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Wrye Bash and Scarcity.


I was checking through the Bashed Patch we generate and was a bit concerned with Scarcity and the Patch applying two lots of 75% chance of no loot.


If you look at "leveled Item > 00017112 (LootSilverHandPotions)" for example.


In the Scarcity mod it chances the LVLD - Chance None to "0" and applies the LVLG - Global to "75LootChanceNone".


In the Bashed patch it carries that forward and then puts the original 75% chance of no loot back in.


Does this mean there are effectively two chances of 75% chance of no loot?

Syclonix Quoted:


The "How to fix the Bashed Patch" by ServantOfSin is not required for the mod to work properly. I've tested it and the LVLG records correctly override the LVLD records in the Bashed Patch as long as Scarcity is at the bottom of the load order as intended.


UPDATE: To explain further: When you use a LVLG (Global) record to modify a LeveledItem the LVLD record is ignored. In other words, it does not matter what the LVLD record contains because if your load order is correct with Scarcity right before the Bashed Patch the LVLG record will "disable" the LVLD record even though the Bashed Patch imports a different value from another esp.


Although saying that we might need to test adding ReLev and Delev Tags cos as of yet I have not added any. (For instance I know the Main CR needs at least a Relev Tag and maybe an Invent tag which i will add to the file header in the next update).

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OK guys the Main CR needs a Delev, Invent tag added to it otherwise the fix for Rikke's Helmet will be overwritten. I will add these to the file header in the next CR update that way it will be automatically done but for now add those tag and at least there it will be good.


there is likely too be other manual tags we should add but we need to work them so go forth test and let me know which ones we think deserves or needs a sexy bash tag added.

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I can load the sleeping giant inn just fine. Also I've tried disabling dyndolod and also disabling the weather systems merged, trees and flora merged, and Realistic Water Two. Still getting the same crashes. I feel like I irreparably messed up something and I have to reinstall.

Can you get past your normal crash point in a new game with only the cleaned base Skyrim game esms loaded?


If it works fine, start enabling your mods in blocks (just watch out for patches that have masters installed later on, as a missing master will crash Skyrim before the main menu) until you can replicate the crash. Start a new game each time. Once you do start crashing, start disabling that last added block of mods one by one until the crash goes away. Then you'll have found your culprit. 

Edited by Tzefira
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Syclonix Quoted:


The "How to fix the Bashed Patch" by ServantOfSin is not required for the mod to work properly. I've tested it and the LVLG records correctly override the LVLD records in the Bashed Patch as long as Scarcity is at the bottom of the load order as intended.


UPDATE: To explain further: When you use a LVLG (Global) record to modify a LeveledItem the LVLD record is ignored. In other words, it does not matter what the LVLD record contains because if your load order is correct with Scarcity right before the Bashed Patch the LVLG record will "disable" the LVLD record even though the Bashed Patch imports a different value from another esp.


Although saying that we might need to test adding ReLev and Delev Tags cos as of yet I have not added any. (For instance I know the Main CR needs at least a Relev Tag and maybe an Invent tag which i will add to the file header in the next update).

Thanks Lexy, saved me doing it by hand.  First time I have used Wrye as I usually make my own levelled list patch.

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you guys i really do miss Frostfall and Campfire but since they a bit iffy on SSE I'll just have to wait for Chesko do do his thing. Also has anyone had a go and porting Dynamic things not sure it that can even be ported successfully cos it needs SKSE.

I've been using the dracotorre.com conversion steps for Frostfall and Campfire and they've been working fine for me (though I'll be very happy when there's an official release). Have not tried to wrangle Dynamic Things.


There is a new patch for Landscape Fixes - Provincial Courier Service.

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I've been using the dracotorre.com conversion steps for Frostfall and Campfire and they've been working fine for me (though I'll be very happy when there's an official release). Have not tried to wrangle Dynamic Things.


There is a new patch for Landscape Fixes - Provincial Courier Service.

yes i know i can use the conversion steps but that also goes along the line of bad SSE ports. Well yes I know Frostfall was ported before SKSE64 was out blah blah blah but it the same.


Dear DarkLadylexy, you lately recommended me your Legacy of the  Dragonborn SE  guide but I am a little confused and hope you can help me.

Following the guide i should install the main file - mxpf-a from the MXPF - Mator's xEdit Patching Framework  mod into the Edit scripts folder in TES5Edit but i did not install TES5Edit. I did install the SSEEDIT tool but they are not the same, aren't they?

That's a typo it should be SSEedit (well xedit really). Yes SSEEdit and TES5Edit are actually the same

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