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Everything was working mostly well until recently. I wanted to be able to use Merge Plugins, so I had to install a "portable" version of MO2 in order to be able to use it. Everything seemed to be fine, but then seemingly out of nowhere every time I would launch MO2 and use an app like LOOT, the tiny lockout window would stay up after closing LOOT saying that the mergeplugins.exe was still running (even if I hadn't used it since launching MO2). 


Now I can't even launch LOOT. It's saying "failed to spawn Loot.exe...parameter is incorrect[87]". Not sure if this is related to the issue with Merge Plugins, but whatever the cause I can no longer use LOOT from within MO2. Any thoughts?

7 answers to this question

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  • 0

Yep, it's installed outside the game folder. Actually, I used your SSE guide for setting up my game. I've since added to it, but your method of demarcating mod categories has been extremely helpful for keeping things organized. Thanks a lot!

  • 0

I get a Fatal: Could not open registry key: \SOFTWARE\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim when running TextGen64 and DynDOLOD64 from MO which is all I use as I prefere to keep my install folder vanilla. There is already a similar post under DYNDOLOD support. I followed the suggestions and it still is not working. So I thought I should try posting it here to see if anyone has a similar issue or fix.


I have followed all the steps in the Forest of Dibella guide by LupusHegemonia up until installing and running TexGen and DynDOLOD for SSE. Adding -sse to the shortcut did not seem to help nor did giving the files admin. I tried the steam launcher and tried verifying files and that did not make a difference. I even looked around in my registry to find skyrim and only thing listed in Bethesda Softworks is bethesda.net even after veryfing. Is it reccomended I install envrionment mods related to DynDOLOD directly into my games folder manually for now as a work around? I understand windows 10 is also picky with running things from certain locations. I have all installed in a tools directory on a seperate partition along with other skyrim resources. Skyrim SE is on its own drive seperate drive from windows and the tools.


At one point I was able to launch TexGen or DynDOLOD without MO. It did recognize file paths from windows users plugins and Skyrim SE on its other drive. Plugins reported no data as the Skyrim SE install is vanilla and I get thats because its not reading what MO adds.


Thanks again 

  • 0
Once trying to launch it without MO logs generated the following. Tools are installed on x:


  Reveal hidden contents




[00:00:00.000] TexGen based on xEdit x64 starting session 2018-02-13 21:32:02

[00:00:00.003] Using Skyrim Special Edition Data Path: S:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\

[00:00:00.006] Using ini: C:\Users\Tim\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Skyrim.ini

[00:00:00.009] Using save path: C:\Users\Tim\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\

[00:00:00.012] Using plugin list: C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\Plugins.txt

[00:00:00.016] Using settings file: C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\DynDOLOD_settings.ini

[00:00:00.023] Loading active plugin list: C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\Plugins.txt

[00:00:00.050] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp"

[00:00:00.069] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "ApachiiHair.esm"

[00:00:00.074] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "ApachiiHairFemales.esm"

[00:00:00.079] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SGHairPackBase.esm"

[00:00:00.085] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Apachii_DivineEleganceStore.esm"

[00:00:00.096] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "daymoyl.esm"

[00:00:00.103] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SkyUI_SE.esp"

[00:00:00.148] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "FNIS.esp"

[00:00:00.157] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SGEyebrows.esp"

[00:00:00.164] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "EnhancedLightsandFX.esp"

[00:00:00.173] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "RelightingSkyrim_SSE.esp"

[00:00:00.181] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "NexusSkyrimOverhaul.esp"

[00:00:00.190] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Palaces Castles Enhanced.esp"

[00:00:00.199] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "ELFX - Exteriors.esp"

[00:00:00.208] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "LegacyoftheDragonborn.esp"

[00:00:00.219] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "NexusSkyrimOverhaul_Magic.esp"

[00:00:00.229] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp"

[00:00:00.240] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp"

[00:00:00.250] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "ELFXEnhancer.esp"

[00:00:00.261] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Book of UUNP Iron And Steel.esp"

[00:00:00.271] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "WhiterunHoldForest.esp"

[00:00:00.282] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "OBIS SE.esp"

[00:00:00.293] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Book of UUNP - Textures.esp"

[00:00:00.304] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Book of UUNP with Summermyst.esp"

