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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 170


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7 hours ago, tooandrew said:

they're in there. both cgid and gid forms

The native game uses GID, no Gras in Object uses CGID files. DynDOLOD uses the ones set in its INI settings. Decide for one or the other. Do not mix.

Do comparisons with a game that uses the same grass cache files to load full grass that DynDOLOD used to generation grass LOD, then each full grass should have a corresponding x plane if a billboard exists and density is 100%. It should make it easier to spot which type of grass does not have LOD.

7 hours ago, tooandrew said:

grep "folkvangr" TexGen_TES5VR_log.txt show 130 billboards generated of the 132 grass entries listed in my config file - more than two types are missing

grep "<Error:" shows one error for 

[00:57] <Error: File not found Meshes\landscape\grass\grass_fieldmisc_03.nif Folkvangr - Grass and Landscape Overhaul.esp Grass_FieldMisc_03 [GRAS:2002B50C]>

fine, didnt come with the mod, so it wouldnt show up in game either. again, more than one grass type missing

Double check that the 132 GRAS base records is about the expected amount from the loaded plugins.
Double check that there are 5 billboard files (*.txt, *_1.dds, *_1_n.dds, *_2.dds, *_2_n.dds)  for each (130 grass billboards * 5 = 650 files) - you can do that by only checking grass LOD billboard generation into an empty output folder.

7 hours ago, tooandrew said:

the textures are weird. i have never viewed textures before but in windows texture viewer nothing appears at all, while in Basic DDS image viewer i get colorful noise like the attached image. all of the other billboards from skyrim.esm etc behave the same way in these programs, so i guess the programs i have just don't know how to display them correctly?  i found these in textures\terrain\lodgen\folkvangr - grass and landscape overhaul.esp is there an image viewer you reccommend? there are also four dds files for each entry 

Use programs that supports BC7 like SageThumbs /Paint.NET or change the compression format to DXT5 for the 4 channel textures with alpha/specular and DXT1 for 3 channel.

7 hours ago, tooandrew said:

Check that ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_SSE_Grass_Map_[Worldspace].txt contains lines with grass LOD billboard texture names and paths in it.

it does.

How many lines/billboards are listed and is it about the expected amount of grasses that are above water and used in the worldspace.

7 hours ago, tooandrew said:

every one i've looked at has the x planes, but there are too many to be looked at individually

You only need to look at one from the area where you believe grass LOD is missing to check if there are more X planes that you actually see in the game.
That would mean the grass position and billboard file for it exists but is transparent.

7 hours ago, tooandrew said:

i set those settings. ill check that file after i regenerate texgen and dyndolod when this grass cache finishes generating

Also check the verbose LODGen log for message like File not found *.DDS. We expect it to only mention grasses that are underwater (often have "water" in the name), the ones that TexGen does not generate because they have missing assets or are too small, not so high ground cover.

2 hours ago, tooandrew said:

nevermind. i just have grass draw up high. looking into the distance in clear weather i see only the green grass is out there so its not specific to that spot

In case the grass LOD brightness or color seems off (it might depend on weathers or ENB settings), try different Direct/Ambient settings for grass LOD billboards in TexGen. In addition or alternatively change the GrassBrightnessTop* and GrassBrightnessBottom* settings in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE.ini - those settings help if the color tone is off. Especially the image based lighting effect from ENB has a big impact on the brightness and color tone of the grass LOD.

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11 hours ago, Akidson said:


When I try to run TexGen it gets stuck at Creating Billboards and the timer gets frozen. No files are being generated. I'm using the newest version.

I'm attaching the logs here:


Could be Texconv is being prevented from reading/writing to/from the Temp folder by the OS/antivir etc.

When TexGen seemingly does nothing, check task manager for a Texconv process and see what happens if you kill it.

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I suddenly run into a bug related to the LODGenx64Win.exe. It failed to generate Object LOD for all worldspaces available.

All LODGen logs are identical to this one https://paste.ee/p/JiLw3, of course except the worldspace naming.

I captured a screenshot of the running LODGen cmd, which run out in 1-2 second. I believe it failed before the generation started.




Edited by xytyyy
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37 minutes ago, xytyyy said:


I suddenly run into a bug related to the LODGenx64Win.exe. It fails to generate Object LOD for all worldspaces available.

All LODGen logs are identical to this one https://paste.ee/p/JiLw3, of course except the worldspace naming.

I captured a screenshot of the running LODGen cmd.




Read the first post which DynDOLOD log and debug log to also upload when making posts.

Test if rebooting "fixes" it.

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2 hours ago, xytyyy said:

https://ufile.io/f/1cmlb log and debug log

I have tried rebooting but the problem persist.

It seems something is prevent the .NET version not to get the CPU count. Probably a Windows 11 Beta .NET bug.  See what happens if you remove/rename ..\Edit Scripts\LODGenx64Win.exe to LODGenx64Win.bak, so it uses LODGenx64.exe instead which is for the .Net Framework.

Use the Export mode to just "Execute LODGen" for the selected worldspaces so you do not have to go through the entire generation again.  See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Expert-Mode

If that also fails, let me know.

