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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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Unfortunately there isn't any good conversion of the vanilla armors/clothes for UUNP, and believe me, I've tried several, not even the remodeled (skimpy) conversion is good in UUNP (clipping everywhere, really bad boneweights, etc).


I really wanted to use Bodygen to give each race a different type of body (big orcs, tough nords and skinny elves) unfortunately, without bodyslide armors, the modifiers are only applied to the naked body.


I've tried to "make" vanilla UUNP clothes, I've tried to port the CBBE's to UUNP, but one armor took me like 5 hours (probably because I've never used Outfit Studio before) and it didn't look like I wanted, so I gave up.


On the other hand, there are like 3 or 4 excellent (perfect boneweights, no clipping at all) vanilla conversions for CBBE, I almost want to (cry, but also) move to CBBE :(


Conclusion? Aparently, only the pervs use UUNP >.>

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is anyone else having a issue with the Wearable lantern MCM ramdonally resetting itself?


Edit: Narrowed it down to the DSR Patcher in fact it seems to occur when Re-running the patcher which is slighty odd maybe Neo or Chesko needs to look into this.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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I am having intractable problems with SUM. I have read many forums/threads and tried many things...even so far as registry editing but to no avail.  I have ownership of all folders and files on the drive, and using 32 bit JRE, etc, etc, etc.  I always resort to using ASIS and DSR's individual patchers.  Is there a reason this isn't recommended? It's SO much easier and SEEMS to work when SUM won't, but I'm not familiar enough with ASIS to be  sure on that one. There are a lot of people that have much difficulty with SUM....is it worth the hassle?

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Can someone tell me where I'm messing up when updating Dyndolod?  I think I'm following the instructions but it never seems to work right.  This time it's suddenly causing a ctd when I get a little out of Whiterun, in any direction.  I was in Jorvaskar when I updated.  The only reason I'm updating is for the SFO 2.5b billboards update.


I backed up all the files, tes5lodgen Output, Dyndolod Output and Dyndolod.esp.  I deselected the two output folders and kept the dyndolod.esp file to update it.  I reran both texgen and world gen scripts, moving each into a new, empty folder after each was done.  Selected the folders and started the game.  It seemed to work without a problem, with the tamrieltreelod.dds file having quite a few more trees in it.  I noticed, however, that the new dyndolod output folder had less files than the old one so first I tried the game with just the new folder and then again with the new folder overriding the old folder, which should give me the new files but also use the previous files that the dyndolod worlds script didn't generate.  Each method resulted in a ctd at the exact same spot.  When I went back to using the old dyndolod, pre update, I'm able to proceed just fine, without a ctd.


Is it easier just to make a new dyndolod.esp from scratch.  Updating it seems like it shouldn't be a problem but damned if I can get it to work right.



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Can someone tell me where I'm messing up when updating Dyndolod?  I think I'm following the instructions but it never seems to work right.  This time it's suddenly causing a ctd when I get a little out of Whiterun, in any direction.  I was in Jorvaskar when I updated.  The only reason I'm updating is for the SFO 2.5b billboards update.


I backed up all the files, tes5lodgen Output, Dyndolod Output and Dyndolod.esp.  I deselected the two output folders and kept the dyndolod.esp file to update it.  I reran both texgen and world gen scripts, moving each into a new, empty folder after each was done.  Selected the folders and started the game.  It seemed to work without a problem, with the tamrieltreelod.dds file having quite a few more trees in it.  I noticed, however, that the new dyndolod output folder had less files than the old one so first I tried the game with just the new folder and then again with the new folder overriding the old folder, which should give me the new files but also use the previous files that the dyndolod worlds script didn't generate.  Each method resulted in a ctd at the exact same spot.  When I went back to using the old dyndolod, pre update, I'm able to proceed just fine, without a ctd.


Is it easier just to make a new dyndolod.esp from scratch.  Updating it seems like it shouldn't be a problem but damned if I can get it to work right.



I always just reinstall DynDOLOD. Less time, less headaches. If for some reason I need to keep it for another profile, I rename the old one. Proceed as normal.

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