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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 173


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7 minutes ago, sheson said:

Make sure to enable archive parsing in MO2 Settings, tab Workarounds.
Once you are down to the Unofficial Patch or the vanilla Meshes0.bsa for the NIF, we can probably assume that the NIF is OK.

In that case start xEdit and load the entire load order. Then enter 1D0422B9 in the form ID field top left and hit enter so the right window shows the record. In case DynDOLOD.esm is not loaded at load order 1D, adjust the first two digits accordingly to what is shown in the left tree view for DynDOLOD.esm.
Scroll to the very right and make a screenshot. If necessary also scroll down and make more screenshots.
Repeat with form ID 0008618F
Upload those screenshots.


Let me know if this is everything as you wanted it/if you need anything else at the moment, and I appreciate you sticking with this.

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42 minutes ago, S-Matrix said:


Let me know if this is everything as you wanted it/if you need anything else at the moment, and I appreciate you sticking with this.

All good. Records are fine.

To double check if the records or NIF are causing the crash, make a backup of DynDOLOD.esm, bring up 1D0422B9 in xEdit again and then right click DynDOLOD.esm in the header column of the right window that shows the record, select remove, save.

If there is still a crash, upload the new crash log. If there is not crash just let me know.

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15 minutes ago, sheson said:

All good. Records are fine.

To double check if the records or NIF are causing the crash, make a backup of DynDOLOD.esm, bring up 1D0422B9 in xEdit again and then right click DynDOLOD.esm in the header column of the right window that shows the record, select remove, save.

If there is still a crash, upload the new crash log. If there is not crash just let me know.

Voila, that's fixed it! Thanks so much Sheson, and let me know if you need anything else from my end to figure out the root cause of this, or if there's anything else I need to do as far as generation is concerned now that the ESM is edited.

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30 minutes ago, S-Matrix said:

Voila, that's fixed it! Thanks so much Sheson, and let me know if you need anything else from my end to figure out the root cause of this, or if there's anything else I need to do as far as generation is concerned now that the ESM is edited.

That was just a troubleshooting step.

So it still crashed with the NIF from unofficial patch or the vanilla NIF? Make sure in MO2 right window data tab.
In that case we should have a look at the used textures.

To list the used textures, open the Asset Browser in xEdit with CTRL+F3
Enter sblacksmith.nif into the filter field.
Highlight the found file in the list, the status at the bottom will then list all used textures.
Check with MO2 right data tab again which mods the used textures come from.

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10 minutes ago, sheson said:

So it still crashed with the NIF from unofficial patch or the vanilla NIF? Make sure in MO2 right window data tab.
In that case we should have a look at the used textures.

That's correct. Here's the list of textures you asked for: https://imgur.com/a/aK9UYFE
As you can probably see, we have a lot of conflicts; however, these conflicts are all (I hovered over each one to be sure) between Mrf's Solitude and Kartoffel's Cleaned Textures. This specific conflict is completely expected, as Kartoffel's mod covers every texture in the game and I'm using it as a base.

The one exception to this, as you also probably noticed, is in the case of swindow01_g.dds (which I assume is a glowmap or something similar). TexGen Output takes precedence here, but that texture is also found in USSEP, the lighting mod "Lux", and then again in Mrf's Solitude. My amateur's hunch is that this may be significant, given that Wizkid's mod for ENB window glow was also implicated in the crashlogs I'd posted.

Keep me posted with new things to look at and report back with.

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46 minutes ago, S-Matrix said:

That's correct. Here's the list of textures you asked for: https://imgur.com/a/aK9UYFE
As you can probably see, we have a lot of conflicts; however, these conflicts are all (I hovered over each one to be sure) between Mrf's Solitude and Kartoffel's Cleaned Textures. This specific conflict is completely expected, as Kartoffel's mod covers every texture in the game and I'm using it as a base.

The one exception to this, as you also probably noticed, is in the case of swindow01_g.dds (which I assume is a glowmap or something similar). TexGen Output takes precedence here, but that texture is also found in USSEP, the lighting mod "Lux", and then again in Mrf's Solitude. My amateur's hunch is that this may be significant, given that Wizkid's mod for ENB window glow was also implicated in the crashlogs I'd posted.

Keep me posted with new things to look at and report back with.

Can you make a screenshot of the asset browser showing the list of used textures as well?

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13 minutes ago, S-Matrix said:

Here it is: https://imgur.com/a/7Df35ed
Not sure if it's normal for there to be two instances of it appearing in the asset window search results, but the assets listed for both entries are the exact same.

That's odd that it shows twice. Which xEdit version are you using? This is a Windows OS, not Wine/Proton on Linux?

