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Wrye Bash by Wrye
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The most versatile and sophisticated mod manager for TES4 & TES5. Much more than just a mod manager, Wrye Bash is the Swiss Army Knife of modding. Visit the guide for a more thorough description and instructions for use maintaining STEP.

Nexus thread

Latest release notes:

Thanks to Mertz AKA Beermotor for putting these release notes together :



Wrye Bash 307 Beta 2 Release Notes


Code has been refactored and cleaned up. Many bugs have died sudden and brutish deaths.
Refactored Bashed Patcher for Skyrim Special Edition. See below for special notes on this update.
SSE and FO4 save game support
Creation Club ESL and save game support.
Increased max-plugin count if using ESL files
Support for installing BodySlide and BodySlide data files**
Better support for FNIS**
Better support for installing DynDOLOD content
Support for Fallout 4 MCM and MCM plugins
Better SKSE64 plugin support
SKSE64 cosave support
Dramatically improved ( go faster! ) filesystem operations
Better file handling with dirty mods (for examle mods that have desktop.ini, thumbs.db files accidentally packed in the zip)
(Bugfix) Improved BCF (BAIN Converter File) support for Skyrin, Skyrim Special Edition, and Fallout 4
(Bugfix) Bash will no longer include mods with BSA files in plugin merges
(Bugfix) Better crash handling and exeption generation
(Bugfix) Fixed several bugs with INI Tweak handling
(Bugfix) Better settings handling. This is still a work-in-progress as we rework this portion of the code.
** Note: Bash skips executable files as a security measure. As a work-around, see the wiki article on how to set up Bodyslide executables with Bash.

Special note on the Bashed Patcher for Skyrim Special Edition: This version is form version 44 enforcing, meaning you will receive an error if you have any classic Skyrim plugins in your load order that have not been converted correctly in the SE Creation Kit (SECK). It will continue to build the patch, but you may encounter unusual behavior in the game. Do not ask the Bash team for assistance for issues arising from the use of v43 plugins with the SSE Bashed Patch.

Currently in development:

Further code refactoring and clean-up
More Bash Tags supported in Skyrim Special Edition
More Bash tweaks for Skyrim games and Fallout 4.
New Bash Tags for new SSE and Fallout 4 record types
More patchers for the Bashed Patcher for Skyrim Special Edition
Better Fallout 4 support
FOMOD support

Special thanks to the Wrye Bash team and contributors

Utumno - Lead developer and project lead

and we sincerely apologize for anyone we forgot.

Thanks to everyone that submitted bug reports, feature requests, issue reports, or just reported something being flat-out broken. We appreciate your help.

And a very special thanks to everyone that uses Wrye Bash to manage their Bethesda games. We do this for you.


Please follow the guidelines set out in the wiki for Reporting a bug.

Please post any bug reports to the Nexus thread. Do not post bug reports directly to the GitHub issues tracker.

Thank you!

Just starting this thread for general questions... which I'm bound to have a few ;)Starting with (and I've already done some hunting for this to no avail):What is the whole 'Warning - Load List Sanitized' thing about? Why does it disable select mods and what can I do about it?

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  • 0
  On 1/13/2015 at 9:01 PM, z929669 said:

... The Wrye Bash code is very complicated and has a lot of code contributed by different programmers, so it is really tough to peruse even for an accomplished Py programmer...

This could quite easily be the understatement of the century. The number of times I have examined that code with the desire to help in anyway I can, I end up in the foetal position on the floor... sobbing uncontrollably.

I am in no way a 'programmer' but I can read most languages and follow to some extent the process, but WB code just takes it to a whole new level of complicated, at least for me.

Kudos to Sharlikran for sticking with it for so long.

  • 0
  On 1/14/2015 at 12:24 AM, fireundubh said:

A new slogan for Wrye Bash: "Let's just rewrite it."

Agreed, but as I can't write new stuff to save my life, it is easy for me to say.

  • 0

Have you looked at the refactored code lately?  I need help getting something to work but I was just able to add Fallout Support to the new rafactored layout and I can't program in Python.  Utumno has done a fantastic job if I can accomplish that.  Currently my 306.0.15 version uses the old non refactored code form 305.  So if Utumno can explain to me the last remaining part I need to change to make it work then I'll be that much closer to being up to date with his changes.

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Has anyone found a solution to the annoying bashed patch logs that go to the overwrite folder every time a bashed patch is created?

  • 0
  On 6/8/2015 at 11:01 PM, TorNyan said:

Has anyone found a solution to the annoying bashed patch logs that go to the overwrite folder every time a bashed patch is created?

