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Posted (edited)
  On 12/16/2022 at 3:42 PM, sheson said:


The game does not know that grass has LOD and that object LOD should only be disabled for the cell once grass loaded.

Make full grass load faster by using the grass cache.


OK, i understand but as i use seasons i cannot use the grass cache (except for generating the grass lods) and use the default game engine to generate grass as you suggested here (https://dyndolod.info/Help/Seasons)

So i guess no option for me then?

Edited by vektor9999

Following up on 3D LOD models from Lush Vanilla Trees, I'm not going to use them after all for various reasons which have nothing to do with DynDOLOD: they don't use my textures, they use textures\dyndolod\lod\dyndolodtreelod.dds and they're much too bright. It would take forever to redo the UV mappings, tweak the vertex colors, and I don't have the tools or skills to do it anyway.

I'm thinking of cheating and copying the vanilla 3D LOD models from DynDOLOD Resources, then insert the CRC32s from LVT models on the copies' filenames. They won't have the same number of branches as LVT, but they look much better brightness-wise and they use the user's textures. The discrepancy in "lushiness" is probably going to look very wrong in-game, but it's worth a try.


  • Out of curiosity, what is textures\dyndolod\lod\dyndolodtreelod.dds in DynDOLOD Resources? It appears to be an atlas of vanilla tree textures. What is it used for normally? Isn't it strange that the 3D LOD models of LVT are using it, or is it a legacy of DynDOLOD 2.x maybe?
  • Are there any gotchas from fooling DynDOLOD by using CRC32s from other full models, other than breaking the rules and causing support headaches for you? :)


  On 12/17/2022 at 4:32 AM, Mousetick said:

Following up on 3D LOD models from Lush Vanilla Trees, I'm not going to use them after all for various reasons which have nothing to do with DynDOLOD: they don't use my textures, they use textures\dyndolod\lod\dyndolodtreelod.dds and they're much too bright. It would take forever to redo the UV mappings, tweak the vertex colors, and I don't have the tools or skills to do it anyway.

I'm thinking of cheating and copying the vanilla 3D LOD models from DynDOLOD Resources, then insert the CRC32s from LVT models on the copies' filenames. They won't have the same number of branches as LVT, but they look much better brightness-wise and they use the user's textures. The discrepancy in "lushiness" is probably going to look very wrong in-game, but it's worth a try.


  • Out of curiosity, what is textures\dyndolod\lod\dyndolodtreelod.dds in DynDOLOD Resources? It appears to be an atlas of vanilla tree textures. What is it used for normally? Isn't it strange that the 3D LOD models of LVT are using it, or is it a legacy of DynDOLOD 2.x maybe?
  • Are there any gotchas from fooling DynDOLOD by using CRC32s from other full models, other than breaking the rules and causing support headaches for you? :)



Being able to render textures is a new feature. Read ..\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Docs\trees.ultra\tools\DynDOLOD_CreateStaticTree.html in the DynDOLOD 2 archive about using the manually created atlas texture for 3D tree LOD creation and then read https://dyndolod.info/Help/3D-Tree-LOD-Model for the new process separating full trees into trunk and crown meshes.

Do not use, rename or make available 3D tree LOD models with a CRC32 in the filename that do not match their full model. Create matching 3D tree LOD models from the full models or use automatically generated billboards. The CRC32 solves the problem of users being unable to deal with overwrite orders and mixing and merging different tree mods or versions. When people complain about generating LOD being complicated, this is the main reason. Do not add to the number of mods doing things wrong on purpose or because of ignorance.

If the solution to a problem is to do something wrong on purpose, then you are wasting your time and the time of others. Spend that time to learn and how to do things properly right away.


  On 12/17/2022 at 5:30 AM, sheson said:

If the solution to a problem is to do something wrong on purpose, then you are wasting your time and the time of others. Spend that time to learn and how to do things properly right away.



Ok, I got the message :) My apologies for potentially giving others the wrong ideas.

For the record, to be perfectly clear: I'm not a mod author. I don't make mods, I don't publish or distribute my own "work", I don't publish or distribute the modified "work" of others. I'm merely using mods and fiddling with them for my own exclusive, private consumption, for the purpose of playing Skyrim. I'm not interested in learning how to make 3D LOD models, for DynDOLOD 2 or 3. I'm only interested in using models that other people, actual mod authors, have made.

Anyway, to conclude the experiment with LVT, which showed that its 3D LOD models are not designed to work with DynDOLOD 3, even with the correct CRC32s, as they don't produce the results one would expect, you might want to add a new list to https://dyndolod.info/Help/Ultra-Tree-LOD, for "mods that include 3D LOD models but are known to not be compatible with DynDOLOD 3's Ultra Trees mode". LVT would fall into that category.


Posted (edited)
  On 12/16/2022 at 4:39 PM, sheson said:

No cache then. Make sure to set [Grass] bEnableGrassFade=0


You are my savior, indeed while not 100% perfect it improved a lot with that setting!!!

Thank you very much!!!

Edited by vektor9999
  On 12/16/2022 at 3:39 PM, sheson said:

https://dyndolod.info/FAQ "High memory usage / Out of memory"
Use the x64 versions of the tools. Let the OS handle virtual memory/page file settings. Close other programs and background processes.
If TexGen runs out of memory, add a line TextureCache=10 to ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\TexGen_[GAME MODE].INI. Try lower settings. Make sure as much video memory as possible is available by closing other programs.


