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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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  On 9/10/2018 at 5:07 PM, Shadriss said:

Looking at HHHD, I find it interesting that there are only exterior shots - can anyone confirm that this affects the interior as well? If it doesn't, then Zul du Dov can be left in, as it does handle the interior, and allow HHHD to overwrite the exterior.


@Lexy - thanks. I don't like to rant (I hope you know that by now), but I also have this military need to make sure communications are clear. 

I have not looked into that much yet but Pilgrims Delight retextures the High Hrothgar Shrines you find make your way high the 7000 steps so should be OK.


I am used to military men cos if you didn't know Darth was in the Navy himself.


Without adding any more pressure on Lexy, i am in agreement with Shadriss in regards to Discord. I for one, do not do social media etc, EXCEPT for the forums here..don't even have a personal phone. I have been on Discord to look see, but not comfortable there..hence why all my posts are found here or Darth's guide. Yet still, as Shadriss has pointed out, there are good people here that are happy to share their wisdom and guidance to queries.....Sirjesto and Greg to name a few(many others too). Still thank you Lexy for the effort you put in and you too Shadriss...pardon my bad grammar here tonight...just been one of those days :ermm:  :huh:  :blink: 

  On 9/10/2018 at 4:57 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

High Hrothgar HD does replace some LODS so yet you would have to redo DynDOLOD.

Quick Question : (High Hrothgar HD does replace some LODS) How you know that? There is no mention anywhere on the mod page...


Maybe what I need a user or two willing to poke me when important issues crop up on the forums but I have been give a good kick up the arse and I will do better.


I realize some users had an issue recently over the removal of the tint layer from KYE SRECO but I honestly didn't think it was that big of an issue cos it basic xEdit stuff don't forget this is an advanced guide and I won't spoon feed you all the time I expect you to know certain things but that has now been resolved and we can move on.

  On 9/10/2018 at 7:41 PM, spartanflame said:

Veydosebrom is back online. Just in case you might want to switch back to it.

well brilliant and just when I pulled it too.


Edit: It not back on SSE? it still is on and was never pull from LE.


  On 9/10/2018 at 7:43 PM, AthlonAI said:

Quick Question : (High Hrothgar HD does replace some LODS) How you know that? There is no mention anywhere on the mod page...

Installed it before heading to work and notice it overwrote DynDOLOD Resource (at least I think it did).

  On 8/27/2018 at 12:36 AM, Shadriss said:

Possible mod conflict in game - I suspect Convenient Horses and Shields of the Holds. Images here and here. Looks like a bad texture alignment of some kind. Not sure if there's a direct conflict somehow, or if this is just Shields... any ideas?


EDIT: Have seen it for shields for Riften and the horse armor for Whiterun... Solitude shields appear to be fine, and haven't checked all the others yet.

If you have not go to the bottom of this yet I think is best the let the mod author of Shield of the hold know there might abe an incompatibility with Convenient Horses.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/10/2018 at 8:18 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

If you have not go to the bottom of this yet I think is best the let the mod author of Shield of the hold know there might abe an incompatibility with Convenient Horses.

Will do - although I'm as curious if others are seeing this as well, because if nobody else is, this means it's on my side, and I don't need to bother the author. In essence, checking other indications before I go full nuclear.


  On 9/10/2018 at 7:43 PM, AthlonAI said:

Quick Question : (High Hrothgar HD does replace some LODS) How you know that? There is no mention anywhere on the mod page...

Because the textures will affect them - when you run TexGen, it's setting up to use your installed textures for LOD purposes. Even aside from that, a look inside the files will show (or I imagine it does) that there are LOD files in there... it's not always something that will be mentioned by authors, since most modders (IE, the casual modder) don't care about that level of detail. We, on the other hand, do... and that's how we find things out... by going into the file structures.


EDIT: WRT HHHD, I did a quick file comparison in MO2, and there is no texture overlap between this and Zul du Dov - HHHD only covers the outside, and ZDD the interior. Placed with the other Luxor mods, the only mods getting overwritten are Noble Skyrim and and the window noalpha texture from DynDOLOD Resources, and is in turn having it's windows overwritten by Rustic Windows. Other than those, no issues, and I think no other adjustments need be made. Placed it between College of Winterhold HD and Fort Dawnguard HD for these results.

Edited by Shadriss
Posted (edited)
  On 2/3/2018 at 12:04 PM, Decopauge123 said:

Started SSE, "DynDOLOD requires PapyrusUtil64 3.3 or newer" message displayed.


So erm I just discovered I need to downgrade Skyrim to use SKSE 2.0.7 instead of 2.0.8 for this. I found out how to downgrade back to 1.5.39 (Google) but just mentioning here for others.


Also may have to downgrade other SKSE plugins e.g. RaceMenu (I am manually double-checking all mods that have an SKSE dll) since I was a doobah who downloaded the latest version of everything :p

  On 9/10/2018 at 7:47 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

Maybe what I need a user or two willing to poke me when important issues crop up on the forums but I have been give a good kick up the arse and I will do better.


