The most versatile and sophisticated mod manager for TES4 & TES5. Much more than just a mod manager, Wrye Bash is the Swiss Army Knife of modding. Visit the guide for a more thorough description and instructions for use maintaining STEP.
Thanks to Mertz AKA Beermotor for putting these release notes together :
Wrye Bash 307 Beta 2 Release Notes
Code has been refactored and cleaned up. Many bugs have died sudden and brutish deaths. Refactored Bashed Patcher for Skyrim Special Edition. See below for special notes on this update. SSE and FO4 save game support Creation Club ESL and save game support. Increased max-plugin count if using ESL files Support for installing BodySlide and BodySlide data files** Better support for FNIS** Better support for installing DynDOLOD content Support for Fallout 4 MCM and MCM plugins Better SKSE64 plugin support SKSE64 cosave support Dramatically improved ( go faster! ) filesystem operations Better file handling with dirty mods (for examle mods that have desktop.ini, thumbs.db files accidentally packed in the zip) (Bugfix) Improved BCF (BAIN Converter File) support for Skyrin, Skyrim Special Edition, and Fallout 4 (Bugfix) Bash will no longer include mods with BSA files in plugin merges (Bugfix) Better crash handling and exeption generation (Bugfix) Fixed several bugs with INI Tweak handling (Bugfix) Better settings handling. This is still a work-in-progress as we rework this portion of the code. ** Note: Bash skips executable files as a security measure. As a work-around, see the wiki article on how to set up Bodyslide executables with Bash.
Special note on the Bashed Patcher for Skyrim Special Edition: This version is form version 44 enforcing, meaning you will receive an error if you have any classic Skyrim plugins in your load order that have not been converted correctly in the SE Creation Kit (SECK). It will continue to build the patch, but you may encounter unusual behavior in the game. Do not ask the Bash team for assistance for issues arising from the use of v43 plugins with the SSE Bashed Patch.
Currently in development:
Further code refactoring and clean-up More Bash Tags supported in Skyrim Special Edition More Bash tweaks for Skyrim games and Fallout 4. New Bash Tags for new SSE and Fallout 4 record types More patchers for the Bashed Patcher for Skyrim Special Edition Better Fallout 4 support FOMOD support
Special thanks to the Wrye Bash team and contributors
Utumno - Lead developer and project lead Alt3rn1ty Arthmoor Diadalos Sharlikran Beermotor Saebel Nycz Iaz3 Fireundubh Zilav WrinklyNinja Ravenmind Supierce Leonardo LmStearn Leandor Valda
and we sincerely apologize for anyone we forgot.
Thanks to everyone that submitted bug reports, feature requests, issue reports, or just reported something being flat-out broken. We appreciate your help.
And a very special thanks to everyone that uses Wrye Bash to manage their Bethesda games. We do this for you.
Please follow the guidelines set out in the wiki for Reporting a bug.
Please post any bug reports to the Nexus thread. Do not post bug reports directly to the GitHub issues tracker.
Thank you!
Just starting this thread for general questions... which I'm bound to have a few ;)Starting with (and I've already done some hunting for this to no avail):What is the whole 'Warning - Load List Sanitized' thing about? Why does it disable select mods and what can I do about it?
Discussion thread:
Wrye Bash by Wrye
Wiki Link
Wiki Guide
The most versatile and sophisticated mod manager for TES4 & TES5. Much more than just a mod manager, Wrye Bash is the Swiss Army Knife of modding. Visit the guide for a more thorough description and instructions for use maintaining STEP.
Nexus thread
Latest release notes:
Thanks to Mertz AKA Beermotor for putting these release notes together :
Just starting this thread for general questions... which I'm bound to have a few ;)Starting with (and I've already done some hunting for this to no avail):What is the whole 'Warning - Load List Sanitized' thing about? Why does it disable select mods and what can I do about it?
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The quoted text you have taken from the table in the Wrye Bash ReadMe, is titled something like Header Context Menu The screenshot you have given is of the right click Header Context Menu .. So the th
@kranazoli: right click on masters list column header and choose allow edit EDIT: I am only active in the bethesda oblivion thread as stated in the nexus download page
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