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So, i have MO2 installed and been trying to run Wrye's Bash from it but when i try i get a window asking if i want to overwrite a temporary file inside a folder on my "C:/Users/Username/AppData/Local/Temp". It then doesn't open at all regardless of the option selected. The BashBugDump.log ends with the line "WindowsError: [Error 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: u'c:\\users\\tabris\\appdata\\local\\temp\\WryeBash__e61yq'" that appears to be the cause of the problem. The folder and the file, however, only are created when i run Wrye's Bash and the file is deleted after it crashes (Then when i run it again it creates another folder with another name). I have even tried reinstalling the whole thing but it didn't help.
I noticed that the logs tend to appear in c:\users\tabris\appdata\local\ModOrganizer\logs instead of in the folder where i installed Mod Organizer, and then tried using the default folder for the profiles (also inside /appdata/local/ModOrganizer) as i suspected that might be the cause of the problem but it also didn't fix it. Both MO2 and Wrye's Bash are outside the Program Files folder or other UAC folder (although it shouldn't matter as i have UAC turned off). Logs below (do tell me if i'm missing something):


BashBugDump.log: https://pastebin.com/iXsWEisp
usvfs-2017-07-03_01-36-09.log: https://pastebin.com/6V1miiGP

mo_interface.log: https://pastebin.com/B1Tu6haY

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  • 0
Posted (edited)

I never get the logs or bash patch in overwite, they are saved to the data folder. Its with the portable version of MO2. Going to test instance version.


Same for instance version https://i.imgur.com/yTjpM50.png


Anyway it works, in a fashion.


If I can help troubleshoot the above, let me know.

Edited by cptmcsplody
  • 0
Posted (edited)

Sure not sure if they will help


Log from MO2 log folder after running wrye bash, crash on exit, have a dmp file not sure how to read it.


03:28:50.899 [D] remove from process 8108
03:28:50.899 create config in 8108
03:28:50.899 0 processes - 3
03:28:50.900 mod_organizer_instance_1 created in process 8108
03:28:50.900 attached to mod_organizer_instance_1 with 1 nodes, size 65536
03:28:50.900 inv_mod_organizer_instance_1 created in process 8108
03:28:50.900 attached to inv_mod_organizer_instance_1 with 1 nodes, size 65536
03:28:50.900 [D] context current shm: mod_organizer_instance (now 2 connections)
03:29:02.831 (proxy) instance: mod_organizer_instance
03:29:02.831 (proxy) exe: 
03:29:02.831 (proxy) pid: 3824
03:29:02.831 (proxy) size: 8192
03:29:02.831 (proxy) addr: 0x860000
03:29:02.831 (proxy) objs: 1
03:29:02.831 (proxy) injecting to process 3824 with same bitness
Only thing in wrye bash 

testing UAC
testing wrye python now
****** Edit
BashBugDump for wrye bash python debug version
Wrye Bash starting
Using Wrye Bash Version 307.201612302300
OS info: Windows-8-6.2.9200
Python version: 2.7.10
wxPython version: (msw-unicode)
input encoding: UTF8; output encoding: None; locale: ('en_IE', 'cp1252')
filesystem encoding: mbcs 
Searching for game to manage:
bush.py   71 _supportedGames: Detected the following supported games via Windows Registry:
bush.py   73 _supportedGames:  skyrim special edition: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition
bush.py  131 _detectGames: Detecting games via the -o argument, bash.ini and relative path:
bush.py  141 _detectGames: No known game in parent directory of Mopy: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data
bush.py  172 setGame: No preferred game specified.
Single game found: skyrim special edition
bush.py  131 _detectGames: Detecting games via the -o argument, bash.ini and relative path:
bush.py  141 _detectGames: No known game in parent directory of Mopy: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data
bush.py  152 __setGame: Specified game "skyrim special edition" was found: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition
testing UAC
mods_metadata.py  224 __init__: Using LOOT API version: 0.10.2



Found Python at 'C:\Python27\pythonw.exe' 
Launching Wrye Bash 307 in debug mode 
screenshot of overwrite after python version
Edited by cptmcsplody
  • 0

Well that is the weirdest thing I have seen, nothing out of the ordinary jumps out at me but I have never heard/seen anyone have those things in their 'Overwrite' before.

The "rule of thumb" with MO/MO2 is this: if the file exists, edit the original and keep it in the original location. If it is a new file then create it and save it in 'Overwrite'.

WB uses it own system to store temp folders which will be %AppData%\Local\Temp\. Those files/folders may for some unknown reason be diverted here?


Anyway if you are able to get functionality from this setup, let's not break anything with trying to fix whatever is (not)broken.

