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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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  On 9/21/2018 at 4:39 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

I am waiting on Jack to come back to me on a few bits an bobs then I plan to start rolling Out OMEGA I reckon a few more weeks still.

As I understand what OMEGA is, I imagine it's going to replace a large number of patches and files in the current guide - is this correct? If it is, I'll likely hold off - my broadband provider (ComCast for you in America) holds my downloads hostage to 1024 GB a month, and with three kids and a wife who stream from YouTube and Twitch a lot, I can't afford (so to speak) downloading things that I'm not going to need shortly. Thanks for the reply.

  On 9/21/2018 at 4:50 PM, mccune68 said:

Shoot, I'm sorry, I missed that.  I searched and found Sekhmet3713's issue and then a quoted response to that, but stopped there.  I did in fact have version 44 installed, so I will try rolling back to 40 and see if I can fix it.


I appreciate you taking the time to not only make this guide but come help noobs like me with our questions, thanks!

It's a real common issue... I saw this same thing discussed on the Discord last night. The version numbers for the mods are there for a reason, but I think most people (and I include myself in this as well, usually) just go for the most recent version of the mod and never bother to check. I'm not sure how to prevent that from happening... the numbers are plainly there, we just tend to gloss over them in our quest to get a pretty Skyrim.

  On 9/21/2018 at 4:56 PM, Shadriss said:

As I understand what OMEGA is, I imagine it's going to replace a large number of patches and files in the current guide - is this correct?

Yes, quite a few patches will be redundant and other will need rebuilding. I have a text Doc Jack has given me that I have been working off. I have updated My guide trello board to match so hopefully it will go smooth but we all I do tend to do forget things or miss things so it might be a few weeks after I release OMEGA for the dust to settle.


Should I have any Errors or Warnings listed in LOOT when the build is in it's final form? I have not sorted with LOOT since the part in the guide that says to sort by hand from that point on, but I did check and it still shows many mods that are missing patches and two errors about conflicts even after the final steps in the guide.  Are these supposed to be there or have I made a mistake somewhere?  I finished the guide and even got in game to set up the MM, but every time I sleep in the ASLAL room I CTD.  This is my third restart of the guide and I took care to do everything as per the guide.  Any help would be appreciated.  I am not asking for trouble shooting, I am just asking if these are supposed to be there after the final steps in the guide.


Here are some examples of what I am talking about.





A patch is included with the Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches SE installer, please make sure you have installed the Better Skill and Quest Books Names SE patch and have it activated
A patch is included with the Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches SE installer, please make sure you have installed the MorrowLoot Ultimate patch and have it activated
ERROR text:
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp  
Actors.AIPackages, C.Location, C.Owner
It is recommended that your read the Immersive Citizens SE: Compatibility Notes and to check for conflicts in SSEEdit after sorting with LOOT.
This plugin is incompatible with "Dawnstar.esp", but both files are present.
Relationship Dialog Ovehaul.esp
You seem to be using Cutting Room Floor, but you haven't enabled the patch for this plugin: RDO - CRF and USSEP Patches Final
You seem to be using Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch, but you haven't enabled the patch for this plugin: RDO - CRF and USSEP Patches Final
This plugin is incompatible with "AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp", but both files are present.
  On 9/21/2018 at 5:08 PM, Oremonger said:


Should I have any Errors or Warnings listed in LOOT when the build is in it's final form? I have not sorted with LOOT since the part in the guide that says to sort by hand from that point on, but I did check and it still shows many mods that are missing patches and two errors about conflicts even after the final steps in the guide.  Are these supposed to be there or have I made a mistake somewhere?  I finished the guide and even got in game to set up the MM, but every time I sleep in the ASLAL room I CTD.  This is my third restart of the guide and I took care to do everything as per the guide.  Any help would be appreciated.  I am not asking for trouble shooting, I am just asking if these are supposed to be there after the final steps in the guide.


Here are some examples of what I am talking about.