Dammit, I tried not to be one of those guys that didn't rtfm too. Lol

Thanks for your patience. I'll try the suggestions today. I had thought the x64 versions were for SE only.

  On 12/17/2022 at 10:51 AM, Khermiit said:

Dammit, I tried not to be one of those guys that didn't rtfm too. Lol

Thanks for your patience. I'll try the suggestions today. I had thought the x64 versions were for SE only.


Use the x64 versions of DynDOLOD/TexGen. The x86 versions may run into memory errors especially with large texture resolution settings and are included in case a x86 OS is used. They are functionally identical, the only difference is the supported CPU architecture.

  On 12/17/2022 at 11:23 AM, sheson said:

Use the x64 versions of DynDOLOD/TexGen. The x86 versions may run into memory errors especially with large texture resolution settings and are included in case a x86 OS is used. They are functionally identical, the only difference is the supported CPU architecture.


Switching to the x64 tools solved all issues. Didn't even have to alter the TexGen ini. I was even able to run it on much higher settings than previously.
You are a gentleman and a scholar. I would like to send a tip. Which do you prefer... the Kofi link,  or the paypal link back to Step Modifications?

Posted (edited)


I appear to be encountering issues with the Sovngarde Braziers due to Dyndolod 3.0 106 and ELFX?





The settings I am using are these; oddly enough I don't even have FXGlow or Candles enabled for lod... maybe fake lights in child worlds?





Edited by Soulmancer
  On 12/17/2022 at 3:07 PM, Khermiit said:

Switching to the x64 tools solved all issues. Didn't even have to alter the TexGen ini. I was even able to run it on much higher settings than previously.
You are a gentleman and a scholar. I would like to send a tip. Which do you prefer... the Kofi link,  or the paypal link back to Step Modifications?


Either is fine and appreciated. You either support me directly or this support forum.

  On 12/17/2022 at 3:30 PM, Soulmancer said:


I appear to be encountering issues with the Sovngarde Braziers due to Dyndolod 3.0 106 and ELFX?





The settings I am using are these; oddly enough I don't even have FXGlow or Candles enabled for lod... maybe fake lights in child worlds?



Read the first post which log and debug log to upload when making posts.

A screenshot alone does not substitute describing the issue with text. "This" is not a problem description.

fxglowdefault_dyndolod_lod.nif is used for fake lights https://dyndolod.info/Help/Glow-LOD#Fake-Lights that are added for references using LIGH base records and has nothing to do with mesh rules for candles or fxglow[fill|flat]*.nif meshes.

The reference could have only been added if Fake lights selected world was checked or you have a mod that changes Sovnguard into a child worldspace or moved the reference into a (new) childworld space of Sovnguard while Fake lights child world was checked. 

Posted (edited)

Hello, I'm using Large Reference Bugs Workarounds( DynDOLOD version Alpha-106), so I follow the guide to use DynDOLOD PapyrusUtil SE - Scripts 3 (3.0 - Alpha1)

But I got a notification "DynDOLOD_None.json file not found" every time I first enter a new exterior world after generate DynDOLOD.

After compare the SHESON_DynDOLOD_Master.psc from 3.0 - Alpha1 and  3.0 - Alpha29 i think i found something wrong, so i add


MyWorld = StringUtil.SubString(self.GetWorldspace() As String, 13, StringUtil.Find(self.GetWorldspace() As String, "(") - 14)

before MyImportFileName =... and compile it.

Then seems the issue fixed. The notification became "DynDOLOD successfully initialized"

May be the script source that Large Reference Bugs Workarounds required needs an update?

Edited by blueetenicolet
  On 12/17/2022 at 5:05 PM, blueetenicolet said:

Hello, I'm using Large Reference Bugs Workarounds( DynDOLOD version Alpha-106), so I follow the guide to use DynDOLOD PapyrusUtil SE - Scripts 3 (3.0 - Alpha1)

But I got a notification "DynDOLOD_None.json file not found" every time I first enter a new exterior world after generate DynDOLOD.

After compare the SHESON_DynDOLOD_Master.psc from 3.0 - Alpha1 and  3.0 - Alpha29 i think i found something wrong, so i add


MyWorld = StringUtil.SubString(self.GetWorldspace() As String, 13, StringUtil.Find(self.GetWorldspace() As String, "(") - 14)

before MyImportFileName =... and compile it.

Then seems the issue fixed. The notification became "DynDOLOD successfully initialized"

May be the script source that Large Reference Bugs Workarounds required needs an update?


Read the first post which log ande debug log to upload when making reports.
Also upload the papyrus log.

Do not make assumptions or try to fix things. self.worldpace is incorrect.
See https://dyndolod.info/FAQ "DynDOLOD could/can not read/find *"

Make sure to use a new or a clean save. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Clean-Save

Download scripts again from alternative mega link.
Make sure nothing overwrites the Scripts 3 files for either PapyrusUtill or DynDOLOD.DLL depending on what you are currently testing.

Test with the alternative DynDOLOD DLL.

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