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  On 9/23/2022 at 11:46 AM, sheson said:

This mod overwrites large references in its default state. So it triggers the bugs.

To counter this, the plugin initially disables every large reference (via an enable parent marker) that has visual flicker (but for example not the large mountainrocks, since their full model and LOD model do not share same 3D space as obviously, you can use the spire 00106C9E to test if the full model and its LOD are both loaded) and adds the bridge as new non large references. It comes with its own object LOD BTO file which has the LOD for bridge added as normal references as well. So by itself the mod appears visually fine and continues to look fine when LOD is generated with DynDOLOD.

Flagging the plugin ESM does not help or change that. The bugs caused by the via enable parent initially disabled large refs are visually still not obvious.

Once you make the new references large refs, the bugs will become obvious again.

If you have the time you could test this:
With the plugin flagged as ESM but not large refs generated yet, bring up the marker xx4E43C3 and check its referenced by tab. Remove the enable parent from all listed large references. Set their deleted flag. Clean the plugin afterwards to make proper UDRs out of them. Then generate LOD with DynDOLOD and test if bugs are still triggered by checking the spire 00106C9E.
If bugs do not happen anymore, generate large refs and LOD and see if things still work as they should.

If bugs still happen, send me the edited plugin for further reviews. It is always possible there is more than one cause.

Ignore the entrance 00106e5f of the bridge in the next cell over for now and remember that cell has vanilla bugs or add these two lines back to ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Rules\DynDOLOD_SSE_skyrimesm_tamriel.patch which add a new non large ref and then "deletes" the large ref.

It is OK if you decide not to do that test and just see if the large ref workarounds do their job sufficiently without problems.


Just finished doing the tests. After converting the records to proper UDRs and generating the LOD there were no bugs, disabling the spire reference showed no LOD underneath. However, after generating large refs and LOD the bugs returned. I checked all the added large references in that cell but couldn't find any obvious causes of this. Here's the plugin if you want to look into it further. I'm personally satisfied with using the workarounds though as they seem to be working well, so if you have other things demanding your time there's no need to spend it on this, at least not on my account. :)

  On 9/23/2022 at 6:00 PM, member282 said:

Hello, I tried to find if anyone else had this error, but there was only one post I could only see from google and it looks like it  was removed or moved. 

When trying to run Dyndolod from Vortex tools I get this error:

Error: DynDOLOD Resources SE core files newer than DynDOLOD Standalone.

Use DynDOLOD Standalone 3.00 or newer. 

I am using both the 3.0 versions. Specifically Alpha-98 and Alpha-28 as it says on the Nexus pages. 
Here is the DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt, the only other that is in the log folder are TexGen_SSE_log.txt (which TexGen ran successfully and I was able to add it to Vortex), and a blank file of becauseofreasons.txt.
My game is 1.5.97 since I decided to roll it back from the newer game update, though I'm not sure that information is helpful, I'm fairly new to modding in general. 
Initially I did accidentally install the 1.6.40 version of DLL SE - SKSE64 Plugin, but I removed it right afterwards and got the correct 1.5.97 version. 

Thank you in advance


Read the log uploaded. It tells you the DynDOLOD version is 2.97 (from the 2.98 download archive most likely)

You can not use the DynDOLOD Resources SE 3 Alpha with DynDOLOD 2.x.

Use 7-Zip to unpack the DynDOLOD Standalone archive into a new and empty 'DynDOLOD' directory that is outside of special OS folders like 'Programs Files' or 'Program Files (x86)', User, Documents, Desktop, Download and also not in SteamApps, game, Data or any mod manager folders. For example C:\Modding\DynDOLOD\.

Make sure to start the DynDOLODx64.exe from the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha installation folder.

  On 9/23/2022 at 7:03 PM, Blackread said:

Just finished doing the tests. After converting the records to proper UDRs and generating the LOD there were no bugs, disabling the spire reference showed no LOD underneath. However, after generating large refs and LOD the bugs returned. I checked all the added large references in that cell but couldn't find any obvious causes of this. Here's the plugin if you want to look into it further. I'm personally satisfied with using the workarounds though as they seem to be working well, so if you have other things demanding your time there's no need to spend it on this, at least not on my account. :)


Thanks for the plugin. Still need to make sure that DynDOLOD does not itself create bugs. The fewer there are the better, also with the workarounds.

