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Posted (edited)

Hello!  I am having a weird problem that hopefully has a simple solution!  I downloaded the most recent version today and re-ran Texgen and Dyndolod.  But in-game I now have this problem: ultra 3d LODs' trunks are missing textures (purple rectangles).  I narrowed the problem down to Dyndolod looking for a different CRC than Texgen assigned to the trunks in the textures\dyndolod\lod\trees folder.  Note that billboards are fine, and I compared a new Texgen output against the previous one (that worked fine) and it has the same CRC filenames.  I don't have an old Dyndolod output or previous tree report to compare to the new one to see if the CRC changed there.

I can see that Texgen is using the CRC from the LOD trunk mesh model; but how can I get Dyndolod to use it as the texture name in the final ultra lod mesh?  I have tried deleting cache, rerunning both texgen and Dyndolod again and also downgrading back to the previous version that worked correctly last time, but all are giving the same result: in the example of TreeAspen02, Dyndolod is looking for 353a9a39 but Texgen output (and the original trunk mesh) have CRC 055a9061.

From Dyndolod Tree Report:

Level0: meshes\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39passthru_lod.nif [CRC32:92F49419] using textures\landscape\trees\treeaspenbranchcomp02.dds, textures\landscape\trees\treeaspenbranchcomp_n.dds, textures\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39_trunk_1.dds, textures\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39_trunk_1_n.dds, textures\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39_trunk_2.dds, textures\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39_trunk_2_n.dds


ultra lod trunk problem.png

trunk mesh.png

texgen output.png

Edited by vrnord
  On 4/1/2024 at 1:17 AM, vrnord said:

Hello!  I am having a weird problem that hopefully has a simple solution!  I downloaded the most recent version today and re-ran Texgen and Dyndolod.  But in-game I now have this problem: ultra 3d LODs' trunks are missing textures (purple rectangles).  I narrowed the problem down to Dyndolod looking for a different CRC than Texgen assigned to the trunks in the textures\dyndolod\lod\trees folder.  Note that billboards are fine, and I compared a new Texgen output against the previous one (that worked fine) and it has the same CRC filenames.  I don't have an old Dyndolod output or previous tree report to compare to the new one to see if the CRC changed there.

I can see that Texgen is using the CRC from the LOD trunk mesh model; but how can I get Dyndolod to use it as the texture name in the final ultra lod mesh?  I have tried deleting cache, rerunning both texgen and Dyndolod again and also downgrading back to the previous version that worked correctly last time, but all are giving the same result: in the example of TreeAspen02, Dyndolod is looking for 353a9a39 but Texgen output (and the original trunk mesh) have CRC 055a9061.

From Dyndolod Tree Report:

Level0: meshes\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39passthru_lod.nif [CRC32:92F49419] using textures\landscape\trees\treeaspenbranchcomp02.dds, textures\landscape\trees\treeaspenbranchcomp_n.dds, textures\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39_trunk_1.dds, textures\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39_trunk_1_n.dds, textures\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39_trunk_2.dds, textures\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39_trunk_2_n.dds


ultra lod trunk problem.png

trunk mesh.png

texgen output.png


You must post the logs as instructed in the OP. treeaspen02 with CRC32 353a9a39 does not exist in HLT. HLT uses treeaspen02 with CRC32 055a9061.

TexGen will create tree billboards for whatever LOD models it finds (with 'Render' option ticked).

Your aspens are probably from whatever mod is providing treeaspen02 with CRC32 353a9a39, and you likely have no billboards for those LOD meshes, because TexGen didn't find the trunks to render for the billboards.

It's all a guessing game without the logs.


Hi Sheson, I'm making another attempt in getting some mods to do what there supposed to do so I deactivated DynDOLOD, trashed all outputs and have gone back to square one by reading the instructions you've provided me. I'm up to the part where I'm cleaning my load order plugins and despite having "cleaned" them, some tabs that you can see to be red are still present, is that normal or is there something I'm missing? Thanks buddy!!

Screenshot 2024-04-01 140811.png

  On 3/31/2024 at 7:01 PM, User77111 said:

Thanks for this. It works perfectly.

Will this be included in the next update? Or is this just a custom one for my case?


This will be included in the next alpha version. We don't really do custom versions. 

  On 4/1/2024 at 1:17 AM, vrnord said:

Hello!  I am having a weird problem that hopefully has a simple solution!  I downloaded the most recent version today and re-ran Texgen and Dyndolod.  But in-game I now have this problem: ultra 3d LODs' trunks are missing textures (purple rectangles).  I narrowed the problem down to Dyndolod looking for a different CRC than Texgen assigned to the trunks in the textures\dyndolod\lod\trees folder.  Note that billboards are fine, and I compared a new Texgen output against the previous one (that worked fine) and it has the same CRC filenames.  I don't have an old Dyndolod output or previous tree report to compare to the new one to see if the CRC changed there.

