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Just checking through the mods. Looks as if nobody actually checked the Better Male Feet mod for conflicts. It fights with XCE with malebody_1.dds and the standard HRDLC/bethesda optimized with malebody_1_msn.dds. The XCE conflict looks as if he's taken Xenius' texture and repainted over it in very poor quality to match his mesh better. It's extremely noticeable in game.


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Here's a comparison. The foot mesh looks amazing of course, the 30 seconds in photoshop does not. The 4096 texture is otherwise pixel perfect to Xenius' original.


Edit: The example screenshots on his main page are using another texture mod. If you look at the NifSkope comparison, that's the actual texture you get in game.


Replaces XCE character enhancement with (what seems to be his own texture) with a very poor quality repaint of the feet.


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It's 4uDIK's feet textures painted on to XCE's. He says so in the description:


"Big thanks to 4uDIK for the foot mesh from his Real Body. Texture-wise the mod uses XCE's gritty/dirty skin for the body, 4uDIK's texture and normal for the foot and Bethseda's high-resolution normal map for the body. "


Just checking through the mods. Looks as if nobody actually checked the Better Male Feet mod for conflicts. It fights with XCE with malebody_1.dds and the standard HRDLC/bethesda optimized with malebody_1_msn.dds. The XCE conflict looks as if he's taken Xenius' texture and repainted over it in very poor quality to match his mesh better. It's extremely noticeable in game.


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Here's a comparison. The foot mesh looks amazing of course, the 30 seconds in photoshop does not. The 4096 texture is otherwise pixel perfect to Xenius' original.


Edit: The example screenshots on his main page are using another texture mod. If you look at the NifSkope comparison, that's the actual texture you get in game.

I did see the conflicts but didn't think the texture looked that awful at the time.  Mind providing some comparisons shots in-game? 

Please excuse the rough cropping.


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Doesn't seem to be so bad in game. The veins, bones and wrinkles help hide it. The lighting wasn't particularly great (under a lamp), but during the day, barefoot guys look like they have a tan on their toes. They're white and clean compared to the rest of the body.


Please excuse the rough cropping.


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Doesn't seem to be so bad in game. The veins, bones and wrinkles help hide it. The lighting wasn't particularly great (under a lamp), but during the day, barefoot guys look like they have a tan on their toes. They're white and clean compared to the rest of the body.

Except for that seem on the bottom they look fine IMO.  Having lighter colored feet is fairly realistic if you wear shoes a lot, so it works for all but the poorest beggars.  Overall it's still a huge improvement over Vanilla, but if you can convince XCE's author (or anyone else) to reskin it that'd be fantastic.

If I keep posting this stuff its going to seem like I have a foot fetish.


There are more issues with the feet.


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The textures in game do look a bit out of place, but they're mostly fine. There's a few seams here and there that seem to disconnect as barefoot characters are walking. I just spent 5 minutes trying to get a screenshot and 200 later i still don't have one. Basically when they're walking, a white line of pixels appears at the seam line just above the ankle.


I realize how awesome the models are but its really immersion breaking when i see a sudden crack in a texture or a line of white pixels across something. Is there not another body replacer that isnt full of 4096 resolution genitals that could be considered?


This one works if there are not glitches or anomalies (which it sounds like there are) ... why is this stickied and in the Anthology at this point?

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