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Wrye Bash by Wrye
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The most versatile and sophisticated mod manager for TES4 & TES5. Much more than just a mod manager, Wrye Bash is the Swiss Army Knife of modding. Visit the guide for a more thorough description and instructions for use maintaining STEP.

Nexus thread

Latest release notes:

Thanks to Mertz AKA Beermotor for putting these release notes together :



Wrye Bash 307 Beta 2 Release Notes


Code has been refactored and cleaned up. Many bugs have died sudden and brutish deaths.
Refactored Bashed Patcher for Skyrim Special Edition. See below for special notes on this update.
SSE and FO4 save game support
Creation Club ESL and save game support.
Increased max-plugin count if using ESL files
Support for installing BodySlide and BodySlide data files**
Better support for FNIS**
Better support for installing DynDOLOD content
Support for Fallout 4 MCM and MCM plugins
Better SKSE64 plugin support
SKSE64 cosave support
Dramatically improved ( go faster! ) filesystem operations
Better file handling with dirty mods (for examle mods that have desktop.ini, thumbs.db files accidentally packed in the zip)
(Bugfix) Improved BCF (BAIN Converter File) support for Skyrin, Skyrim Special Edition, and Fallout 4
(Bugfix) Bash will no longer include mods with BSA files in plugin merges
(Bugfix) Better crash handling and exeption generation
(Bugfix) Fixed several bugs with INI Tweak handling
(Bugfix) Better settings handling. This is still a work-in-progress as we rework this portion of the code.
** Note: Bash skips executable files as a security measure. As a work-around, see the wiki article on how to set up Bodyslide executables with Bash.

Special note on the Bashed Patcher for Skyrim Special Edition: This version is form version 44 enforcing, meaning you will receive an error if you have any classic Skyrim plugins in your load order that have not been converted correctly in the SE Creation Kit (SECK). It will continue to build the patch, but you may encounter unusual behavior in the game. Do not ask the Bash team for assistance for issues arising from the use of v43 plugins with the SSE Bashed Patch.

Currently in development:

Further code refactoring and clean-up
More Bash Tags supported in Skyrim Special Edition
More Bash tweaks for Skyrim games and Fallout 4.
New Bash Tags for new SSE and Fallout 4 record types
More patchers for the Bashed Patcher for Skyrim Special Edition
Better Fallout 4 support
FOMOD support

Special thanks to the Wrye Bash team and contributors

Utumno - Lead developer and project lead

and we sincerely apologize for anyone we forgot.

Thanks to everyone that submitted bug reports, feature requests, issue reports, or just reported something being flat-out broken. We appreciate your help.

And a very special thanks to everyone that uses Wrye Bash to manage their Bethesda games. We do this for you.


Please follow the guidelines set out in the wiki for Reporting a bug.

Please post any bug reports to the Nexus thread. Do not post bug reports directly to the GitHub issues tracker.

Thank you!

Just starting this thread for general questions... which I'm bound to have a few ;)Starting with (and I've already done some hunting for this to no avail):What is the whole 'Warning - Load List Sanitized' thing about? Why does it disable select mods and what can I do about it?

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I'm not set up to verify this right now, but I think it might have something to do with your BP "forward names" settings in WB BPer. Check to see if there is a new tick box for Skyrim.esm (or something like that) under the names setting. If not, then this could be a glitch to report to the WB team.

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Posted (edited)

Hi Pretendeavor,


For sure these 2 records were not present in all previous versions.


I was just checking to see if it was me having this issue but "glad" to hear you are encountering it as well.

The question is...why BP is doing that? It is just not right and in any case it should the #Names bash tag of USKP prevail.

Ofc it is easily fixable with TES5Edit (remove the records) but BP is not behaving correctly in this case


For all other records/settings that I manually checked; they are in order.


EDIT: @z - Everything in WB is setup as it should be. I am noticing this only in this version.

Edited by Astakos
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Posted (edited)

Astakos thats expected behaviour if you have ticked Skyrim.esm in the Import Names





Whats happening is there are no mods loading later than Skyrim.esm which alter that particular records Full Name, so then the Bashed Patch carries forward the Full Name that is in Skyrim.esm


Its doing what you have told it to do by leaving Import Names ticked for Skyrim.esm


If there was another mod loading later, which ALSO changed the full name to something else, lets say this mod wants to call it "Windy Mill", then Windy Mill would win loading later than Skyrim.esm - Unless you deselected ( unticked ) this imaginary mod in the Import Names section, then Skyrim.esm Grain Mill would win again.


Right now the games esm wants that objects Full Name to be called "Grain Mill", and you have told Wrye Bash to carry forward any winning names which no other mod changes later in your load order.