I can see that Texgen is using the CRC from the LOD trunk mesh model; but how can I get Dyndolod to use it as the texture name in the final ultra lod mesh?  I have tried deleting cache, rerunning both texgen and Dyndolod again and also downgrading back to the previous version that worked correctly last time, but all are giving the same result: in the example of TreeAspen02, Dyndolod is looking for 353a9a39 but Texgen output (and the original trunk mesh) have CRC 055a9061.

From Dyndolod Tree Report:

Level0: meshes\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39passthru_lod.nif [CRC32:92F49419] using textures\landscape\trees\treeaspenbranchcomp02.dds, textures\landscape\trees\treeaspenbranchcomp_n.dds, textures\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39_trunk_1.dds, textures\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39_trunk_1_n.dds, textures\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39_trunk_2.dds, textures\dyndolod\lod\trees\treeaspen02_353a9a39_trunk_2_n.dds


ultra lod trunk problem.png

trunk mesh.png

texgen output.png


Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which entire TexGen and DynDOLOD logs and debug logs to upload when making posts.

Also upload ..\DynDOLOD\Logs\DynDOLOD_SSE_Object_Report.txt

Provide a meaningful screenshot of an affect full model with more informative console as explained in https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots

The CRC32 353a9a39 of the full model tree seems to be from a version of Enhanced Vanilla Trees.
It is unclear where your version of treeaspen02_353a9a39passthru_lod.nif comes from.

The required trunk NIF, which TexGen uses to render the trunk textures if the Rendered checkbox under Tree/Grass Billboards is checked, need to ship together with the 3D tree LOD hybrid model treeaspen02_353a9a39passthru_lod.nif requiring those trunks.


  On 4/1/2024 at 3:13 AM, skyrimfreak360 said:

Hi Sheson, I'm making another attempt in getting some mods to do what there supposed to do so I deactivated DynDOLOD, trashed all outputs and have gone back to square one by reading the instructions you've provided me. I'm up to the part where I'm cleaning my load order plugins and despite having "cleaned" them, some tabs that you can see to be red are still present, is that normal or is there something I'm missing? Thanks buddy!!

Screenshot 2024-04-01 140811.png


This is the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread. I do not provide generic modding support or help for other tools.

Cleaning plugins fixes ITMs and deleted references. https://tes5edit.github.io/docs/7-mod-cleaning-and-error-checking.html#ModCleaningProcess

Read the xEdit documentation or ask on its forum/discord to learn what the colors mean and if something needs to be done about a conflicts or not.

Posted (edited)
  On 4/1/2024 at 1:40 AM, z929669 said:

You must post the logs as instructed in the OP. treeaspen02 with CRC32 353a9a39 does not exist in HLT. HLT uses treeaspen02 with CRC32 055a9061.

TexGen will create tree billboards for whatever LOD models it finds (with 'Render' option ticked).

Your aspens are probably from whatever mod is providing treeaspen02 with CRC32 353a9a39, and you likely have no billboards for those LOD meshes, because TexGen didn't find the trunks to render for the billboards.

It's all a guessing game without the logs.


hey thanks, that actually helped me figure out the problem!  I'm not using HLT aspens, but a long time ago I tried them and had installed the 3d lods, and when I uninstalled the aspens I neglected to uninstall the 3d LOD files.  That never mattered until I reran Dyndolod yesterday and it started looking for the HLT CRC32 texture files for the vanilla/RAT 3d lod trunks.  Weird.  Anyway, I manually changed the CRC32 names of the trunk textures to match what Dyndolod was looking for and it looks great again.

Edited by vrnord
  On 4/1/2024 at 1:01 PM, vrnord said:

hey thanks, that actually helped me figure out the problem!  I'm not using HLT aspens, but a long time ago I tried them and had installed the 3d lods, and when I uninstalled the aspens I neglected to uninstall the 3d LOD files.  That never mattered until I reran Dyndolod yesterday and it started looking for the HLT CRC32 texture files for the vanilla/RAT 3d lod trunks.  Weird.  Anyway, I manually changed the CRC32 names of the trunk textures to match what Dyndolod was looking for and it looks great again.


No. That is not how it works. The CRC32 of the content of a file plus the full model filename is pretty much unique. Thus DynDOLOD does not look for wrong filenames. The point of using the CRC32 is that it always looks for the correct files regardless of other installed assets.

The tree LOD now uses trunks that belong to another tree mod.

  On 4/1/2024 at 10:04 AM, Althro said:

Hey Sheson,

Been encountering some kind of issue with the whgrayquarter_lod.nif rendering peaking out of the door to the docks. This occurs even when close to the door in the exterior but not in the interior worldspace (as in Windhelm City Cell).

Logs attached here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eqRT-uRmMUjC1z37J56tVOfurnMhAVX5/view?usp=drive_link

Let me know if you need more data.



Check in xEdit if you have a plugin overwriting 0001F049 and let me know.

In any case, replace ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_ChildworldMatches.txt and generate LOD again. That should fix that.