[00:00:00.315] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "EEKs Bannered Mare SSE.esp"

[00:00:00.356] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "ELFX - Weathers.esp"

[00:00:00.371] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SPTConsistentOlderPeopleSE.esp"

[00:00:00.386] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "OpulentOutfits_2017-SSE AIO.esp"

[00:00:00.401] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "BijinAIO_SSE-3.1.1-SV.esp"

[00:00:00.432] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SGHairPackAIO.esp"

[00:00:00.447] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SGHairPackBase.esp"

[00:00:00.462] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SimplyBiggerTreesSE.esp"

[00:00:00.477] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Potions.esp"

[00:00:00.493] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "DBM_NexusSkyrimOverhaul_Patch.esp"

[00:00:00.508] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "OBIS Loot SE.esp"

[00:00:00.524] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "NSO OBIS Patch.esp"

[00:00:00.539] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Extra Guards.esp"

[00:00:00.555] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "more idle markers.esp"

[00:00:00.570] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Immersive Patrols II.esp"

[00:00:00.585] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Trees in Cities.esp"

[00:00:00.600] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Immersive Wenches.esp"

[00:00:00.616] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "waterplants.esp"

[00:00:00.647] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "DraugrRace.esp"

[00:00:00.664] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "DragonPriestNude.esp"

[00:00:00.679] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Hateful Wenches.esp"

[00:00:00.695] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "DraugrSkirts.esp"

[00:00:00.711] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Apachii_DivineEleganceStore_Patch.esp"

[00:00:00.728] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Solar.esp"

[00:00:00.743] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "TheAmazingWorldOfBikiniArmor.esp"

[00:00:00.758] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Draugnarok.esp"

[00:00:00.774] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "mihaildragonling.esp"

[00:00:00.805] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "OBIS SE Patrols Addon.esp"

[00:00:00.820] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Uriellefollower.esp"

[00:00:00.850] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp"

[00:00:00.866] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp"

[00:00:00.881] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Forgotten Wenches.esp"

[00:00:00.897] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Deadly Wenches.esp"

[00:00:00.912] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Legionettes SE.esp"

[00:00:00.928] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Judgment Wenches.esp"

[00:00:00.943] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "KS Hairdo's.esp"

[00:00:00.958] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Immersive Wenches -SG&KS hairs- Patch.esp"

[00:00:00.974] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "CreatureSizeVariants.esp"

[00:00:00.990] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Veydosebrom - Grasses and Groundcover.esp"

[00:00:01.005] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE.esp"

[00:00:01.021] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE_Dungeon.esp"

[00:00:01.036] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SJs_InvHelms_Eng_Main_AHelm_A.esp"

[00:00:01.052] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SJs_InvHelms_Eng_Plugin_DLC1_AHelm_A.esp"

[00:00:01.068] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SJs_InvHelms_Eng_Plugin_DLC2_AHelm_A.esp"

[00:00:01.098] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Spells Emit Light.esp"

[00:00:01.129] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "OBIS SE - No Spiders.esp"

[00:00:01.144] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "ASIS-Dependency.esp"

[00:00:01.160] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Starting Spell Choice.esp"

[00:00:01.175] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "VioLens SE.esp"

[00:00:01.190] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "VioLens SE - Book Menu.esp"

[00:00:01.205] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Cassandra Frost Witch.esp"

[00:00:01.221] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Toccata as Elisif.esp"

[00:00:01.236] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "JoP - The Book of UUNP Patch.esp"

[00:00:01.251] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Tiwa44_SpiceGear_UNPB.esp"

[00:00:01.267] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Maevan2EyeBrows.esp"

[00:00:01.374] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "00FacialExpressions.esp"

[00:00:01.391] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "XPMSSE.esp"

[00:00:01.406] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Facelight.esp"

[00:00:01.421] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp"

[00:00:01.437] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp"

[00:00:01.453] [skyrim.esm] Loading file

[00:00:01.464] [update.esm] Loading file

[00:00:01.464] [Dawnguard.esm] Loading file

[00:00:01.465] [HearthFires.esm] Loading file

[00:00:01.465] [Dragonborn.esm] Loading file

[00:00:01.480] Background Loader: starting...