  On 9/23/2022 at 5:14 PM, sheson said:

The debug log shows OcclusionMaxThreads=2. Set OcclusionMaxThreads=1

However, it should be apparent that something is very wrong when LODGen takes several hours to generate LOD for worldspace.

You probably have too hi-res tree 3D LOD models and/or there is just too much grass. I am not entirely sure what the main tree mod is, but make sure to use one that has optimized 3D tree LOD models or just use Billboards instead.
In addition, you instructed to generate 3D tree LOD for all 3 object LOD Levels. Use Billboards for the higher LOD levels instead.

Regarding grass see https://dyndolod.info/Help/Grass-LOD. Do not use SuperDenseGrass when generating the grass cache and also make sure to "LODGen takes a long time or uses a lot of memory"

If the object LOD meshes are getting too huge because of the settings and LOD models, then you need to cut down on that.

Also see https://dyndolod.info/FAQ "Long running time or output several GB in file size".

If you are worried about problematic plugins/records, pay attention to the log message about deleted reference, HITMEs etc. https://dyndolod.info/Messages
Clean every plugin that LOOT tells you to clean, clean every plugin that has deleted references. Quick autoclean is safe when following the instruction. Follow proper modding guide if necessary. Ignoring errors and hoping for the best is never the right option.


So I have some good news and bad news...

Good news: 

-dyndolod doesn't take hours anymore its more like 5-10 minutes again since i turned a lot of stuff down and used billboards instead

-I think i found out why those whiterun stable trees dont render from far away:

explanation- The tree mod causing the issue is this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16230?tab=description "whiterun trees overhaul", turns out when i checked the download file it literally only includes a esp file and not any textures,billboard or lod files. I checked its requirements and found out that "Skyrim 3D trees and plants" was a optional file to work alongside it, but I already have a another skyrim tree model replacer mod - "Veydogolt Trees" and it includes its own billboard and lod files for generation which actually works ingame for other trees outside whiterun but for some reason it doesn't work for the "whiterun trees overhaul". "Skyrim 3D trees and plants" also has its own files needed for lod and texgen so i can assume this is why those trees are not showing up at all, which makes sense now. Veydogolt Trees has its own whiterun tree addition mod - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/63251 which i will be trying next to see if anything changes with the render distance.

Bad news:

-Tree still doesn't render from far(i will be changing tree mods for the reason stated above so this issue in not that problematic anymore)

-Whiterun walls seem to be flickering in and out of 2 textures or something see video for reference: https://imgur.com/a/xvJkyhW

I'll be back to report my testing to see if the other whiterun tree mod has the same issue. Thanks for the help so far i really appreciate it.




Posted (edited)
  On 9/23/2022 at 9:28 AM, sheson said:

I did not ask for screenshots, information from or to troubleshoot older versions. Read the first post.


I was only trying to show Alpha95 is fine with my setup.

Now with Alpha98, for xLODGen Beta95, I removed the mipmap on xLODGen, made the Default size Diffuse/Normal 256, and format BC7 max which is what they were listed before, and I didn't use Grass Complex mods installed, so no HD Grass, these are the only two differences I made this time.

Now DynDOLOD crashes on me, and the log says this;

Error processing grass data C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Grass\Tamrielx0045y-027.gid Unable to read beyond the end of the stream. 

hmm :(

P.S. I went back and this time installed the Complex Grass, but I didn't generate the grass cache with it installed, and I kept the mipmap unchecked in xLODGen, and for the Default size Diffuse/Normal put both on none, but it still crashed on me, the same error.

So now, the only thing I've not done differently here is not generated the grass cache with the ENB Complex Grass installed. It seems like the only way to make Alpha98 work is the ENB Complex Grass has to be installed when generating the grass cache.

Edited by mooit
Posted (edited)

xLODGen Beta 95 now kept crashing on me too, and there were no messages in the log, so I reverted back to Beta 94, and I installed the ENB Complex Grass and generated the grass cache then tested this all over, now I was able to get DynDOLOD to complete and not crash too.