Don't be so hard on yourself. While I don't know how much of this guide is your 100% original research, this is amazing work and clearly a labor of love. The fact that there are no other Skyrim SE modpacks out there (well, none that I could find that didn't look fake or dodgy) is a testament to your hard work.


Do you/your team have a donation link?

Edited by CosmicDan
Posted (edited)

Edit post time out, sorry for double-post. Again, a post of reference for others who blindly downloaded the latest version of everything like I did:


After downgrading to Skyrim 1.5.39 and back to SKSE 2.0.7, as of writing these are the current SKSE-enabled mods that HAVE been updated for 2.0.8 so do NOT download the Latest version, but these specified versions version:


  • RaceMenu 0.2.4
  • moreHUD SE 3.5.1
  • moreHUD Inventory Edition 1.0.5
  • FISSES 1.3.3 (runtime 1.5.39)
  • Havok Fix 2.2
    NB: Need to manually set "DelayLoad" to true in HavokFix.ini for ENB compatibility


All the other DLL mods have not been updated since SKSE 2.0.8.


Don't forget to reinstall the SKSE 2.0.7 scripts :)

Edited by CosmicDan
Posted (edited)

In addition, CBP Physics is now outdated and won't work either with the new SKSE.


Also, I am happy with this new update as I also have a 6GB 980ti like Lexy but with a newer 6600k i5 processor, so about same, perhaps insignificantly higher specced rig and I am having a hell of a time running this.


This is with the DynDOLOD not even working due to papyrus being outdated: I get 35fps, 40 at most in doors at 1080p and no Antialiasing, no vsync.


I also went a bit overboard and downloaded all 4K for about 5 or so mods for which the original guide recommended 2k but those shouldnt have made too much of a difference. I suspect I am at or very close to 6GB VRAM.


Perhaps this is why my xLODgen compiled for 8 hours (Lexy says hers took 2 hours in the guide).




DarkladyLexy in terms of quality and optimization who is better Veydosebrom or Verdant?

I did some research to this, I think my abysmal performance can also be related to Verdant.

Apparently Verdant is a well known fps killer (-30 fps consistently). I think switch to Veydosebrom would alleviate some of the fps issues, which also reduced fps up to 15 fps. In fact I've seen performance density with 1K textures being recommended even on a 1080Ti for Veydosebrom.

Edited by opty123
Posted (edited)
  On 9/10/2018 at 11:25 PM, opty123 said:

In addition, CBP Physics is now outdated and won't work either with the new SKSE.

You need to downgrade to get everything working again. See my two posts directly above yours.


  On 9/10/2018 at 11:25 PM, opty123 said:

I also went a bit overboard and downloaded all 4K for about 5 or so mods for which the original guide recommended 2k but those shouldnt have made too much of a difference. I suspect I am at or very close to 6GB VRAM.

If you've Windows 10 and a recent-ish build of it, you can check dedicated VRAM usage in Task Manager > Performance tab. I doubt it is VRAM though - I get constant 60fps indoors and 40-60fps outdoors on my 970GTX, FXAA and Borderless Windowed (which also includes Vsync). VRAM saturation usually results in stutter/fluctuations when moving around rather than a constantly bad FPS (unless you're like 1000% over-committed in VRAM usage though, which wouldn't be the case).


  On 9/10/2018 at 11:25 PM, opty123 said:

Perhaps this is why my xLODgen compiled for 8 hours (Lexy says hers took 2 hours in the guide).

Took like 8 hours and 4 minutes for me too (i5 8400, Intel 480GB SSD, 32GB 3200MHz RAM, left overnight), I think that "2 hours" statement is a bit out of date haha. It was more like 2 hours when I did this build back in March though, I think.




@DarkladyLexy - I have an Idiot-check tip for the guide. Right at the end of it all when ready to launch for first time, we can easily make sure we extracted all the BSA's by checking the Archives tab in MO. Any of the BSA's without a checkmark on them have had their dummy ESP removed and we haven't deleted the BSA, which implies that we forgot to extract them. This caught me with two of the HUD mods, it's a good way to be sure all the resources will be loaded :)

Edited by CosmicDan

Thanks everybody for the clarification on my questions on textures and Dyndolod.  And I apologize for my numerous questions about the kye_srceo_patch.esp on the ssedit! I just forgot that I played with it last time and it's your screenshot that reminds me that I might have change what was displayed on the view pane... Part of the learning curve!


On another note you might be pleased to know that I've seen PapyrusUtil is out tonight for 1.5.50.

  On 9/10/2018 at 2:45 PM, Shadriss said:

On a slightly related subject - I know most of the mod discussions are taking place on discord... and at the moment, that's not a way I can participate in the discussions. I've been leaving questions on the Trello cards about some of the mods, but I'm thinking that they either aren't being seen or possibly ignored. I want to be involved as much as I can, and these forums have allowed me to be, but given some of my other limitations, should I be posting my Trello questions here to get answers?

I can completely relate to this. I started using discord as much as I could to keep up with Mod Organizer development and a few other things, but it really started eating into time that I don't have to spare and the time zone differences didn't help much. I finally just had to shut down discord to get back to work and family.

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