[00:00:01.481] Background Loader: [skyrim - Misc.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.501] Background Loader: [skyrim - Shaders.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.501] Background Loader: [skyrim - Interface.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.502] Background Loader: [skyrim - Animations.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.502] Background Loader: [skyrim - Meshes0.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.523] Background Loader: [skyrim - Meshes1.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.537] Background Loader: [skyrim - Sounds.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.537] Background Loader: [skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.537] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures0.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.542] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures1.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.543] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures2.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.545] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures3.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.548] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures4.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.550] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures5.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.556] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures6.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.566] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures7.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.572] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures8.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.572] Background Loader: [skyrim - Patch.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.574] Background Loader: [skyrim - Animations.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.574] Background Loader: [skyrim - Shaders.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.574] Background Loader: [skyrim - Sounds.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.574] Background Loader: [skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.574] Background Loader: [s:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\] Setting Resource Path.

[00:00:01.574] Background Loader: [skyrim.esm] Loading file

[00:00:03.520] Background Loader: [skyrim.esm] Warning: File contains duplicated top level group: GRUP Top "HAZD"

[00:00:03.520] Background Loader: [skyrim.Hardcoded.keep.this.with.the.exe.and.otherwise.ignore.it.I.really.mean.it.dat] Loading file

[00:00:03.530] Background Loader: [skyrim.Hardcoded.keep.this.with.the.exe.and.otherwise.ignore.it.I.really.mean.it.dat] Adding master "Skyrim.esm"

[00:00:03.530] Background Loader: [update.esm] Loading file

[00:00:03.531] Background Loader: [update.esm] Adding master "Skyrim.esm"

[00:00:03.580] Background Loader: [Dawnguard.esm] Loading file

[00:00:03.580] Background Loader: [Dawnguard.esm] Adding master "Skyrim.esm"

[00:00:03.580] Background Loader: [Dawnguard.esm] Adding master "Update.esm"

[00:00:03.798] Background Loader: [HearthFires.esm] Loading file

[00:00:03.799] Background Loader: [HearthFires.esm] Adding master "Skyrim.esm"

[00:00:03.799] Background Loader: [HearthFires.esm] Adding master "Update.esm"

[00:00:03.839] Background Loader: [Dragonborn.esm] Loading file

[00:00:03.839] Background Loader: [Dragonborn.esm] Adding master "Skyrim.esm"

[00:00:03.839] Background Loader: [Dragonborn.esm] Adding master "Update.esm"

[00:00:04.328] Background Loader: finished

[00:00:05.383] DynDOLOD TexGen 2.35 (1) by Sheson, starting...


[00:00:11.034] Script terminated itself, Result=2

[00:00:13.440] Saving: Settings

[00:00:13.458] Saving: Logs


[00:00:00.000] TexGen based on xEdit x64 starting session 2018-02-14 15:23:43

[00:00:00.002] Using Skyrim Special Edition Data Path: 

[00:00:00.005] Using ini: 

[00:00:00.007] Fatal: Could not find ini

[00:00:01.418] Saving: Settings

[00:00:01.421] Saving: Logs




[00:00:00.000] DynDOLOD based on xEdit x64 starting session 2018-02-14 14:17:23

[00:00:00.002] Using Skyrim Data Path: 

[00:00:00.005] Using ini: 

[00:00:00.007] Fatal: Could not find ini

[00:00:01.225] Saving: Settings

[00:00:01.228] Saving: Logs




[00:00:00.000] TexGen based on xEdit x64 starting session 2018-02-13 21:20:36

[00:00:00.002] Using Skyrim Data Path: 

[00:00:00.005] Using ini: 

[00:00:00.008] Fatal: Could not find ini

[00:00:07.062] Saving: Settings

[00:00:07.065] Saving: Logs


  • 0
Ok log file is huge and i'm not familiar with it. The entire log crashes my browser so here are any lines that include TexGenx64 to start.