That's a quirk of MO and not WB. Perhaps @Tannin could add some code to check for logs but it wouldn't rate highly in his list of 'todos' I would imagine.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 6/9/2015 at 12:07 AM, GrantSP said:

That's a quirk of MO and not WB. Perhaps @Tannin could add some code to check for logs but it wouldn't rate highly in his list of 'todos' I would imagine.

Okay. It's easily one of my biggest annoyances using MO. I don't care much for the logs though. Is there any way to disable them in WB?

Edited by TorNyan
  • 0
Posted (edited)

What a blanky blank in the keister this is sometimes... followed everything and checked it twice, ran LOOT zero errors except Amidianborn content addon wanting to be TES5Edited. All mods checked except the unofficial shtuff and I unchecked bashed patch.esp ran wrye and this come up and as you can see in the foto mods got unchecked by wryebash. Any suggestions? Thank you




Never mind - Screw the ENB's & modding, done wasting time on BS software

Edited by krossbonzz
  • 0
Posted (edited)
Yes with the exception of where it stated to disregard if we're doing STEP extended. I installed everything on the STEP list unless it stated - "This mod is now included in all versions of the STEP Patches: STEP Core Patch, STEP Extended Patch, and both versions of the STEP Combined Plugin." or "Notice: STEP:Extended users: Please DISREGARD the following LOOT Meta Rule at this time. It pertains to interactions between this mod and another mod installed downstream in STEP:Extended, so this rule cannot be implemented until that mod is installed. That mod page also contains a similar LOOT Meta Rule instruction that can be applied later on." The only other odd thing was that when I was going to download the STEP extended patch it asked if I wanted to redownload it when I never had unless a link was broken/misdirected like some are and at 3am and 2 days now of dealing with issues and learning more about this 3rd round install I downloaded the wrong file. Or as I've noticed in MO check boxes get unticked when they've never been touched after a plugin installation. MO's download bar is freaking out again too LOL Thanks again to those assisting and remember "Never go Full Nerd"  ::D:
Currently LOOT is showing a Metadata symbol for:
  Reveal hidden contents

  Reveal hidden contents

Complete Crafting_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp-
  Reveal hidden contents

Book Covers Skyrim.esp-
  Reveal hidden contents

  Reveal hidden contents




Never mind - Screw the ENB's & modding, done wasting time on BS software

Edited by krossbonzz
  • 0

Well the two quick ones to check are:


1) Make sure you do have the right files.


2) Make sure everything's checked that should be. Easy to miss one or two at 3 Am...

  • 0
Posted (edited)


Here's an URL to a YT video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtLolEgVMTg

/TES5Edit : Merged Patch/ by GamerPoets


On its video where GamerPoets shows how to use TES5Edit to Merge plugins he does two things after finishing:

     - Remove Leveled Lists and
     - Clean Masters

How about these stuffs if we use Merge Plugins via TES5Edit?

It is also recommended after creating a Merge Patch to:

     - Remove Leveled Lists and
     - Clean Masters

or they are does not matter?

What is the recommendation?

     - If I have leveled lists records and/or I could use clean masters after creating a merge patch?

Which one is better?

     - Leave those things how the merge patch did, or
     - we can do these two steps after the merged patch was created?



I saw the videos about how to create merge patch and these things wasn't mentioned. Just load the merged patch and check for errors, and if it's okay we have finished.



How should we handle these two things?

Thank you!

Edited by kranazoli
  • 0
  On 8/30/2015 at 9:08 PM, kranazoli said:



Here's an URL to a YT video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtLolEgVMTg

/TES5Edit : Merged Patch/ by GamerPoets


On its video where GamerPoets shows how to use TES5Edit to Merge plugins he does two things after finishing:


     - Remove Leveled Lists and

     - Clean Masters


How about these stuffs if we use Merge Plugins via TES5Edit?


It is also recommended after creating a Merge Patch to:


     - Remove Leveled Lists and

     - Clean Masters


or they are does not matter?


What is the recommendation?


     - If I have leveled lists records and/or I could use clean masters after creating a merge patch?


Which one is better?


     - Leave those things how the merge patch did, or

     - we can do these two steps after the merged patch was created?




I saw the videos about how to create merge patch and these things wasn't mentioned. Just load the merged patch and check for errors, and if it's okay we have finished.






How should we handle these two things?


Thank you!

That was my stupidity. I was confused about Merge words. But now I know merge patch and merge plugins are different.

  • 0

Hello to everyone,


Using the latest 306 version of WB (the one recently updated in Nexus) via MO for BP purposes only.


Has anyone experienced the following BP behavior? I did not have that to any previous versions and what BP is doing in this case is simply wrong.




Thank you!  ::):

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