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Never mind, I read that mod page and the comments, that mod was made with enb in mind, so a lot of tweaking would probably be needed in texgen to get a good look.

  On 10/3/2021 at 12:54 AM, mostwanted11 said:

Hello, I'm having an issue with the grass on the latest dyndolod release, the grass lod does not match the grass plugin I have. I'm using Folkvangr mod. I created a texgen, chcked grass, created the grass cache then finally used dyndolod. https://ibb.co/8m6DGjR Here's a demonstration of the issue. Also, I'm using jedi trees but the lods don't look good imo. Is there something I can tweak to improve how it looks? thanks.


Read the second post or ..\DynDOLOD\docs\help\GrassLOD.html how to adjust grass brightness and color tone.  Weather mods and especially ENB image base lighting have a big influence on grass LOD brightness and color. Consider change those.

Read the answers for FAQ: Game: Tree LOD: LOD trees do not match close-up full model trees.

If you want better billboard tree LOD,  use ultra tree LOD and generate HD Billboards with TexGen and set Billboard4 for the tree mesh mask rule. Other wise install or create 3D tree LOD assets for the tree mod you are using.



Hello Sheson, I am trying to setup Grass LOD for my current game and have run into a problem with the visuals. 

After Setting object bounds in creation kit, doing the math and setting the object bounds in the dydolod.ini, generating grass cache, creating the Texgen, and then running dyndolod, I COCed whiterun to see the results were poor. https://imgur.com/a/PFbZwe8

I completely updated my DynDOLOD before generating. The files in Texgen's preview button looks fine and the files that TexGen created look fine, all three grasses this mod adds looks like the one in the pictures. The only abnormal thing I did was only create grass with TexGen by unmarking everything else and export it into a seperate empty mod so I could enable and disable to switch between no grass and grass incase fps was a struggle or something wasn't right. What's the problem and how do I fix it? Any questions or more information I can supply you need please ask, I want to get the bottom of this.



TexGen preview: https://imgur.com/a/DIy9vA5

TexGen created: https://imgur.com/a/3XgoDNG

I will generate another grass cache using a different grass mod tonight and see if the results are the same. 

The current grass mod I'm using is Realistic Grass Field by ArtByMari (1k version) and this is what the texture file from the mod looks like: https://imgur.com/a/WBFr0cn and the mesh: https://imgur.com/a/TH1Luwl Second image is with it selected.

TexGen Log: https://easyupload.io/pl29l6

Dyndolod Log: https://easyupload.io/nayp3y

  On 10/3/2021 at 7:06 AM, RulerOfWorlds said:

Hello Sheson, I am trying to setup Grass LOD for my current game and have run into a problem with the visuals. 

After Setting object bounds in creation kit, doing the math and setting the object bounds in the dydolod.ini, generating grass cache, creating the Texgen, and then running dyndolod, I COCed whiterun to see the results were poor. https://imgur.com/a/PFbZwe8

I completely updated my DynDOLOD before generating. The files in Texgen's preview button looks fine and the files that TexGen created look fine, all three grasses this mod adds looks like the one in the pictures. The only abnormal thing I did was only create grass with TexGen by unmarking everything else and export it into a seperate empty mod so I could enable and disable to switch between no grass and grass incase fps was a struggle or something wasn't right. What's the problem and how do I fix it? Any questions or more information I can supply you need please ask, I want to get the bottom of this.



TexGen preview: https://imgur.com/a/DIy9vA5

TexGen created: https://imgur.com/a/3XgoDNG

I will generate another grass cache using a different grass mod tonight and see if the results are the same. 

The current grass mod I'm using is Realistic Grass Field by ArtByMari (1k version) and this is what the texture file from the mod looks like: https://imgur.com/a/WBFr0cn and the mesh: https://imgur.com/a/TH1Luwl Second image is with it selected.

TexGen Log: https://easyupload.io/pl29l6

Dyndolod Log: https://easyupload.io/nayp3y


The player character is never closer to LOD than about 2 1/2 cells or ~ 10,000 units. What is the point of checking LOD up close?
What is the problem of grass LOD when looked at it from a normal distance?

The DynDOLOD INI does not contain any settings related to object bounds? It is unclear what math you were doing and why. It is unclear what settings were changed to what.

The posted images of the grass billboards look fine. The grass cache has no effect on how the grass billboards are rendered.

Grass LOD is part of object LOD. Billboards are assets used for LOD generation with DynDOLOD. Disabling or changing billboards does not change anything in the game until the object LOD atlas is updated as explained in the chapter "Updating" ..\DynDOLOD\docs\help\GrassLOD.html

If you believe something is off with the textures used by grass LOD, then the next step is to check how the grass LOD billboards look on the object LOD atlas.

Note that games use mipmaps, lower texture resolutions the further away something is from the camera. Read ..\DynDOLOD\docs\help\TextureResolution.html

The TexGen log does not contain the last meaningful generation.
No debug logs were uploaded as explained on the first post.



  On 10/3/2021 at 7:24 AM, sheson said:

The player character is never closer to LOD than about 2 1/2 cells or ~ 10,000 units. What is the point of checking LOD close up?
What is the problem of grass LOD when looked at from a normal distance?


The zoom in is just to highlight the change and see a side by side comparison, Although now that you mention it i wouldn't make much sense if it was a side by side duplicate like I thought it would be. After reading the post above mine, I turned off my ENB and noticed a lot better visuals, so thats prob the problem.


  On 10/3/2021 at 7:24 AM, sheson said:

The DynDOLOD INI does not contain any settings related to object bounds? It is unclear what math you were doing and why. It is unclear what settings were changed to what.