  Reveal hidden contents


19:31:11.421 <4436:12576> [E] failed to inject into "S:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\TexGenx64.exe" : failed to open thread (The parameter is incorrect. [87])

19:31:11.421 <4436:12576> [E] failed to inject into spawned process

19:31:11.421 <4436:12576> [D] CreateProcessW [applicationReroute.fileName()=<null>] [cmdline="S:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\TexGenx64.exe" ] [blacklisted=0] [res=0]

19:31:11.421 <4436:12576> [D] ExitProcess [exitCode=4294967295]

19:31:11.421 [D] remove from process 4436

19:31:11.421 [D] manager not null

19:31:11.421 <4436:12576> [D] end hook of process 4436

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook CopyFile2

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook CopyFileA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook CopyFileExA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook CopyFileExW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook CopyFileW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook CreateDirectoryW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook CreateFile2

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook CreateFileA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook CreateFileW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook CreateHardLinkA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook CreateHardLinkW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook CreateProcessA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook CreateProcessW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook DeleteFileA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook DeleteFileW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook ExitProcess

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook FindFirstFileExA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook FindFirstFileExW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetCurrentDirectoryA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetCurrentDirectoryW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetFileAttributesA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetFileAttributesExA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetFileAttributesExW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetFileAttributesW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetFileVersionInfoExW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetFileVersionInfoSizeExW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetFileVersionInfoSizeW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetFileVersionInfoW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetFullPathNameW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetModuleFileNameA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetModuleFileNameW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetPrivateProfileSectionA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook GetPrivateProfileSectionW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook LoadLibraryA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook LoadLibraryExA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook LoadLibraryExW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook LoadLibraryW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook MoveFileA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook MoveFileExA

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook MoveFileExW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook MoveFileW

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook NtClose

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook NtCreateFile

19:31:11.421 [D] removed hook NtDeleteFile

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook NtOpenFile

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook NtQueryAttributesFile

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook NtQueryDirectoryFile

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook NtQueryFullAttributesFile

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook NtTerminateProcess

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook RemoveDirectoryW

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook SHFileOperationA

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook SHFileOperationW

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook SetCurrentDirectoryA

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook SetCurrentDirectoryW

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook SetFileAttributesW

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook ShellExecuteA

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook ShellExecuteExA

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook ShellExecuteExW

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook ShellExecuteW

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook WritePrivateProfileStringA

19:31:11.422 [D] removed hook WritePrivateProfileStringW

19:31:11.422 releasing hook context

19:31:11.422 2 users left

19:34:15.098 injecting to process 3968 with same bitness

19:34:15.098 [D] dll path: X:\Storage\Game Resources\Skyrim SE\Mods\Mod Organizer\usvfs_x64.dll

19:34:15.098 injection to same bitness process 3968 successfull

19:34:15.104 inithooks called mod_organizer_instance in process X:\Storage\Game Resources\Skyrim SE\Mods\Mod Organizer\ModOrganizer.exe:3968 (log level 0, dump type 1, dump path X:/Storage/Game Resources/Skyrim SE/Mods/Mod Organizer/crashDumps)

19:34:15.105 access existing config in 3968

19:34:15.105 0 processes - 0

19:34:15.105 mod_organizer_instance_7 opened in process 3968

19:34:15.106 attached to mod_organizer_instance_7 with 12623 nodes, size 4194304

19:34:15.106 inv_mod_organizer_instance_1 opened in process 3968

19:34:15.106 attached to inv_mod_organizer_instance_1 with 19 nodes, size 65536

19:34:15.106 [D] context current shm: mod_organizer_instance_7 (now 3 connections)

19:34:15.106 Process registered in shared process list : 3968

19:34:15.106 Windows version 10.0 sp 0

19:34:15.106 [D] kernel32.dll at 7fffe6de0000

19:34:15.106 [D] kernelbase.dll at 7fffe35c0000

19:34:15.106 [D] allocated trampoline buffer for jumps between 0x7fffc0000000 and 7fffffffffff at 0x7fffc0000000(size 4096)