Before we spend much time on the textures lets do another check first:

Make a backup of DynDOLOD.esm. Start xEdit and bring up 1D0422B9 again, double click on the entry SBlackSmith [STAT:0008618F] in the row NAME - Base row in order to edit it. Type 3B then hit enter to change it to the XMaker [STAT:0000003B].

If that does not crash, restore DynDOLOD.esm, start xEdit and this time bring up 0008618F. Double clock the entry Architecture\Solutide\SBlackSmith.nif in the row MODL - Model FileName in the right column for DynDOLOD.esp and replace it with MarkerX.nif (it is just the filename without folders). Test if that still crashes.

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1 hour ago, sheson said:

That's odd that it shows twice. Which xEdit version are you using? This is a Windows OS, not Wine/Proton on Linux?

Before we spend much time on the textures lets do another check first:

Make a backup of DynDOLOD.esm. Start xEdit and bring up 1D0422B9 again, double click on the entry SBlackSmith [STAT:0008618F] in the row NAME - Base row in order to edit it. Type 3B then hit enter to change it to the XMaker [STAT:0000003B].

If that does not crash, restore DynDOLOD.esm, start xEdit and this time bring up 0008618F. Double clock the entry Architecture\Solutide\SBlackSmith.nif in the row MODL - Model FileName in the right column for DynDOLOD.esp and replace it with MarkerX.nif (it is just the filename without folders). Test if that still crashes.

Using xEdit 4.04, I believe - I saw today that there's an update available, so it's probably a good idea to move to the newest version. Gonna be afk for an hour or two, so I'll post with news later in the day.

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I'm having difficulty with the BSHeartland worldspace for DynDOLOD.  The Beyond Skyrim people gave an answer in their bug report that their own custom LODs are preferred to those in DynDOLOD, and that they advise not generating LOD files via DynDOLOD for the Beyond Skyrim mod.

So I followed your instructions and figured out how to make the BSHeartland worldspace show up in the list of worldspaces available for DynDOLOD.  I unticked BSHeartland in the selection window, selected everything else, and ran DynDOLOD.

Except it didn't work.  At the end, I got the same list of warnings about missing meshes and textures in BSHeartland.  I'm sure I unticked it, but it appears to have ignored me.  Don't know what to do except uninstall Beyond Skyrim.

Edited by aristotle
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5 hours ago, aristotle said:

I'm having difficulty with the BSHeartland worldspace for DynDOLOD.  The Beyond Skyrim people gave an answer in their bug report that their own custom LODs are preferred to those in DynDOLOD, and that they advise not generating LOD files via DynDOLOD for the Beyond Skyrim mod.

So I followed your instructions and figured out how to make the BSHeartland worldspace show up in the list of worldspaces available for DynDOLOD.  I unticked BSHeartland in the selection window, selected everything else, and ran DynDOLOD.

Except it didn't work.  At the end, I got the same list of warnings about missing meshes and textures in BSHeartland.  I'm sure I unticked it, but it appears to have ignored me.  Don't know what to do except uninstall Beyond Skyrim.


Changing the setting to show the worldspace in the list and then not ticking it, means that nothing is done differently. LOD for the worldspace will still not be generated.

Changing the setting does not change the fact that the mod has missing assets. In this case that typically won't affect LOD being generated for other worldspaces.

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On 11/27/2023 at 2:11 PM, sheson said:

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making problem reports.

See https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots how to make use full screenshots of the full model with more informative console, both with and without DynDOLOD enabled.

By default DynDOLOD is not doing anything to the vanilla reference for the bridge when running in the TES5 game mode.
When DynDOLOD is running in TES5 game mode, it does not load any patch files for the SSE game mode.
The cause of the problem will be most likely something else entirely.
Making manual edits to generated files or patches is not really solving the cause of the problem.
Making baseless assumptions without having any understanding how anything works is not going to help with finding the actual cause of problems. Proper troubleshooting with the help of the log files and screenshots is.

Do not use DynDOLOD and do not participate in the alpha test until you are able to meet the requirements to do so which includes being able to provide repeatedly requested logs and screenshots so the problem can be properly troubleshooted and solved.


Honestly, why would I waste my time on that? I've already fixed my problem myself, now I understand what you did and how you did it so I can fix similar problems in the future, and most importantly you've already decided it's not a problem with your plugin even though you haven't seen any logs yet, so you wouldn't even read said log.


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1 hour ago, TioDrakul said:


Honestly, why would I waste my time on that? I've already fixed my problem myself, now I understand what you did and how you did it so I can fix similar problems in the future, and most importantly you've already decided it's not a problem with your plugin even though you haven't seen any logs yet, so you wouldn't even read said log.

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making problem reports.

See https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots how to make use full screenshots of the full model with more informative console, both with and without DynDOLOD enabled.