Thats how Wrye Bash gives you choice to pick and choose what ends up in game, after a particular Load Order has been set, so you can effectively leapfrog records changes from earlier loading mods if you want them to end up in game, even though a later loading mod should ordinarily win if you did not have a bashed patch. Thats also why Bash Tags are important for any particular mod, they are the mod authors way of recommending what records should win over any particular load order.


Wait until Wrye Bash can do this trick for a lot more record types, it gets a lot more complex :)


If you have never seen what it can do for the Oblivion game, which Wrye Bash has had a lot more work on patchers done for it, the following screenshot may be a bit of a surprise ..





One day we hope to have the same capabilities and more for Skyrim ( there are quite a few more record types for Skyrim than there were for Oblivion )


Utumno is hoping to work on including some of those for 307. But first this new beta is a milestone refactoring all the base code. The groundwork for better things to come is nearly complete.

Edited by alt3rn1ty
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Posted (edited)

Name patcher was deactivated in previous versions of WB (305) because it was buggy. It undergone some attempt to be fixed, but this issue is still here, it doesn't recognize "Blanked" name as override, even if the Name tag is applied.

Thus your issue. Just get rid of this record (and other presenting the same one).



Edit : Oh, didn't read last page... sorry. Everything else is just as Alternity explained.

Edited by Kesta
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Hello alt3rn1ty,


Thank you for your reply. Quite an informative and helpful post as always.


I was under the impression that since USKP is loading after Skyrim.esm and USKP has this particular record blank; then "being blank" is the change that could make BP happy. Meaning that BP could theoretically see that USKP is changing that name into "blank" and not carry over anything. Obviously I was arong.

Fun fact is that all previous versions of WB did not have this "issue". And from what I understand from your explanation it is not considered to be an issue.


In any case, it is nothing major. I always hand-check my BP for any anomalies and also everytime I rebuild it I run the ITPO script in TES5Edit. So since I am already there I can easily remove whatever is not needed.


But in any case...thank you again! And thank you too Kesta!  ::):

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  On 9/17/2015 at 7:07 PM, darkside said:

What do you guys recommend to do? Do we need to check all records manually? Or uncheck skyrim.esm from importing name. I am talking about STEP user without advance need.

Should be discussed in details with EssArrBee (IIRC he's the one in charge of STEP patches), but easiest solution would be to completely disable the name patcher, and let the STEP patch take care of potential conflicts regarding names as it always had.


To disable the name patcher : When you've got the prompt after selecting "rebuild patch...", there is a list of various things to check/uncheck. Just uncheck "Import Names" and that's it. (Not about the prompt to disable mergeable plugins, the next one).


As for users who doesn't have the know how but use mods atop of STEP... imo you can leave them be, actually the explainations as why those name are blanked by the USKP was a bit unclear imo, but I can't find Arthmoor's post about it (I was pretty sure it was in one of the WB update thread on Bethsoft...). But some other mods such as Fishing In Skyrim also need removed names. So It'd be better to double check it all in xEdit.

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Wouldn't simply excluding Skyrim.esm from the Names patch suffice, at least until the issue is clarified? I just rebuilt the Bashed Patch excluding the Skyrim.esm from the names setting and the error is gone.


Excluding the Fallout.esm and FalloutNV.esm plugins from their respective Bashed Patch Names patches has been standard practice for so long I don't recall what the reason for doing so was. Perhaps it was due to some similar issue.

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Posted (edited)

Someone please, help me!


How can I enable Auto-Ghost at Wrye Bash 3.06-beta?

I have read readmes, but haven't found how can I enable it. It is annoying. :/




Every time I launch WB I got this warning.


What I've done:


1.) CTRL+A (All mods)

2.) Right Click -> Ghosting -> Allow Ghosting

3.) Right Click -> Ghost


But always get this warning.


Thank you!


"See the readme under Auto-Ghost..."


I have seen. But haven't found anything. :(


"Auto-GhostThe game engine has a bug where it reads all the plugins in the Data folder, and this can affect performance when the number of plugins is around 300+. Auto-Ghosting adds a .ghost extension to all inactive plugins automatically to prevent the game engine reading them, and so helping to avoid the performance drop. When a ghosted plugin is activated, the .ghost extension is removed, allowing it to function as normal. Note that most other utilities will not recognise ghosted plugins, so there are options available for individual plugins to control which get ghosted."


But, how can I enable that Auto-Ghost feature?