I tested without the terrain LOD meshes from xLODGen enabled, and I tested without the DynDOLOD Occlusion plugins active.

Still the same problem, no grass/trees/objects in the distance.

Here's screen shots at Whiterun with Alpha98.

1. Alpha98 — Freeimage.host

2. Alpha98 — Freeimage.host



DynDOLOD_SSE_Debug_log (mediafire.com)

DynDOLOD_SSE_log (mediafire.com)

LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log (mediafire.com)

TexGen_SSE_Debug_log (mediafire.com)

TexGen_SSE_log (mediafire.com)

Edited by mooit
  On 9/23/2022 at 9:55 PM, Smokey said:

So I have some good news and bad news...

Good news:

-dyndolod doesn't take hours anymore its more like 5-10 minutes again since i turned a lot of stuff down and used billboards instead

-I think i found out why those whiterun stable trees dont render from far away:

explanation- The tree mod causing the issue is this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16230?tab=description "whiterun trees overhaul", turns out when i checked the download file it literally only includes a esp file and not any textures,billboard or lod files. I checked its requirements and found out that "Skyrim 3D trees and plants" was a optional file to work alongside it, but I already have a another skyrim tree model replacer mod - "Veydogolt Trees" and it includes its own billboard and lod files for generation which actually works ingame for other trees outside whiterun but for some reason it doesn't work for the "whiterun trees overhaul". "Skyrim 3D trees and plants" also has its own files needed for lod and texgen so i can assume this is why those trees are not showing up at all, which makes sense now. Veydogolt Trees has its own whiterun tree addition mod - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/63251 which i will be trying next to see if anything changes with the render distance.

Bad news:

-Tree still doesn't render from far(i will be changing tree mods for the reason stated above so this issue in not that problematic anymore)

-Whiterun walls seem to be flickering in and out of 2 textures or something see video for reference: https://imgur.com/a/xvJkyhW

I'll be back to report my testing to see if the other whiterun tree mod has the same issue. Thanks for the help so far i really appreciate it.


Do not install any third party billboards. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Tree-Grass-LOD-Billboards#3rd-Party-LOD-Billboards
Use TexGen to generate all billboards. https://dyndolod.info/Help/TexGen#Tree-Grass-LOD-Billboards
Make sure all desired billboards are generated. https://dyndolod.info/Help/TexGen-Configuration#Tree-Grass-LOD-Billboards

For 3D tree LOD models, make sure they are actually somewhat optimized and just not copies of the full model.

See answers for "Object LOD model and full model show at the same time causing texture flicker" at https://dyndolod.info/FAQ

  On 9/23/2022 at 10:38 PM, mooit said:

I was only trying to show Alpha95 is fine with my setup.

Now with Alpha98, for xLODGen Beta95, I removed the mipmap on xLODGen, made the Default size Diffuse/Normal 256, and format BC7 max which is what they were listed before, and I didn't use Grass Complex mods installed, so no HD Grass, these are the only two differences I made this time.

Now DynDOLOD crashes on me, and the log says this;

Error processing grass data C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Grass\Tamrielx0045y-027.gid Unable to read beyond the end of the stream. 

hmm :(

P.S. I went back and this time installed the Complex Grass, but I didn't generate the grass cache with it installed, and I kept the mipmap unchecked in xLODGen, and for the Default size Diffuse/Normal put both on none, but it still crashed on me, the same error.

So now, the only thing I've not done differently here is not generated the grass cache with the ENB Complex Grass installed. It seems like the only way to make Alpha98 work is the ENB Complex Grass has to be installed when generating the grass cache.


As explained on the first post, "do not waste time using older versions or reporting problems with older versions."

Since xLODGen seems irrelavent for this issues, you do not need to redo any terrain LOD or mention it at all. If you have questions or problems regarding xLODGen or terrain LOD generation use the xLODGen thread https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/13451-xlodgen-terrain-lod-beta-95-for-fnv-fo3-fo4-fo4vr-tes5-sse-tes5vr-enderal-enderalse/

As explained at https://dyndolod.info/Help/Grass-LOD, grass cache needs to be generated for the current load order. The grass cache contains grass model and grass placement information. Changing only the grass textures typically does not require updating the grass cache.

