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Posted (edited)
  On 1/2/2023 at 12:21 PM, sheson said:

Add WorshipperACTI=0 under [DynDOLOD] in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE.ini, generate new DynDOLOD output and check if it makes a difference with the DynDOLOD DLL NG and Scripts.


Tested. The bug will not happened on the new generation.

Edited by blueetenicolet
  On 1/2/2023 at 2:44 PM, blueetenicolet said:

Tested. The bug will not happened on the new generation.


Thank you for all the tests. Will use that setting as default for the next version to avoid the issues in the future.

Still unclear why that would affect completely unrelated records that are no even part of the DynDOLOD plugins.

Posted (edited)
  On 1/2/2023 at 3:25 PM, sheson said:

Thank you for all the tests. Will use that setting as default for the next version to avoid the issues in the future.

Still unclear why that would affect completely unrelated records that are no even part of the DynDOLOD plugins.


Oh NO... Sorry i just realized I made a mistake while testing. I use the final test DLL to overwrite the NG DLL after generate. I noticed that just now and disable the final test DLL test again, the bug will still happens.

Edited by blueetenicolet

So I looked in papyrus log.  I see this error when I look for anything alduin related...Cannot open store for class "aaasurtestalduinduplicate", missing file?  Not sure what this means.

Posted (edited)

So I disabled all the mods and then enabled only the major/important ones.  Alternate start, jcontainers, bug fixes, papyrus, npc, all in one, ussep, mfgfix, fuz, skyui, heel sounds, fnis with creature moves pcea2 spells, xp32, engine fixes, console util, race menu, dyndolod resources. I see him at campsite.  Use Loot and vortex on 1.5.97 downgrade patcher (not using 4 free ccs).  When I add NG dll, I don't see him...again only hear him go over me.  I included log with NG papyrus1.  When I install dyndolod dll scripts 2.82.4 and dyndolod dll skse64 plugin for 1.5.97...disabling NG dll, I see him fly over me.  Log papyrus2.  I thought it might have been one of my mods messing things up...have over 1075 plugins...240ish active, or maybe "dirty" data folder with uninstalling mods, etc.  I was hoping it was my mistake and needed to remove a mod or something I could fix on my end.  Something not compatible for some reason.  I'm still hoping it's still me.  But it doesn't appear to be that from what I can see/tell.  Any ideas?  I'm stumped.  I am happy with the 2 dlls that work, but would like the NG dll to work more since that is your latest addition to dyndolod.  Thank you.  Also, I am using Skyrim re-engaged enb.

Papyrus.2.logFetching info... Papyrus.1.logFetching info...

Edited by Kansas72
  On 1/2/2023 at 3:53 PM, blueetenicolet said:

Oh NO... Sorry i just realized I made a mistake while testing. I use the final test DLL to overwrite the NG DLL after generate. I noticed that just now and disable the final test DLL test again, the bug will still happens.


Darn. OK I will look into this more tomorrow.


Getting this Error code on the back end of generating DynDLOD


Load order FileID [7E] can not be mapped to file FileID for file "DynDOLOD.esm"
[1:17:04] 00000000 ???                                           
00fde228 DynDOLODx64.exe DynDOLODResourceStrings   848 dynMessageDialog
00fd5579 DynDOLODx64.exe xeMainForm              21210 TLODGenThread.Execute
005dda30 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes                ThreadProc
0042a465 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM                  2540 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041214a DynDOLODx64.exe System                        ThreadWrapper
005116b9 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                     ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc19eb KERNEL32.DLL                                  BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1a2a ntdll.dll                                     RtlUserThreadStart
[1:17:04] [TMessageDialog.Dialog] <Debug: Creating TTaskDialog>
[1:17:04] [TMessageDialog.Dialog] <Debug: [TMessageDialog.Dialog] Executing TTaskDialog>
Error: Load order FileID [7E] can not be mapped to file FileID for file "DynDOLOD.esm"
[1:21:26] [TMessageDialog.Dialog] <Debug: Gathering>
User says "Exit DynDOLOD"


Can someone help me understand this so i can fix this. This error code popped after i updated the DynDLOD, DynDLOD Resources 3, and all associated files

  On 1/2/2023 at 11:42 PM, P1r0th34 said:

Getting this Error code on the back end of generating DynDLOD

Load order FileID [7E] can not be mapped to file FileID for file "DynDOLOD.esm"
[1:17:04] 00000000 ???                                           
00fde228 DynDOLODx64.exe DynDOLODResourceStrings   848 dynMessageDialog
00fd5579 DynDOLODx64.exe xeMainForm              21210 TLODGenThread.Execute
005dda30 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes                ThreadProc
0042a465 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM                  2540 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041214a DynDOLODx64.exe System                        ThreadWrapper
005116b9 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                     ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc19eb KERNEL32.DLL                                  BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1a2a ntdll.dll                                     RtlUserThreadStart
[1:17:04] [TMessageDialog.Dialog] <Debug: Creating TTaskDialog>
[1:17:04] [TMessageDialog.Dialog] <Debug: [TMessageDialog.Dialog] Executing TTaskDialog>
Error: Load order FileID [7E] can not be mapped to file FileID for file "DynDOLOD.esm"
[1:21:26] [TMessageDialog.Dialog] <Debug: Gathering>
User says "Exit DynDOLOD"

Can someone help me understand this so i can fix this. This error code popped after i updated the DynDLOD, DynDLOD Resources 3, and all associated files


Moved to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread. Read the first post which log, debug log and bugreport.txt to upload when making posts.

Use 7-Zip to unpack the DynDOLOD Standalone archive into a new and empty 'DynDOLOD' directory that is outside of special OS folders like 'Programs Files' or 'Program Files (x86)', User, Documents, Desktop, Download and also not in SteamApps, game, Data or any mod manager folders. For example C:\Modding\DynDOLOD\.

You can not update existing DynDOLOD plugins made with older versions. Generate from scratch. https://dyndolod.info/Updating#New-DynDOLOD-Version

  On 1/2/2023 at 4:46 PM, blueetenicolet said:

So my temporary way to fix it is use NG DLL scripts to generate, and use final test DLL to overwrite after generate, and enter game. Seems the LOD working well.


Please test with version 1 (rename from *.1dll to just .dll), I expect the issue to still happen.

Then test with version 2 (rename from *.2dll to dll), I expect the issue not to happen. This is just a test, not really a fix just yet.

Post a list of all other DLL plugins that are installed.

  On 1/3/2023 at 11:24 AM, sheson said:

Please test with version 1 (rename from *.1dll to just .dll), I expect the issue to still happen.

Then test with version 2 (rename from *.2dll to dll), I expect the issue not to happen. This is just a test, not really a fix just yet.

Post a list of all other DLL plugins that are installed.


You mean generate LOD with version1/2 or just test the bug with them?

Posted (edited)
  On 1/3/2023 at 12:14 PM, sheson said:

No need to generate LOD, just drop-in the different DLLs into a load order that has the issue to test.



The LOD is generate with NG DLL and WorshipperACTI=0.

use version1 (SE DLL) to test, still happens.

use version2, not happen.

And here's a new .Net crash log (the crash is caused by somthing other but not DynDOLOD i think), it contains the plugin informations(sorry i don't know other way to post the dll list XD)

Crash_2023_1_3_20-13-26.txtFetching info...

Edited by blueetenicolet
Posted (edited)

I have tried read the "damaged" save with version 2 DLL, the quest target pointer still not displayed, so i think the bug is happend when save the game.

Edited by blueetenicolet

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