  On 4/1/2024 at 1:01 PM, vrnord said:

hey thanks, that actually helped me figure out the problem!  I'm not using HLT aspens, but a long time ago I tried them and had installed the 3d lods, and when I uninstalled the aspens I neglected to uninstall the 3d LOD files.  That never mattered until I reran Dyndolod yesterday and it started looking for the HLT CRC32 texture files for the vanilla/RAT 3d lod trunks.  Weird.  Anyway, I manually changed the CRC32 names of the trunk textures to match what Dyndolod was looking for and it looks great again.


As sheson mentioned, you don't want to rename the HLT LOD trunks, because that will yield HLT aspen trunks for the RAT aspens. This won't match the full trees.

I maintain EVT, and if you install the latest version, you should have the proper LOD models for the install options you choose.

EVT 2.2.2 Lush/Custom trees provide treeaspen02_353A9A39passthru_lod.nif and treeaspen02_353A9A39_trunk.nif, so these are what get installed if you choose the large RAT aspens in the installer. I recommend you remove all tree mods and reinstall EVT. Then check that the LODs mentioned are in your installed EVT. If they aren't, it's a FOMOD problem I will need to address.

Installing the RAT large option should install (among others):

  1. treeaspen02.nif (with CRC32 = 353A9A39)
  2. treeaspen02_353A9A39_trunk.nif (only needed for the TexGen Render option to create billboard textures for DynDOLOD Billboard#)
  3. treeaspen02_353A9A39passthru_lod.nif (the LOD model referencing trunk textures TexGen creates from treeaspen02_353A9A39_trunk.nif)
  On 4/1/2024 at 7:44 PM, sheson said:

Check in xEdit if you have a plugin overwriting 0001F049 and let me know.

In any case, replace ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_ChildworldMatches.txt and generate LOD again. That should fix that.


Nothing overwriting it.

Will try the regeneration with that file and let you know.

That's fixed it :) Thanks Sheson!


Northern Roads has an issue with Dyndolod 169 where the solitude bridge will not load in the worldspace: https://postimg.cc/GHTXVP4X.

From what I can tell, this issue is happening because Northern Roads is overriding the vanilla reference of the bridge with a new one in the persistent Tamriel Worldspace which is causing Dyndolod to never load the bridge. When I take the record and move it into a new mod that isn't overriding the vanilla bridge record, it works as expected.

The editor ID of the offending reference is "COTN_SBridge01StoneRoad". Here is a picture of the record along with the hack I used to test: https://postimg.cc/1gfLqjkm

I did test this using just skyrim with only dyndolod/requirements and northern roads but my logs from it were deleted because I wiped that whole instance once I saw the issue wasn't with my modlist(I found the work around in my main list that has 1k+ plugins). If it would be helpful I could find time to recreate it.

  On 4/3/2024 at 8:41 PM, peterhabble said:

Northern Roads has an issue with Dyndolod 169 where the solitude bridge will not load in the worldspace: https://postimg.cc/GHTXVP4X.

From what I can tell, this issue is happening because Northern Roads is overriding the vanilla reference of the bridge with a new one in the persistent Tamriel Worldspace which is causing Dyndolod to never load the bridge. When I take the record and move it into a new mod that isn't overriding the vanilla bridge record, it works as expected.

The editor ID of the offending reference is "COTN_SBridge01StoneRoad". Here is a picture of the record along with the hack I used to test: https://postimg.cc/1gfLqjkm

I did test this using just skyrim with only dyndolod/requirements and northern roads but my logs from it were deleted because I wiped that whole instance once I saw the issue wasn't with my modlist(I found the work around in my main list that has 1k+ plugins). If it would be helpful I could find time to recreate it.


Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which entire DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Make a useful screenshot with more informative console of the full model when it is not missing as explained at https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots. Also see https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#xEdit-Screenshots

The screenshot of xEdit shows a record not being touched by any DynDOLOD plugins. It shows that Northern Roads makes a record persistent. It shows a plugin that sets the ignore flag, which usually means whatever the overwrite plugin does to the record is ignored by the game engine.

A reference being persistent or being made persistent by an overwrite is not the cause of the problem alone, obviously. The problem could probably related to a specific trigger of the large reference bugs that might only happens if the reference is persistent and also requires something else.

It is the game that loads and renders objects. DynDOLOD does not do that. DynDOLOD may control enable/disable states of reference.
Just because a reference is persistent does not cause the game to not load or render it under normal circumstances.

Does the issue happen after starting a new game?

You seem to indicate the issue is not happening with a load order that just has Northern Roads and DynDOLOD generated for it? Usurpingly the bridge shows for me with/without DynDOLOD just the same. So what else might be required for the issue to happen?


Hello! There was a question with DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 169, I did not find the necessary information in the FAQ. For some reason, the currently created DynDOLOD plugins are Header Version 1.8, and not 1.71? It should be? I have Skyrim AE version 1.6.640 (Backported Extended ESL Support installed).

Here's the log:


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