See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Grass-LOD#Error-reading-grass-worldspace-x-y-Error-processing-grass-data-CGID-Unable-to-read-beyond-the-end-of-the-stream-System-IO-EndOfStreamException

  On 9/24/2022 at 2:13 AM, mooit said:

xLODGen Beta 95 now kept crashing on me too, and there were no messages in the log, so I reverted back to Beta 94, and I installed the ENB Complex Grass and generated the grass cache then tested this all over, now I was able to get DynDOLOD to complete and not crash too.

I tested without the terrain LOD meshes from xLODGen enabled, and I tested without the DynDOLOD Occlusion plugins active.

Still the same problem, no grass/trees/objects in the distance.

Here's screen shots at Whiterun with Alpha98.

1. Alpha98 — Freeimage.host

2. Alpha98 — Freeimage.host



DynDOLOD_SSE_Debug_log (mediafire.com)

DynDOLOD_SSE_log (mediafire.com)

LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log (mediafire.com)

TexGen_SSE_Debug_log (mediafire.com)

TexGen_SSE_log (mediafire.com)


DynDOLOD does not affect grass cache generation.

While the log reports issue in plugins that should be fixed, the object LOD generation seems to have worked fine.

Does the object LOD Level 16 show on the map?

Do you use any mods changing INI settings on the fly, like  FPS stabilizer?

Doublecheck the object LOD distances in the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM Settings page.
Make sure the nearest level uses lower distance value compared to the setting for the higher object LOD Levels.

Test with the vanilla game and INIs and only the object LOD meshes and textures from the DynDOLOD output.

Use the coc or cow console commands from main menu to test with a new game.

Posted (edited)

I'm getting a .Net crash with error code 0434352 trying to perform a LODGen on one of my Worldspaces (the Chanterelle2 worldspace in the Chanterelle mod). All other worldspaces generate without errors. Error is below:


  Reveal hidden contents


I've spent the last couple days trying to solve the problem myself, but I'm out of ideas. Things I've tried include updating the .Net application and runtime to the latest versions, running the .Net fix program, running with elevated admin privileges, and turning off my antivirus. The error check in xedit comes up clean. If anyone can steer me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. Logs are here.

Edited by Glanzer
bad link
  On 9/24/2022 at 7:23 PM, Glanzer said:

I'm getting a .Net crash with error code 0434352 trying to perform a LODGen on one of my Worldspaces (the Chanterelle2 worldspace in the Chanterelle mod). All other worldspaces generate without errors. Error is below:


  Reveal hidden contents

I've spent the last couple days trying to solve the problem myself, but I'm out of ideas. Things I've tried include updating the .Net application and runtime to the latest versions, running the .Net fix program, running with elevated admin privileges, and turning off my antivirus. The error check in xedit comes up clean. If anyone can steer me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. Logs are here.



Read the first post which log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Also upload the LODGen log(s) for the worldspace(s)

  On 9/24/2022 at 7:23 PM, Glanzer said:

I'm getting a .Net crash with error code 0434352 trying to perform a LODGen on one of my Worldspaces (the Chanterelle2 worldspace in the Chanterelle mod). All other worldspaces generate without errors. Error is below:


  Reveal hidden contents


I've spent the last couple days trying to solve the problem myself, but I'm out of ideas. Things I've tried include updating the .Net application and runtime to the latest versions, running the .Net fix program, running with elevated admin privileges, and turning off my antivirus. The error check in xedit comes up clean. If anyone can steer me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. Logs are here.


Test what happens using LODGenx64.exe instead. Move LODGenx64Win.exe or renaming it.

Use expert mode and execute LODGen for the worldspace.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/24/2022 at 7:30 PM, sheson said:

Read the first post which log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Also upload the LODGen log(s) for the worldspace(s)


I uploaded all of those, the link is in my message. EDIT: oh just saw your 2nd message. I'll try that. Yes I've been using expert mode to just run execute lodgen for just that worldspace to save time.

Edited by Glanzer
Posted (edited)
  On 9/24/2022 at 8:36 AM, sheson said:

As explained on the first post, "do not waste time using older versions or reporting problems with older versions."