  • 0

I have the same error.  What I found in addition to everything you all have noted already.  Is that even though, I manually set all of the paths in bash.ini to child directories of my Mopy folder, Win 10 is still insisting on using Appdata\Local when Wrye Bash is run though MO2.  With all the same bash.ini settings, WB runs perfectly outside of MO2.


I am on Win 10 Insider Build 16237, rolled back from 16241.  16241 will not let you run MO1 games with mods.  I verified this myself.


So, I have modified the batch file submitted above and will try this work-around.  Thanks for the batch coding work.  Appreciate it.



  • 0

Regarding my previous post.  The batch file runs great for me until it reaches a large BSA file, then it hangs.  I tried some different ROBOCOPY flags with no joy.


In other news, after a complete Windows 10 reinstall to IP 16237, I still cannot get Wrye Bash to run through MO2.  I can also confirm the same issue with FO4.  I firmly believe, at this point, something in Windows 10 is causing this issue.  Unfortunately, at some point, all users of Windows 10, MO2, and Wrye Bash will be affected.  We can only hope that Tannin and the NMM Team will come through with a better solution with a new and improved NMM.



  • 0
Posted (edited)

More problems with insider builds of win 10, I advise to stay clear of it for now.


MO2 + Wrye + Insider = no good

MO1 + FNIS + Insider = no good


Probably more.

Edited by shadow1
  • 0
  On 7/6/2017 at 12:02 AM, mscheetham said:


Nor me too, just tried it, different issue I suspect. 


In order to get wrye bash to work for what I want it to do (create bashed patch) I knocked up a batch script that rebuilds the skyrim install with all the mods based on the load order in MO2 it worked for me.  Takes ages on large mod setup and about as kludgy as one can get but it works for me, to create bashed patches.  To use it you will need to modify it for your own paths and it needs somewhere between the size of a skyrim install and your Mod organizer folder to run, save as anyfilename.bat it your MO mods folder, and run. 


Tested only on my setup USE AT OWN RISK but it is here if any one wants it:

@echo off
set _Output=c:\xeditTEMP\Skyrim Special Edition
set _SteamPath=c:\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition
set _ModList=..\profiles\Default\modlist.txt

echo Deleting old dir...
RD /S /Q "%_Output%"
echo Ready to start.

robocopy /s "%_SteamPath%" "%_Output%"

echo copying skyrim mods according to MO2 modlist order...
title copying skyrim mods according to MO2 modlist order...
md "%_Output%\dataTEMP"
::get total amount of mods
Set /a _Lines=0
For /f %%j in ('Find "%_ModList%" /v /c ^< %_ModList%') Do Set /a _Lines=%%j
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

::start looping through mod folders  from modlist.txt and copy to temp folder

FOR /f "tokens=1,2* delims=+" %%G IN (%_Modlist%) DO (
    SET /A _XCOUNT+=1
    echo Copying skyrim mods according to MO2 modlist order...
    title Copying skyrim mods according to MO2 modlist order...
    echo Copying mod !_XCOUNT! of %_Lines%
    echo Copying mod "%%G"
    IF NOT "%_XCOUNT%" == "1" robocopy /s /xc /xn /xo /xx "%%G" "%_Output%\dataTEMP" >nul
echo Copying skyrim mods to final folder...
Title Copying skyrim mods to final folder...
robocopy /MOV /S /IS "%_Output%\dataTemp" "%_Output%\data"
echo All done... copying your plugins file to beth folder now
copy "..\profiles\Default\plugins.txt" "C:\Users\mark\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\plugins.txt"
"C:\modOrganizerSky\tools\WBskyrim\Wrye Bash.exe" -g "Skyrim Special Edition" -o "c:\xeditTEMP\Skyrim Special Edition"

Crazy stuff, generating...

  • 0
Posted (edited)



Can you tell me what is C:\modOrganizerSky\tools\WBskyrim\Wrye Bash.exe?


Can I point to my G:\ProgiGry\SteamProg\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Mopy\Wrye Bash.exe ?


I understand this bat file should create all the Data 





But it does not for me. Data folder is same as in the "real" game, without those. Any idea what I am doing wrong? Here's my batch file:



  Reveal hidden contents

Alright, found it, different profile name in MO I have than "Default"
Edited by outdatedTV
  • 0

I have a fix. You need to use this python version of Wrye Bash:



Here's how to install it and use from MO2:



On first run enable and then disable Auto Ghosting. The Bashed Patch will go to Overwrite. Just move it manually to your SkyrimSE Data folder. I am now building a game using this python version and it works fine on Win10 build 16288.

  • 0

I know you've posted in GitHub as this being a MO2 issue but it still falls into the problem of the Windows update breaking something. I have Win10 version 1607 and WB works perfectly fine inside MO2.

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