19:34:15.106 hooked GetFileAttributesExW (0x7fffe36012d0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.106 hooked GetFileAttributesW (0x7fffe35fd340) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.106 hooked GetFileAttributesExA (0x7fffe363f140) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.106 hooked GetFileAttributesA (0x7fffe35ce3c0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.106 hooked SetFileAttributesW (0x7fffe3631540) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked CreateFileW (0x7fffe36017e0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked CreateFileA (0x7fffe3601700) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked CreateDirectoryW (0x7fffe360a9d0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked RemoveDirectoryW (0x7fffe3635b20) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked DeleteFileW (0x7fffe35ce0f0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked DeleteFileA (0x7fffe35ce0b0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked GetCurrentDirectoryA (0x7fffe3638870) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked GetCurrentDirectoryW (0x7fffe3632b90) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked SetCurrentDirectoryA (0x7fffe3642060) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked SetCurrentDirectoryW (0x7fffe3631df0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked ExitProcess (0x7fffe71604c0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked CreateProcessA (0x7fffe35cd7c0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked CreateProcessW (0x7fffe35cd740) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 [D] allocated trampoline buffer for jumps between 0x7fffc0000000 and 7fffffffffff at 0x7fffc0010000(size 4096)

19:34:15.107 hooked MoveFileA (0x7fffe6e3b590) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL type overwrite

19:34:15.107 existing hook to 7fffe6dcf000 in unknown

19:34:15.107 hooked MoveFileW (0x7fffe6defb00) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL type chained patch

19:34:15.107 hooked MoveFileExA (0x7fffe6e3b5c0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked MoveFileExW (0x7fffe362b090) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked CopyFileA (0x7fffe6e3a140) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked CopyFileW (0x7fffe3621de0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked CopyFileExA (0x7fffe6e3a1d0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked CopyFileExW (0x7fffe3621e10) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked CreateFile2 (0x7fffe3626580) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked CopyFile2 (0x7fffe3621cb0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA (0x7fffe6e38b70) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW (0x7fffe6e38ba0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked GetPrivateProfileSectionA (0x7fffe6e00750) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked GetPrivateProfileSectionW (0x7fffe6df4020) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked WritePrivateProfileStringA (0x7fffe6e38fc0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked WritePrivateProfileStringW (0x7fffe6df3690) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL type overwrite

19:34:15.107 stubbed CreateHardLinkA (0x7fffe3673c20) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 stubbed CreateHardLinkW (0x7fffe363a4a0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked GetFullPathNameW (0x7fffe35ce530) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 [D] allocated trampoline buffer for jumps between 0x7fffc0000000 and 7fffffffffff at 0x7fffc0020000(size 4096)

19:34:15.107 hooked GetFileVersionInfoW (0x7fffe35e4250) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked GetFileVersionInfoExW (0x7fffe35e4a30) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked GetFileVersionInfoSizeW (0x7fffe35e4280) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked GetFileVersionInfoSizeExW (0x7fffe35e50f0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked FindFirstFileExA (0x7fffe36a7d50) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked FindFirstFileExW (0x7fffe35fc5f0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 [D] ntdll.dll at 7fffe7120000

19:34:15.107 hooked NtQueryFullAttributesFile (0x7fffe71c25d0) in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked NtQueryAttributesFile (0x7fffe71c0600) in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked NtQueryDirectoryFile (0x7fffe71c0500) in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked NtOpenFile (0x7fffe71c04c0) in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked NtCreateFile (0x7fffe71c0900) in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 hooked NtClose (0x7fffe71c0040) in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.107 stubbed NtDeleteFile (0x7fffe71c17b0) in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.108 existing hook to 7fffe711f02a in unknown

19:34:15.108 hooked NtTerminateProcess (0x7fffe71c03e0) in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll type chained patch

19:34:15.108 [D] shell32.dll at 7fffe5300000

19:34:15.108 existing hook to 7fffe40b6680 in C:\WINDOWS\System32\windows.storage.dll

19:34:15.108 stubbed SHFileOperationA (0x7fffe549df90) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\SHELL32.dll type chained patch

19:34:15.108 existing hook to 7fffe40b6670 in C:\WINDOWS\System32\windows.storage.dll

19:34:15.108 stubbed SHFileOperationW (0x7fffe549dfa0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\SHELL32.dll type chained patch