If you use DynDOLOD and participate in the alpha test, then you are required to upload the repeatedly requested logs and screenshots. This will ensure nobody, including you is wasting time doing useless things. You do not seem to know how anything works. You do not seem to know how to properly troubleshoot the problem to find the actual cause. So you already wasted days.

You are wasting time by actively refusing to simply upload the repeatetly requested logs and screenshots. The actual cause could have probably been found and fixed by now.

You are wasting time by making up reasons for the cause of the problem. I am trying to reply to these assumptions as best as possible by explaining how things normally work for everyone else. It doesn't help anyone, including you, to find the actual cause of the problem.

I have not decided anything because you did not upload any of the repeatedly requested logs and screenshots.

I suggest to read the past decade of posts being made here. You are making a fool of yourself with your attitude, behavior and and wrong claims.

If you know how to fix the actual cause of the problem in DynDOLOD, then provide your fix so it can be applied for everyone.

Do not use DynDOLOD and do not participate in the alpha test until you are able to meet the requirements.

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Greetings! Ultra noob here. This is my first time modding anything.

I successfully completed the STEP build, then used that to add on more mods. I've gone all out with lots of terrain and graphics mods, city overhauls, and a few worldspaces. I meticulously as possible put it all together, got my Loot dam near perfectly clean (there are like 3 cases of LOOT telling me there is a patch or update were I swear to god no such patch/update exists that I can find), I searched for errors in xEdit and removed all the "could not be resolved" errors. There are some other errors, but I found some threads on reddit that explained those types are safe to be ignored. Now I'm re-running xLod, ACMOS, and DynDOLOD. Click yes on "Update existing Plugin(s)?". 

About 10 minutes in I get this 100% repeatable error. 
Error: Assertion failure (G:\Delphi\Projects\DynDOLOD3\Core\wbImplementation.pas, line 7687)

Looking through the thread I see Sheson telling people to clean, fix, or remove faulty plugins. DynDOLOD also says to use xEdit to fix errors. I would do that, but I have no idea where to look. In other people examples, the Assertion error indicated a specific reference or plugin. Mine just says "wblmplementation.pas, line 7687" and I have no idea what that means.
I also saw sheson tell someone to put -speed in the DynDOLOD arguments. I tried that but no dice. My versions are up to date. I've read through every reference to assertion failures I can find in this forum and on reddit, but I could have missed something. 

Debug log: https://ufile.io/lgikmxit
SSE log: https://ufile.io/emoxui9i
Bugreport, Mod list, Plugin list: https://paste.ee/p/ePow1

Many thanks to Sheson and the other admins here. I started this from ZERO knowledge of modding or how games work and I've learned so much in such a short time.


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46 minutes ago, Brambleshire said:

Greetings! Ultra noob here. This is my first time modding anything.

I successfully completed the STEP build, then used that to add on more mods. I've gone all out with lots of terrain and graphics mods, city overhauls, and a few worldspaces. I meticulously as possible put it all together, got my Loot dam near perfectly clean (there are like 3 cases of LOOT telling me there is a patch or update were I swear to god no such patch/update exists that I can find), I searched for errors in xEdit and removed all the "could not be resolved" errors. There are some other errors, but I found some threads on reddit that explained those types are safe to be ignored. Now I'm re-running xLod, ACMOS, and DynDOLOD. Click yes on "Update existing Plugin(s)?". 

About 10 minutes in I get this 100% repeatable error. 
Error: Assertion failure (G:\Delphi\Projects\DynDOLOD3\Core\wbImplementation.pas, line 7687)

Looking through the thread I see Sheson telling people to clean, fix, or remove faulty plugins. DynDOLOD also says to use xEdit to fix errors. I would do that, but I have no idea where to look. In other people examples, the Assertion error indicated a specific reference or plugin. Mine just says "wblmplementation.pas, line 7687" and I have no idea what that means.
I also saw sheson tell someone to put -speed in the DynDOLOD arguments. I tried that but no dice. My versions are up to date. I've read through every reference to assertion failures I can find in this forum and on reddit, but I could have missed something. 

Debug log: https://ufile.io/lgikmxit
SSE log: https://ufile.io/emoxui9i
Bugreport, Mod list, Plugin list: https://paste.ee/p/ePow1

Many thanks to Sheson and the other admins here. I started this from ZERO knowledge of modding or how games work and I've learned so much in such a short time.

What other errors are reported by xEdit that you choose to ignore?

You said Yes to this message prompt:
Update existing plugin(s)? If this is not successful start from scratch.

Pay attention to all log messages. 

For example these messages which are repeated many times:
<Warning: File [B9] DynDOLOD.esp with Group GRUP World Children of [..] is missing an overriden record for[..]

Delete the output folder log folder, delete bugreport,.txt and then generate DynDOLOD from scratch - that means to disable/remove old DynDOLOD output in the load order. If problem persists, upload new log, debug log and bugreport.txt.


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