Since xLODGen seems irrelavent for this issues, you do not need to redo any terrain LOD or mention it at all. If you have questions or problems regarding xLODGen or terrain LOD generation use the xLODGen thread https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/13451-xlodgen-terrain-lod-beta-95-for-fnv-fo3-fo4-fo4vr-tes5-sse-tes5vr-enderal-enderalse/

As explained at https://dyndolod.info/Help/Grass-LOD, grass cache needs to be generated for the current load order. The grass cache contains grass model and grass placement information. Changing only the grass textures typically does not require updating the grass cache.

See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Grass-LOD#Error-reading-grass-worldspace-x-y-Error-processing-grass-data-CGID-Unable-to-read-beyond-the-end-of-the-stream-System-IO-EndOfStreamException

DynDOLOD does not affect grass cache generation.

While the log reports issue in plugins that should be fixed, the object LOD generation seems to have worked fine.

Does the object LOD Level 16 show on the map?

Do you use any mods changing INI settings on the fly, like  FPS stabilizer?

Doublecheck the object LOD distances in the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM Settings page.
Make sure the nearest level uses lower distance value compared to the setting for the higher object LOD Levels.

Test with the vanilla game and INIs and only the object LOD meshes and textures from the DynDOLOD output.

Use the coc or cow console commands from main menu to test with a new game.


I wasn't reporting problems with older versions, I only showed you screen shots of Alpha95, so everyone can see that at least this version works.

I'm not sure anything can be done to fix this on my end, because if my setup wasn't correct, then Alpha95 shouldn't work too.

I'm not using mods changing INI settings on the fly, like FPS stabilizer. 

Has anything changed in Alpha98, where some mods could be outdated? But I'm using Majestic Mountains and EVT, but mountains and EVT aren't being rendered in the distance. My grass is Folkvangr.

The grass cache has been generated as it should be, it's been done correctly.

xLODGen has been done correctly...

TexGen has been done correctly...

There is nothing rendered, if I am saying this correctly beyond object LOD 4, so no for 16, I posted two screen shots of Alpha 98, not rendering anything in the distance.

object LOD distances are fine in the MCM...

I've attached my modlist...


P.S. Going to go test with Vanilla...


modlist.txtFetching info...

Edited by mooit
  On 9/24/2022 at 9:21 PM, mooit said:

There is nothing rendered, if I am saying this correctly beyond object LOD 4, so no for 16, I posted two screen shots of Alpha 98, not rendering anything in the distance.

object LOD distances are fine in the MCM...


P.S. Going to go test with Vanilla...


LOD4 starts beyond the active cells. The screenshot seems to shows that there is no object LOD whatsoever of any LOD level. It will be more obvious when you disable large references.

Post a screenshot of the SkyUI MCM Settings - which means only for that to enable the DynDOLOD plugins again. Do any other tests without them again. Only the meshes/textures form the output.

Does the object LOD Level 16 show on the map?

Do you use any mods changing INI settings on the fly, like  FPS stabilizer?

Posted (edited)

Well well well, I disabled all the mods in MO2, and only left enabled DynDOLOD Resources and DynDOLOD with the occlusion disabled and loaded it Vanilla and it bloody worked!

What the flip, now I have no idea why Alpha95 runs and 98 won't... :( 

But I hope this helps with this piece of the puzzle. hmm ;/

Here's the DynDOLOD settings;

DynDOLOD MCM — Freeimage.host

Here are two screen shots Vanilla at Whiterun, only DynDOLOD Resources and DynDOLOD with the occlusion disabled.

1. Vanilla Alpha98 — Freeimage.host

2. Vanilla Alpha98 — Freeimage.host


Does the object LOD Level 16 show on the map? - > no object LOD

These are the screen shots I posted before for Alpha98 so you can see there is no object LOD;

1. Alpha98 — Freeimage.host

2. Alpha98 — Freeimage.host

Do you use any mods changing INI settings on the fly, like  FPS stabilizer? -> No

Edited by mooit

Type the following into the in game console and report the result. @mooit

getini "uLockedObjectLOD:MapMenu"

I have seen cases where this ini setting can block lod from loading if set wrong for the given lod setup. If the result is 32, ensure that you set up DynDOLOD to generate level 32.

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