19:34:15.108 stubbed ShellExecuteA (0x7fffe54b5700) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\SHELL32.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.108 stubbed ShellExecuteW (0x7fffe53fd1d0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\SHELL32.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.108 stubbed ShellExecuteExA (0x7fffe54b5790) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\SHELL32.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.108 stubbed ShellExecuteExW (0x7fffe5350ff0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\SHELL32.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.108 existing hook to 7fffe346f054 in unknown

19:34:15.108 hooked LoadLibraryExW (0x7fffe3602a20) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type chained patch

19:34:15.108 [D] allocated trampoline buffer for jumps between 0x7fffc0000000 and 7fffffffffff at 0x7fffc0030000(size 4096)

19:34:15.108 hooked LoadLibraryExA (0x7fffe35cdb70) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.108 hooked LoadLibraryW (0x7fffe3633f00) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.108 hooked LoadLibraryA (0x7fffe35cd1d0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.108 hooked GetModuleFileNameW (0x7fffe361b600) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.108 hooked GetModuleFileNameA (0x7fffe361b4d0) in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll type overwrite

19:34:15.108 [D] hooks installed

19:34:15.108 inithooks in process 3968 successfull

19:34:15.109 injecting to process 0 with same bitness

19:34:15.109 [D] dll path: X:\Storage\Game Resources\Skyrim SE\Mods\Mod Organizer\usvfs_x64.dll

1694582918 debug messages dropped

19:34:15.109 <3968:4124> [E] failed to inject into "S:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\TexGenx64.exe" : failed to open thread (The parameter is incorrect. [87])

19:34:15.109 <3968:4124> [E] failed to inject into spawned process

19:34:15.109 <3968:4124> [D] CreateProcessW [applicationReroute.fileName()=<null>] [cmdline="S:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\TexGenx64.exe" ] [blacklisted=0] [res=0]

19:34:15.109 <3968:4124> [D] ExitProcess [exitCode=4294967295]

19:34:15.109 [D] remove from process 3968

19:34:15.109 [D] manager not null

19:34:15.109 <3968:4124> [D] end hook of process 3968

19:34:15.109 [D] removed hook CopyFile2

19:34:15.109 [D] removed hook CopyFileA

19:34:15.109 [D] removed hook CopyFileExA

19:34:15.109 [D] removed hook CopyFileExW

19:34:15.109 [D] removed hook CopyFileW

19:34:15.109 [D] removed hook CreateDirectoryW

19:34:15.109 [D] removed hook CreateFile2

19:34:15.109 [D] removed hook CreateFileA

19:34:15.109 [D] removed hook CreateFileW

19:34:15.109 [D] removed hook CreateHardLinkA

19:34:15.109 [D] removed hook CreateHardLinkW

19:34:15.109 [D] removed hook CreateProcessA

19:34:15.109 [D] removed hook CreateProcessW

19:34:15.109 [D] removed hook DeleteFileA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook DeleteFileW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook ExitProcess

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook FindFirstFileExA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook FindFirstFileExW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetCurrentDirectoryA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetCurrentDirectoryW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetFileAttributesA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetFileAttributesExA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetFileAttributesExW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetFileAttributesW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetFileVersionInfoExW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetFileVersionInfoSizeExW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetFileVersionInfoSizeW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetFileVersionInfoW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetFullPathNameW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetModuleFileNameA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetModuleFileNameW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetPrivateProfileSectionA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook GetPrivateProfileSectionW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook LoadLibraryA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook LoadLibraryExA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook LoadLibraryExW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook LoadLibraryW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook MoveFileA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook MoveFileExA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook MoveFileExW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook MoveFileW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook NtClose

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook NtCreateFile

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook NtDeleteFile

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook NtOpenFile

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook NtQueryAttributesFile

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook NtQueryDirectoryFile

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook NtQueryFullAttributesFile

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook NtTerminateProcess

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook RemoveDirectoryW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook SHFileOperationA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook SHFileOperationW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook SetCurrentDirectoryA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook SetCurrentDirectoryW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook SetFileAttributesW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook ShellExecuteA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook ShellExecuteExA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook ShellExecuteExW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook ShellExecuteW

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook WritePrivateProfileStringA

19:34:15.110 [D] removed hook WritePrivateProfileStringW

19:34:15.110 releasing hook context

19:34:15.110 2 users left


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