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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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  On 8/31/2018 at 12:47 AM, Monica21 said:

I was able to "fix" this by installing the mods in their listed order and making no changes to their original file structures. I'm not sure what that means or how much of a problem this may cause me in the future, but I don't know why it didn't work.

Just as a general question, are you testing each section as they get completed? If yes, that is likely part of the problem - the guide doesn't work that way. It assumes that all mods are installed, all merges made, and all Finishing Line actions completed... anything less than this, and there are going to be issues similar to what you've experienced. If no, then there may be more troubleshooting to be done (which is fine), but we're gonna need more information that what you've posted thus far.

  On 8/31/2018 at 3:26 AM, Shadriss said:

Just as a general question, are you testing each section as they get completed? 


Yes, because that is what is suggested at the top of the guide. I was not prepared to spend two days downloading and installing and then have a crash and not have any idea what the cause was. Also, that was the only section I had any problems with.

  On 8/31/2018 at 3:50 AM, Monica21 said:

Yes, because that is what is suggested at the top of the guide. I was not prepared to spend two days downloading and installing and then have a crash and not have any idea what the cause was. Also, that was the only section I had any problems with.

Story of my life  :lol:

  On 8/30/2018 at 11:07 PM, Monica21 said:

I installed everything in the NPC Retextures section per instructions, tested my game, and everyone affected has the black face bug. I know that this is usually a load order issue, but am I missing something? I do have the NPC Retexture Merge installed, but I did notice that I don't have either of the 3DNPC files. Will this fix my issue, or did I screw up somewhere?


  On 8/31/2018 at 12:47 AM, Monica21 said:

I was able to "fix" this by installing the mods in their listed order and making no changes to their original file structures. I'm not sure what that means or how much of a problem this may cause me in the future, but I don't know why it didn't work.

You are getting Blackface bugs not because the folder structure is incorrect but the Records are either being overwritten or you are missing the facegen data for interesting NPC's which is installed later. Don't worry about that yet all you really need to do when testing is may sure you can boot up and can load into the world.


  On 8/30/2018 at 11:23 PM, Shadriss said:

Noted this on Nexus today - may go well with the Keep it Clean mod. I don't use it myself, but I thought it may be of interest to the rest of you.

Already included with Keep it Clean.


Hiya there, I’ve been loosely following the guide using your knowledge of mods to give myself a strong base on which to carry on modding and I noticed your use of loot groups. I haven’t been able to find a guide that explains how to use groups effectively so was wondering if you could give a brief explaination on how to use them effectively and why you employed them in the way you have?

  On 8/31/2018 at 10:24 AM, adrianoz said:



Would you mind posting a load order to be used when following the guide?

Here modwatch.ch informed in the headers of the main guide!

  On 8/31/2018 at 10:24 AM, adrianoz said:



Would you mind posting a load order to be used when following the guide?


you could use Modwat.ch a bit out of date or you use Mod Picker List link removed due to potential spam/phishing you will need to sign up and set your account to view adult mods thou.

  On 8/31/2018 at 1:48 PM, spartanflame said:

Well, I'm done with doing the merges except the one I can't make since "Veydosebrom - Grasses and Groundcover" isn't available on the Nexus.

Therefore I'm stuck.


Is there anybody around who could provide the necessary file in some other way?

well there is one of 2 things you could do either leave it out or use the Classic version but the would mean having to convert the esp and running if Optimizer on it.


Or maybe Verdant could even use Enhanced landscapes I might have to start looking at others if it doesn't come back soon.


Hi Lexy, 


I read on the nexus website that follower trap safaty is part of amazing follower overhaul. 


saves a esp if we leave that one out right

  On 8/31/2018 at 3:21 PM, masau said:

Hi Lexy, 


I read on the nexus website that follower trap safaty is part of amazing follower overhaul. 


saves a esp if we leave that one out right

Follower Trap Saftey doesn't have a esp so it doesn't really matter.

Posted (edited)


Fair enough, my only question is what, if any, items from this mod carry across to the museum... I'm keeping a copy of each note and book specifically to put in there. If I'm short just this one, ok, no problem, but I figured it was worth an ask.

Shadriss hi! No problem...the note is expendable, and here is a link to ALL things LOTD..if you are not already aware https://legacy-of-the-dragonborn.wikia.com/wiki/Legacy_of_the_Dragonborn_Wiki#. If you look under library and then dragonborn hall, it shows you what Forgotten City items are taken in to the museum as well as all supported mods displays etc. Have fun!

Edited by berndaroy

In the instructions for PhoenixVivid ENB it says the following:


Adjust the Brigness, Constrast and Saturation:

  • Navigate to Skyrim Special Edition\enbseries folder
  • Open enbeffect.fx.ini
  • Change CC: Brightness= to 1.15 CC: Contrast=1.25, CC: Saturation= to 0.95


  • Does this make things darker?
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