My bad, I meant TexGen_SSE.ini and am refering to the "automatic tree/grass discovery - base record object bounds Sqrt((X2-X1)^2 + (Y2-Y1)^2 + (Z2-Z1)^2) >= Min[Tree|Grass]ModelVolume"

reading in "DynDOLOD/docs/help/GrassLOD.html" underneath "Not all grass types have LOD / grass LOD billboards" led me there. 

  On 10/2/2021 at 5:33 PM, manguz said:

Hi Sheson, all was fine for some time then Texgen failed on me with this error

[12:44] Can not copy resource textures\architecture\whiterun\wrcitywall02_n.dds to D:\SKYRIM TOOLS\DynDOLOD-Standalone.3.00-Alpha-44\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\DynDOLOD-temp\textures\darthwayne\castle\stonewall_n.dds Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato impossible find specified path


I really don't know from where this called texture comes textures\darthwayne\castle\stonewall_n.dds , I don't have it it doesn't belong to my load order (seems coming from this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71234?tab=description I know nothing about this mod

Any clues?


I installed that mod and another error with another unknown texture

Can not copy resource textures\landscape\snow01_n.dds to D:\SKYRIM TOOLS\DynDOLOD-Standalone.3.00-Alpha-44\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\DynDOLOD-temp\textures\landscape\snow01landscape_n.dds Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato.


It seems I cant run texgen anymore, I 'm at loss :(


Obviously was an error by my side. I fixed it by adding exceptions to Windows defender.

My mistake was I moved MO folder some time ago to a faster disk and update it to a beta version in the process. MO was NOT running with administrator privileges, I forgot.

This probably fixed it. Sorry for the noise

  On 10/3/2021 at 7:47 AM, RulerOfWorlds said:


The zoom in is just to highlight the change and see a side by side comparison, Although now that you mention it i wouldn't make much sense if it was a side by side duplicate like I thought it would be. After reading the post above mine, I turned off my ENB and noticed a lot better visuals, so thats prob the problem.


My bad, I meant TexGen_SSE.ini and am refering to the "automatic tree/grass discovery - base record object bounds Sqrt((X2-X1)^2 + (Y2-Y1)^2 + (Z2-Z1)^2) >= Min[Tree|Grass]ModelVolume"

reading in "DynDOLOD/docs/help/GrassLOD.html" underneath "Not all grass types have LOD / grass LOD billboards" led me there. 


LOD does not need to look like full model close up. It needs to somewhat match full models at the switch distance. If the color is off it is weather/ENB. Try to adjust with the brightness RGB top/bottom settings.

Just make sure the all grasses have valid bound values.


I'm hoping to figure out why DynDOLOD 3.0 won't load my custom world while the older version has no problem.  It reads my custom world (see attached image) but won't list it so I can create lod (see 2nd image, Aorin should be listed at the top of the list, but it's not).  I've tried everything I can think of with no luck.  I've done custom lod 100's of times so I'm not new to the process, just not understanding why 3.0 won't read custom world.

I have just been using the older DynDOLOD with no issues, but was hoping to play around with the grass lod option in 3.0 with my custom world.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  




I can't generate a grass precache from NGIO.

Supposedly the console is supposed to show the progress of this, and yet the console is empty – I am informed that this means it is not running.

I have the latest versions of No Grass In Objects, MO2, DynDOLOD, etc. installed.

I'm at a loss as to why the grass precaching operation refuses to even run.

  On 10/3/2021 at 3:20 PM, Terin said:

I'm hoping to figure out why DynDOLOD 3.0 won't load my custom world while the older version has no problem.  It reads my custom world (see attached image) but won't list it so I can create lod (see 2nd image, Aorin should be listed at the top of the list, but it's not).  I've tried everything I can think of with no luck.  I've done custom lod 100's of times so I'm not new to the process, just not understanding why 3.0 won't read custom world.

I have just been using the older DynDOLOD with no issues, but was hoping to play around with the grass lod option in 3.0 with my custom world.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  




Read the first post what log files to upload when making posts. Do not post screenshots of text.

Worldspaces need a valid lodsettings file and fulfill a couple other criteria for being listed.

  On 10/3/2021 at 3:46 PM, BrassDancer said:

I can't generate a grass precache from NGIO.

Supposedly the console is supposed to show the progress of this, and yet the console is empty – I am informed that this means it is not running.

I have the latest versions of No Grass In Objects, MO2, DynDOLOD, etc. installed.

I'm at a loss as to why the grass precaching operation refuses to even run.


But this has nothing todo with DynDOLOD, so you should ask your question/point out your problem on the corresponding mod site.

Never the less: If your have started the 'grass cache plugin' via MO2, the game should start automatically and a messagebox should appear. If you don't click ok, but open the console first, you should be able to see the progress.
If this window won't show up, you made something wrong during the installation of NGIO and the MO2 plugin.

  On 10/3/2021 at 3:46 PM, BrassDancer said:

I can't generate a grass precache from NGIO.

Supposedly the console is supposed to show the progress of this, and yet the console is empty – I am informed that this means it is not running.

I have the latest versions of No Grass In Objects, MO2, DynDOLOD, etc. installed.

I'm at a loss as to why the grass precaching operation refuses to even run.


This thread is for DynDOLOD 3 alpha.

If you have problems with a 3rd party mod/tool like NGIO, you need to ask on its support forum.

I suggest to check the ..\data\grass or its mod manager equivalent like the MO2 overwrite folder if files are being generated.

  On 10/4/2021 at 12:34 PM, LucidAPs said:

Error generating occlusion (I think) for a quest mod.


bugreport.txt 109.46 kB · 0 downloads


Read the first post which log files to upload when making posts. 

Also upload ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Presets\DynDOLOD_SSE_Default.ini

The vigilant worldspaces are ignore by default for a reason. Do not expect LOD generation for mods ignoring Bethesda naming conventions to magically work.

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