steam not to erase everything?


Then if I re-place the saved .ini files where they belong and re-install the Papyrus Compiler Fix (the only "application" of the all guide that I installed on C:), can I continue where I left last time?

Or am I supposed to re-install some apps or check some mods or something else?

Edited by Monkee
  • 0

Download/reinstall Skyrim off Steam first. Run it once to set up the needed registry stuff, just to be safe.


The reinstall MO and the directories/files you saved. 


Check everything seems ok and you haven't let the smoke out. 


Then have at it and see what happens.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Ok Nozzer66 but when you say reinstall MO; I already installed it inside the Skyrim folder the first time and all the mods are set up in it; so won't I loose everything by reinstalling it?

Edited by Monkee
  • 0

Not if you save the Mods and Downloads directories and then paste them back after you've reinstalled.


Or are you saying MO's not on the SSD? 

MO was installed on the SSD but I was able to back it up. I could reinstall it and then bring back the mod directory (why should I need the download one though?) but would I be able to retain my profiles and the choices/order I had before the crash?

  • 0

Hi Everyone, 


I tried to search for an answer on this...but couldn't seem to find one. I'm following the Legendary guidelines, and I just created the CoT-WeatherPatch in TES5Edit. However, now when I run BOSS it doesn't recognise the plugin. Is there a definitive rule I can add to this patch in BUM that will tell it where to go and stay there?

  • 0

MO was installed on the SSD but I was able to back it up. I could reinstall it and then bring back the mod directory (why should I need the download one though?) but would I be able to retain my profiles and the choices/order I had before the crash?

Ah well if you have the whole MO setup handy then throw it on. And the downloads folder would be useful cause you wouldn't have to completely re-download everything if crap happens...

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Hi Everyone, 


I tried to search for an answer on this...but couldn't seem to find one. I'm following the Legendary guidelines, and I just created the CoT-WeatherPatch in TES5Edit. However, now when I run BOSS it doesn't recognise the plugin. Is there a definitive rule I can add to this patch in BUM that will tell it where to go and stay there?

You mean you did that Merge of those three CoT Patches? Check you named it correctly cause the name Neovalen suggests for it shouldn't need a BUM rule.


EDIT: Oh wow 999 posts. Be afraid.

Edited by Nozzer66
  • 0

Ah well if you have the whole MO setup handy then throw it on. And the downloads folder would be useful cause you wouldn't have to completely re-download everything if crap happens...

Thanks again. Let's try!

  • 0

You mean you did that Merge of those three CoT Patches? Check you anmed it correctly cause the name Neovalen suggests for it shouldn't need a BUM rule.


EDIT: Oh wow 999 posts. Be afraid.

Ah...yes, I did name it wrong! thanks for the help .

  • 0
Posted (edited)

I have a question about DYNDOLOD...


I am seeing static windmills with no vanes and frozen waterfalls with a very close LOD popin. All close LODs are perfect but the mid and far LODs are poor and pop in hard. I am wondering if I have followed the guide incorrectly. 


I have picked up the TES5LODGEN billboards as advised, I have got DYNDOLOD data folder (with its clean ESP) and have put the scripts in TES5EDIT. I have sorted all ESPs and run the DYNDOLOD script on all mods above DYNDOLOD.esp. I picked High as the guide suggested and waited about 8 minutes (i7 4770K) till the script completed. I moved the DYNDOLOD output into a new folder in MO.


I do not see anything overwriting the DYNDOLOD output folder or the full DYNDOLOD.esp (which is 2162Kb) in MO.


Do the LOD changes only take affect when I start a new game or will it pick up as I move around in a new one? Do I have to change location and come back?


I can see static windmills with no vanes outside whiterun that suddenly pop into near LOD with vanes until I walk away when the vanes fade again.

Edited by DanielCoffey
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