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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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  On 9/12/2018 at 9:26 PM, itskingx said:

so if i have a copy of veydosebrom i assume i can just use that instead of verdant? also since i have a gtx1080 can i use the high preset for dyndolod?

yes if you have veydosebrom use that instead just replace the parts that are for verdant with veydosebrom. I use the high DynDOLOD Preset myself

Posted (edited)
  On 9/12/2018 at 9:26 PM, itskingx said:

so if i have a copy of veydosebrom i assume i can just use that instead of verdant? also since i have a gtx1080 can i use the high preset for dyndolod?


Has it *actually* improved people's performance though? I completely disabled Verdant and it didn't help my 970 GTX, I doubt it'd help your monster GPU...


Just a follow-up to my performance stuff, though: giving my ENB a tune (disabling DOF because I don't screenshot, and reducing SSAO quality) has put me from 40-50fps average to 50-60fps average with minimal quality loss, I'm happy with that :) thanks to this reddit post.


Actually, in my testing, I get about a ~15fps boost while outdoors (originally I would get drops to 35-40fps less-than-often, but now I'm very rarely getting drops below 50fps)


Screenshot tests for those interested (though probably hard to tell with Imgur compression):



Edited by CosmicDan
Posted (edited)

OK, I'm going to kind of talk my way through this - I'm going back to the shield texture problem I noted a week or so back. Reference images located here. Note that I have had a responce from the author of Shields of the Holds, indicating that some of this is an incompatibility that he has been unable to locate. So, let me lay out what I've discovered, and then I'll get to my conclusions. Please, by all means, if my understanding about these things is incorrect, provide the correction.


1) In looking at Shields, the mod uses a new model for the shields used in the game. IIRC from years ago, textures are designed to be used with a given model... thus, if we were to try to map the original textures onto the new model, they would work incorrectly because of how UV mapping works.


2) The loading screen shot and the Riften shield were the only errors in my loadout NOT associated with CHorses.


3) The CHorses pictures all show the texture of the hold exactly as seen if you look at the texture in a file folder.


4) When loading up the entire load order in SSEdit, the Riften shield is the only on in the Weapons Armor Merge (Where Shields of the Holds go) that is NOT in that merge.




1) CHorses is expecting a single large texture for it's facing, not the SotH version which places the front and backs of the shields on the same texture, resulting in the texture problem shown. This also accounts for why the High Hrothgar texture is not misaligned, as there is not (normally) such a shield emblem being replaced. If this is true, then the texture error is an unresolvable error, requiring CHorses to have either an alternate version capable of using the new texture, or possibly some other solution.


2) The Riften shield data is not being carried over into the Weapons Armor Merged for whatever reason, accounting for the reason it is the ONLY guard shield to show that error.


3) This being the case (and despite my liking for the SotH shields), because the error is unlikely to be resolved, serious consideration should be given to dropping SotH and finding something similar that will not show this error. (EDIT: Possible replacement here... will be experimenting. Not a lot of real options... were it not for the updated model of SotH...)



Edited by Shadriss

I have a gaming rig from 2015-2016 (can't remember) and I can play flawlessly at very high settings.


Leaving this guide from Reddit here, 3 key things improved my fps (I had stutters and like 30-35 fps before this); follow Lexy's BethINI steps, use nVidia inspector for V-Sync (disable it ingame, in ENB and in INI, I don't know why but V-Sync through inspector yielded extremely good results) and tweak settings using this guide (for me it was enough to double-check shadow resolution and lower godrays):



Shadriss I spawned a Riften shield and I too am having texture issues on it I only notice the thing I noted in shields of the hold esp was Riften doesn't have an Armour addon record while all the other holds do

Posted (edited)
  On 9/12/2018 at 7:48 PM, CosmicDan said:

That edit timeout is a little frustrating!


Update: I turned off a bunch of features on the Phoenix ENB and now I get constant 60fps, so it's that. Yeah my VRAM is still 3.9GB, but I just suppose that means my graphics card is being used properly (after all, as they say - "Free RAM is wasted RAM").


There may be cases where I will get minor FPS drop when moving around but ENB settings was definitely the main culprit for sub-60 fps in my case. As I said, I completely turned off Verdant and DynDOLOD (isn't xLODGEN only used as a prerequisite for building DynDOLOD?) and it had no bearing on VRAM usage. I think max VRAM use is just a red herring for low FPS really (or badly optimized rendering engines) except in extreme cases like a previous poster had with using 4k textures on everything (if downgrading actually helped his FPS? I don't recall reading confirmation on that).


Anyway, so don't worry too much about it - just the usual "ENB's are heavy" stuff. I will look into finding a good balance of performance and quality for my setup.


Well, once you mentioned ENB settings, I looked into it and I saw that force vsync was enabled (could've sworn I turned it off - I have GSYNC so I don't need it). After I set it to false, now I get pretty constant 55-57 fps, which is fine by me. This is with depth of field on, and no FPS limiter anywhere (btw why do we limit fps on nvidia inspector if a have the SSE64 Havok Fix?). I know my graphics card really isn't being pushed in terms of processing power, since I can see the Mhz and Temperature stay relatively low. Vsync turned out to be the artificial limiter on my fps.


Now with regards to VRAM, after turning off all programs in the background (firefox uses up 1GB of VRAM), I was able to stay at 5.9GB (out of 6GB). Which is still too close for comfort IMO. However, I didn't notice any detrimental effects on my gameplay at all. No stuttering or anything. Perhaps, it just makes the game more likely to crash (which hasn't happened yet)? If everything is fine, I'm wondering if I should downgrade to 2k at all. Regardless though, I think Lexy's update to lower to 2k should remain in place to maintain compatibility with most rigs.