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46 minutes ago, sheson said:

It seems something is prevent the .NET version not to get the CPU count. Probably a Windows 11 Beta .NET bug.  See what happens if you remove/rename ..\Edit Scripts\LODGenx64Win.exe to LODGenx64Win.bak, so it uses LODGenx64.exe instead which is for the .Net Framework.

Use the Export mode to just "Execute LODGen" for the selected worldspaces so you do not have to go through the entire generation again.  See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Expert-Mode

If that also fails, let me know.

Thks, it's solved.

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14 hours ago, sheson said:

Could be Texconv is being prevented from reading/writing to/from the Temp folder by the OS/antivir etc.

When TexGen seemingly does nothing, check task manager for a Texconv process and see what happens if you kill it.

I disabled the Antivirus but that didn't change anything. When I killed TexGen with task manager the program closed and there were no logs generated.

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41 minutes ago, Akidson said:

I disabled the Antivirus but that didn't change anything. When I killed TexGen with task manager the program closed and there were no logs generated.

When TexGen seemingly does nothing, check task manager for a Texconv process and see what happens if you kill Texconv.

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18 hours ago, sheson said:

The native game uses GID, no Gras in Object uses CGID files. DynDOLOD uses the ones set in its INI settings. Decide for one or the other. Do not mix.

tried with just gcid, same result.

Do comparisons with a game that uses the same grass cache files to load full grass that DynDOLOD used to generation grass LOD, then each full grass should have a corresponding x plane if a billboard exists and density is 100%. It should make it easier to spot which type of grass does not have LOD.

 this might be an issue - i cannot get ngio extended grass mode to work, like, at all - but if the cache just didnt work at all there would be NO grass lods. there are some, just not certain types. that being said, i have tried many things to get it working and its just not happening - this whole process is insanely frustrating

Double check that the 132 GRAS base records is about the expected amount from the loaded plugins.
Double check that there are 5 billboard files (*.txt, *_1.dds, *_1_n.dds, *_2.dds, *_2_n.dds)  for each (130 grass billboards * 5 = 650 files) - you can do that by only checking grass LOD billboard generation into an empty output folder.

132 grass entries from the folkvangr esp, specifically. one is missing a mesh, so 131, really. 130 were generated because i configured it to make billboards for all including underwater . there were 1238 billboards created total from all plugins, grass and trees both.

there are 5 files per billboard

Use programs that supports BC7 like SageThumbs /Paint.NET or change the compression format to DXT5 for the 4 channel textures with alpha/specular and DXT1 for 3 channel.

paint.net shows the billboards, they do look like grass (albeit highly pixellated grass)

How many lines/billboards are listed and is it about the expected amount of grasses that are above water and used in the worldspace.

theres 120 lines in the tamriel lodgen plant log - between the 131 from folkvangr and the 11 from origin there are 142 grass billboards - im sure not all of them exist in tamriel. some of the ones that are missing in game are in the list. their textures do exist, and are not transparent.

You only need to look at one from the area where you believe grass LOD is missing to check if there are more X planes that you actually see in the game.
That would mean the grass position and billboard file for it exists but is transparent.

Also check the verbose LODGen log for message like File not found *.DDS. We expect it to only mention grasses that are underwater (often have "water" in the name), the ones that TexGen does not generate because they have missing assets or are too small, not so high ground cover.

there are no lines containing 'not found' in tamriel lodgen log. how do i identify which file is associated with which area? is there a console command or something? at any rate the grass is missing everywhere. theres lots of golden grass installed and only green grass lods

In case the grass LOD brightness or color seems off (it might depend on weathers or ENB settings), try different Direct/Ambient settings for grass LOD billboards in TexGen. In addition or alternatively change the GrassBrightnessTop* and GrassBrightnessBottom* settings in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE.ini - those settings help if the color tone is off. Especially the image based lighting effect from ENB has a big impact on the brightness and color tone of the grass LOD.

they match fine, the ones that exist. but most of them don't exist

Edited by tooandrew
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Texgen64 won't actually start th process. Reads all my files/mods gives me the menu and as soon as I click continue it throws and opengl error "out of memory".

From what I've been seeing, reading some messages, might be AMD related? I am using the newest driver. 



[Window Title]

[Main Instruction]
Error: OpenGL: out of memory.


Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message

[Exit TexGen]

Online Help | Support Forum | Copy message to clipboard


Edited by PixelBitZombie
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52 minutes ago, PixelBitZombie said:

Texgen64 won't actually start th process. Reads all my files/mods gives me the menu and as soon as I click continue it throws and opengl error "out of memory".

From what I've been seeing, reading some messages, might be AMD related? I am using the newest driver. 


  Reveal hidden contents

[Window Title]

[Main Instruction]
Error: OpenGL: out of memory.


Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message

[Exit TexGen]

Online Help | Support Forum | Copy message to clipboard


Since apparently you can only edit once..

TexGen_SSE_Debug_log.txt TexGen_SSE_log.txt

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