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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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I think I needed to clarify what I meant by my previous comment.  The author of ICAIO won't LET anyone else make patches for his mod and their own.

And as I said before he accused a friend of mine of "stealing" his intellectual property and threatened to have her banned, because she made a patch for her city overhaul and ICAIO.

This is one of the sweetest girls you'll ever know.

So, yeah, like I said. ASS HAT.


About ICAIO: Author stated that Dawn of skyrim (original version) is compatible with it (see here), JK lite is compatible too, I used together during 1 year.

I converted these two mod for my new SE load order (based on this guide) and it seems to work pretty well.


If you take a look to the list some jk mod are officially compatible too.


@Sirjesto: I'm agree with you, near the same problem between him and Nazenn who is a very nice guys. That why you will never see a word about jk lite on ICAIO page.

I use his mod because I miss it when i don't use it, but I stopped to comment or help or do anything on his page. I'm ashamed to be same nationality as this guys.


@Lexy: I noticed that trade & barter are missing, maybe this little mod can interest you ?


Khajiit Ears show works flawlessly (I can't stand Inigo without his ears).


Last thing, I notice that bathing in skyrim and shower in inns are missing too. I'm currently testing my mod simple bathing 2.0 which include shower in inns, it seems to works as intend (even the Build-Your-Own-Bathing Room feature). Are you interested to test it (or someone else) ?

The only limitation is that i can't use SKSE to detect water but the patch for ineed included in RW2 do the job flawlessly.


For people who already use Simply knock, you can hide the dll, the mod is useless but it will avoid perilous removing until an update will be published.

Stream of consciousness.   ::): 

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Ah. Of course, captain obvious is here. I guess no forum can exist without one ;)

Be nice children

Oh yeah, and smashing someones brains out is totally fine, as long as there is no dong involved

You don'y have any nice and constructive to say then leave it unsaid bro lol

Edited by Gilgamesh2k5
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If ever need your advice on what to say and when I will let you know. Until then practice your teaching and preaching on your 'bros'

Or just don't be an ass to other people and leave that judgmental **** at the door. I guarantee he didn't post in here with the expectation of stupid and unfounded sarcasm from a random person. But hey, why do I bother...you do you. Meanwhile I will pay attention to actual constructive feedback

Edited by Gilgamesh2k5
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Again, i don't care about your opinion a tiny bit, so don't bother.


For sake of providing context to the rest of readers:


My comments were specifically for discussion around nude bodies in Skyrim and having children around the game. Since i have two of my own, i am close to this problem, and in my opinion, the violence in the game is a lot more serious issue than naked bodies.


I believe OP have understood what i meant.

  • +1 1
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Again, i don't care about your opinion a tiny bit, so don't bother.


For sake of providing context to the rest of readers:


My comments were specifically for discussion around nude bodies in Skyrim and having children around the game. Since i have two of my own, i am close to this problem, and in my opinion, the violence in the game is a lot more serious issue than naked bodies.


I believe OP have understood what i meant.

One might say that no-one gives a damn about your opinion either dude..You criticize someone else's, insist you don't care about mine and then reinforce your own soon thereafter. So take your own advice with a grain of salt and understand your opinion is worth about as much as a fart in the wind. Usually I don't respond to **** like this but **** it. I think I have spent about as much effort as I want on this one lol. Just be nice to each other people. It is not hard, if you wouldn't want it said to you then don't say it to others

Edited by Gilgamesh2k5
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@Lexy: I noticed that trade & barter are missing, maybe this little mod can interest you ?


Khajiit Ears show works flawlessly (I can't stand Inigo without his ears).


Last thing, I notice that bathing in skyrim and shower in inns are missing too. I'm currently testing my mod simple bathing 2.0 which include shower in inns, it seems to works as intend (even the Build-Your-Own-Bathing Room feature). Are you interested to test it (or someone else) ?

The only limitation is that i can't use SKSE to detect water but the patch for ineed included in RW2 do the job flawlessly.


For people who already use Simply knock, you can hide the dll, the mod is useless but it will avoid perilous removing until an update will be published.

Ah yes not actually tried Khajiit Ears show was not sure it would work with SSE. I take it you used the LE version and converted the resulting esp? Just a thought is there not a zedit patcher I remember Hishy mentioning one to me ages ago.


I am hoping kryptopyr will port Trade and Barter but you could use Trader and barter lite that doesn't require SKSE.


I was planning on relooking at bathing mods once Frostfall was updated but yeah I would be interested in testing your simple bathing mod. 

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Why do you find them ridiculous? Is it from quality perspective or gameplay? Or a bit of both?

Was a tad drunk and prolly not making much sense.


I don't use ICAIO for the same mindset as Mr Jestie Man. There's an amount of toxicity in this community (as be it small) and I choose not to empower it


I used OBIS along with OBIS loot but it does too much. The bandits became super soldiers. I prefer smaller mods like Lore Worthy bandits etc for that. Plus in my game the overworld is not as dangerous, the civil war takes care of that. There are fewer predators etc. Everything else is in the underbelly though is a Stabitha Cristie novel. KNIFE TO MEAT YOU

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yes, guys play nice or else mummy might get upset.

lol sorry mummy Lexy, I will play nice

Alright guys, behave. Else I'll have to slap a few of you with a wet tuna fish. And you don't want that, as I am a champeen fish slapper.

I shall behave as I would prefer not to smell like tuna lol

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