A patch is included with the Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches SE installer, please make sure you have installed the Better Skill and Quest Books Names SE patch and have it activated
A patch is included with the Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches SE installer, please make sure you have installed the MorrowLoot Ultimate patch and have it activated
ERROR text:
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp  
Actors.AIPackages, C.Location, C.Owner
It is recommended that your read the Immersive Citizens SE: Compatibility Notes and to check for conflicts in SSEEdit after sorting with LOOT.
This plugin is incompatible with "Dawnstar.esp", but both files are present.
Relationship Dialog Ovehaul.esp
You seem to be using Cutting Room Floor, but you haven't enabled the patch for this plugin: RDO - CRF and USSEP Patches Final
You seem to be using Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch, but you haven't enabled the patch for this plugin: RDO - CRF and USSEP Patches Final
This plugin is incompatible with "AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp", but both files are present.


Ignore LOOT Warning unless I say otherwise. Most cos I have dealt with them but LOOT doesn't know that

  On 9/21/2018 at 3:56 PM, berndaroy said:

When you load this plugin with all the masters required in xedit, firstly when loaded, right click and select none. When clear, re-click "Obsidian Weathers And Seasons - Beyond Skyrim Bruma Patch" only. When loaded click on the + sign in the left pane next to it to expanded it. On file header click on it and in right pane right click Record flags, edit AND YOU SHOULD see a list of click boxes i.e at the top ESM, localized, esl and ignored. Simply uncheck the ESL tick box.......if you DON'T have any boxes, try reinstalling that mod again as they ARE DEFINITELY there.....i did this earlier today ::P:

A great TY ! :rofl: i see i can edit but i wasn't try...

Thank you again.

  On 9/21/2018 at 5:12 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

Ignore LOOT Warning unless I say otherwise. Most cos I have dealt with them but LOOT doesn't know that

In a similar and related vein, there are a few mods that still report ITMs in the esps. I know CHorses likely uses them on purpose, but was curious about the others, like the Boethia Artifacts esp.

  On 9/21/2018 at 4:42 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

I have not even looked into that been concentrating on sorting out OMEGA.

Thank Lexy....not a problem I'll do a test run and compare this and majestic (that i still love), besides in 4k which might be a problem for me....just your thoughts was all i was looking for....forget sometimes that you are a very busy lady...you make it look so, so easy ::P:

  On 9/21/2018 at 4:17 PM, godescalcus said:

I disagree with most about EFF in that I don't miss it, I hate all that silent dialogue, sorry, no going back to Morrowind for me... Bijin for SSE is great news, Mature Skin is great but hasn't aged so well (no pun intended), considering the ultra-hi res setups some people have, I was glad to replace it with Bijin. If anyone cares to try Demoniac, it has options based on Mature and you do NOT have to use the glossy/oily/wet/goosebumpsy options: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19355


And yes, when talking about Vivid Weathers you hit a soft spot with me, although I'm enjoying Obsidian immensely, I always miss something from VW. I'm sure I'm going to test it next modding run with the newer ENB effects that may get along better with it, but to tell you the truth I'd never really have appreciated Obsidian if I hadn't stuck with it for now over 200 hours of playthrough. Testing for five minutes and switching back is what kept me from giving it a chance for months even after the guide made the move.

I see.. Thought there were some incompatibilities with something used here...I'll try this new Bijin SSE when I finish installing everything...so probably next year ..lol

  On 9/21/2018 at 6:58 PM, Vardex said:

So when I got outdoor everything is white : https://i.imgur.com/emykGXR.png


Any idea how I can fix that?

Is that with or without an ENB installed? If it's with, I think that's a problem with the ENB files... the ENBLocal, IIRC. If not... uhm... yeah...


  On 9/21/2018 at 9:02 PM, itskingx said:

hey for dragonborn delayed does it matter which file i use?

If memory serves, the different versions just change when DB kicks off - wont make a difference to the conflict resolution files, if that's what you mean. You can pick whichever one appeals to you, and it should be fine.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/21/2018 at 9:25 PM, Shadriss said:

Is that with or without an ENB installed? If it's with, I think that's a problem with the ENB files... the ENBLocal, IIRC. If not... uhm... yeah...


Just did like the guide said, ENB Series and PhoenixVivid ENB-Reshade


Edit: Reinstalled ENB Series and PhoenixVivid ENB-Reshade don't know what I did wrong the first time

Edited by Vardex
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