I guess, I have found it, but this is f*cking not on the readme... :///


Edited by kranazoli
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Posted (edited)
  On 9/30/2015 at 10:51 AM, kranazoli said:

"Auto-GhostThe game engine has a bug where it reads all the plugins in the Data folder, and this can affect performance when the number of plugins is around 300+. Auto-Ghosting adds a .ghost extension to all inactive plugins automatically to prevent the game engine reading them, and so helping to avoid the performance drop. When a ghosted plugin is activated, the .ghost extension is removed, allowing it to function as normal. Note that most other utilities will not recognise ghosted plugins, so there are options available for individual plugins to control which get ghosted."


But, how can I enable that Auto-Ghost feature?


I guess, I have found it, but this is f*cking not on the readme... :///




The quoted text you have taken from the table in the Wrye Bash ReadMe, is titled something like Header Context Menu

The screenshot you have given is of the right click Header Context Menu ..

So the thing you are complaining about is actually in the readme, you just dont realise what it was called.


Reference Ghosting plugins - This ability is practically useless for Skyrim at the moment.


Its best used when you have lots of ( fully ) merged plugins, which are then deselected with a + in the plugins check box ( and usually have green text for the plugins name in the Mods tab )


But there are very few plugins in Skyrim which can actually be fully merged ( I had one which did the same job as one of the Bash Tweaks, extending the range an NPC will traverse up or down stairs in a building - But now there is a bashed patch tweak which does the same, the mod is no longer needed )



Something else which expands Wrye Bash ability to fully merge plugins, is CBash

For the Game Oblivion, CBash is fully functional and will create a Bashed Patch including far more record types than Python Bash can ( PBash ) ..


But for Skyrim, we dont have a C programmer who can check out whether the functionality of CBash is still good for this game.

Waruddar was the original programmer of CBash, I havent seen him active on BGS Forums for a few years now.

Wrinkly and Lojack have had occasional attempts at looking over CBash, but I dont think anyone currently understands it enough to attempt programming it.


So for now in Skyrim, we have only PBash to make a Bashed Patch, and limited patchers compaired with Oblivion .. So the Auto-Ghost feature for deselected plugins is only going to be of use for the very rare plugin which PBash can currently fully merge.



Its still documented for Oblivion users obviously because they are all over using it, its very beneficial for that game when they are using CBash as a preference over PBash


See this screenshot from the old Oblivion Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide





Note the Rebuild Patch, underneath it there is another Rebuild Patch ( CBash )


You dont get that for Skyrim



Edit : Note also in that screenshot the plugins marked with a + and green text, those are merged and in a deselected state, and so could be auto-ghosted to not only reduce the amount of plugins from your Load Order total, but also to stop the Oblivion Game engine "esp thrashing", which is just a problem for that game with big load orders, as far as I know that problem has been solved in newer games by Bethesda since Oblivion. The only benefit of using auto-ghosting for Skyrim would be reduction of plugins when they are fully merged in the bashed patch.


Hopefully one day, and if we get a programmer capable of checking out CBash.


I have tried it on the couple of plugins I had at one time which were fully mergeable with PBash, but I have not had a need for the same mods in a long time.


I think that roughly covers the subject.


Edit 2 : Actually .. For Skyrim I dont think we will ever need Auto Ghosting, when plugins are deselected in Skyrim they do not count towards your total plugins anyway, so its not even beneficial for that purpose.


Edit 3 : Note also most of the old team who programmed Wrye Bash for Oblivion, and one of them who started development for Skyrim, are no longer active.

Wrye Bash has one Python Programmer at the moment, who has taken it upon himself to recode the whole of Wrye Bash ( refactoring so as to create a base of code which is easier to work with in future - Thats what 306 is ), so you can probably imagine that the huge amount of documentation for Wrye Bash and developments on the Skyrim side have got a little behind the times. Needs volunteers with time to do this stuff, and the requisite technical and specialized know how.

Edited by alt3rn1ty
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  On 10/1/2015 at 9:37 AM, alt3rn1ty said:


The quoted text you have taken from the table in the Wrye Bash ReadMe, is titled something like Header Context Menu

The screenshot you have given is of the right click Header Context Menu ..

So the thing you are complaining about is actually in the readme, you just dont realise what it was called.


Reference Ghosting plugins - This ability is practically useless for Skyrim at the moment.



Thank you for these lots of useful and new information, for me! :unworthy:(+1)

Do you have any idea why the change master file is inactive (gray) at the Beta WB?

I have used to use this ability of WB and I really miss this feature. :/


The screenshot I posted above, one of my post.

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Thats a feature I have never used to be honest


But I do know you should not be trying to change anything to do with masters in Wrye Bash unless you really know what you are doing, record formIDs will not be updated for master changes done through Wrye Bash, so such operations are best done via TES5Edit.


Something similar has been mentioned recently in the currently most active topic on the official bethesda forums for Oblivion Mods ..




.. That topic is also where Utumno ( current main programmer ) is most active

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