Edited by opty123
  On 9/13/2018 at 6:57 AM, opty123 said:

Well, once you mentioned ENB settings, I looked into it and I saw that force vsync was enabled (could've sworn I turned it off - I have GSYNC so I don't need it). After I set it to false, now I get pretty constant 55-57 fps, which is fine by me. This is with depth of field on, and no FPS limiter anywhere (btw why do we limit fps on nvidia inspector if a have the SSE64 Havok Fix?). I know my graphics card really isn't being pushed in terms of processing power, since I can see the Mhz and Temperature stay relatively low. Vsync turned out to be the artificial limiter on my fps.


Now with regards to VRAM, after turning off all programs in the background (firefox uses up 1GB of VRAM), I was able to stay at 5.9GB (out of 6GB). Which is still too close for comfort IMO. However, I didn't notice any detrimental effects on my gameplay at all. No stuttering or anything. Perhaps, it just makes the game more likely to crash (which hasn't happened yet)? If everything is fine, I'm wondering if I should downgrade to 2k at all. Regardless though, I think Lexy's update to lower to 2k should remain in place to maintain compatibility with most rigs.

I use those mods at I downgraded to 2K myself with my GTX 980ti cos I decided 4K for most texture was overkill.


Ah just spotted a conflict between shields of the hold and SIC the Riften texture was being overwritten in the esp. Record 00021456 need the alternate texture forward into the CR that ill fix the riften shield I will roll that into my next CR update.

  On 9/13/2018 at 7:14 AM, DarkladyLexy said:

Ah just spotted a conflict between shields of the hold and SIC the Riften texture was being overwritten in the esp. Record 00021456 need the alternate texture forward into the CR that ill fix the riften shield I will roll that into my next CR update.

That doesn't fix the other problem with CHorses and the horse armors it provides, though it's good to see that the other problem is resolvable. The problem with the CHorses shields is tied to the new shield model that SotH uses, which requires a different texture layout than the normal shields. If you look at the textures used, you'll note that SotH textures have both front, back, and rim textures in a single texture, as opposed to normal where it's one texture per... or so it would appear from what I've been able to uncover, anyhow. That's a built in incompatibility with CHorses as a result, because it's expecting textures for the normal Skyrim shield model, which have a different texture setup.


IF everything I just said is truth, then a incompatibility (however minor) exists. I'll grant that it's only really visible from specific angles that you aren't using while riding, but running up to your horse, decked out in the colors of your favorite hold, and seeing that messed up texture situation is very... off putting. That being the case, I maintain that the possible replacement is a better idea. The only reason I haven't done the full swap myself to this point is me not wanting to rebuild any patches while I'm in my current playthrough.

  On 9/13/2018 at 1:56 PM, Shadriss said:

That doesn't fix the other problem with CHorses and the horse armors it provides, though it's good to see that the other problem is resolvable. The problem with the CHorses shields is tied to the new shield model that SotH uses, which requires a different texture layout than the normal shields. If you look at the textures used, you'll note that SotH textures have both front, back, and rim textures in a single texture, as opposed to normal where it's one texture per... or so it would appear from what I've been able to uncover, anyhow. That's a built in incompatibility with CHorses as a result, because it's expecting textures for the normal Skyrim shield model, which have a different texture setup.


IF everything I just said is truth, then a incompatibility (however minor) exists. I'll grant that it's only really visible from specific angles that you aren't using while riding, but running up to your horse, decked out in the colors of your favorite hold, and seeing that messed up texture situation is very... off putting. That being the case, I maintain that the possible replacement is a better idea. The only reason I haven't done the full swap myself to this point is me not wanting to rebuild any patches while I'm in my current playthrough.

we'll the mod author (or someone else with Permission) needs to provide a patch for Sheild of the hold and convenient horses. I am still open to just pulling Sheild of the hold and stick with Frankly's shield texture to save me headache


I don't think it's patchable - it's not a problem in the ESP. It's inherent in the meshes of the horses... he'd have to provide two separate versions to make this work for SotH, and I don't think that's reasonable to ask of the author. Your solution may be a viable one as well (straight pull), as I haven't done any texture comparisons between Frankly and the one I mentioned - I only pulled that specific one into this because it have patches for both Falskaar and Helgen Reborn, which gives us shields for those Holds as well... I'm not sure Frankly will do that.

  On 9/13/2018 at 2:13 PM, Shadriss said:

I don't think it's patchable - it's not a problem in the ESP. It's inherent in the meshes of the horses... he'd have to provide two separate versions to make this work for SotH, and I don't think that's reasonable to ask of the author. Your solution may be a viable one as well (straight pull), as I haven't done any texture comparisons between Frankly and the one I mentioned - I only pulled that specific one into this because it have patches for both Falskaar and Helgen Reborn, which gives us shields for those Holds as well... I'm not sure Frankly will do that.

Look a bit further up I did a quick comparison of the Riften shield between Sheild of the hold (pre-me find the fixing it ) cc's that you suggested and Frankly that is already in the guide.


I quite like Frankly's myself.


Ahhh. So you did. Using those shots, it's still a bit of a toss up on the main shields. They both look decent, no question, though I think I like the higher paint coverage of CC... seriously, do the craftsmen just not care?... better than Frankly. Does Frankly give us shields for Falskaar and Helgen Reborn?


In the end though, your call - I just identified the error and gave a couple possible solutions - this bus is yours to drive.  ::P:

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