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MO2 is giving me a warning for SKSE I'm not sure I need to ignore - LOTDSE

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So I'm at the point where I'm installing the rest of SKSE64 when I get this Error from MO2


"This mod was probably NOT set up correctly, most likely it will NOT work. You should first correct the directory layout using the content tree."


In regards to SKSE, the only files I have already installed are skse_1_5_62.dll, skse_loader.exe, and skse_steam_loader.dll in line with the first SKSE steps. 


The guide doesn't include any reference to this which worries me. Advice? I have a screenshot with all the information here including MO2, my SSE folder, and the guide.



Right click on , create folder, name the folder Scripts, and move the Source folder and all files into the Scripts folder. Once you do this, you see Looks Good in green and can click OK.

  On 1/12/2019 at 8:23 PM, monotone_screaming said:

all files being all loose files not in data or src?

Yes, the <data> is the Games root data folder and can't be moved. Drag and drop the rest into the new scripts folder. The "Source" folder is the scripts non complied folder source and can be un-checked if you aren't going to edit scripts.

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