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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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As many of you know, my STEP-based mod guide Skyrim Revisited has been in development for quite some time. I estimate it currently is about 85% complete until release. I get feedback pretty much every day in the form of private messages here on the forums, and it has increase dramatically of late so I decided to make a thread.


Here I would like to see:

  • Feature Requests
  • Mod Recommendations
  • Problem Reports
Things I am currently working on adding:

  • Additional INI Tweaking.
  • Armor/Weapon Mods.
  • Lighting Mods.
  • Melee/Magic Combat Mods.
  • Vampire Mods.
  • Finishing "Final Steps" instructions.
A sincere thank you to all for the support, I never would have thought my list would get this much attention, especially pre-release.

Speaking of release, I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to do that yet! :P I'm not sure you'd call it a "pack" for STEP... I'll have to think on it.

  • +1 4

On my browser there is a small problem with the guide. The table of contents in the right column and text in the left column is fine, except when there is a brown background box with light brown text. These are always nearly full width on my browser, and they act as a layer on top of parts of the table of contents.


You might find English Strings useful in Skyrim Revisited; I feel its corrections and changes improve lore friendliness - and it doesn't add an yet another esp.


On my browser there is a small problem with the guide. The table of contents in the right column and text in the left column is fine, except when there is a brown background box with light brown text. These are always nearly full width on my browser, and they act as a layer on top of parts of the table of contents.


You might find English Strings useful in Skyrim Revisited; I feel its corrections and changes improve lore friendliness - and it doesn't add an yet another esp.

That's the boxes. Neovalen, you can set those to a fixed width.

<pre style="width: xxx;">blah blah blah</pre>

Have you considered using Unlock Spell Modified instead of Open and Lock? It doesn't include a "lock" spell, but I feel that the Unlock spell is much better executed (no message boxes, single spell that scales with your skill level, the item glows briefly then unlocks if you have the appropriate skill level for the lock). I've been using the Alternation only version for several months now, and I think it works wonderfully.



  • +1 1

I know there is already a thread for this here, but thought I would include it in your feedback thread. When isntalling SKSE from your guide it only uses the Data directory files and does not address how to get the .exe and .dll's to the root Skyrim directory in order to execute it. You say not to manually install it, but that is the only way it works for me because there is no .exe file to link to in MO.


Better Skill and Quest Books Names was updated recently with the patch note "Added compatibility with USKP v1.2.5 changes to skill books using TES5Edit." Is it still necessary to do the procedure in your guide to make it compatible with USKP?


Better Skill and Quest Books Names was updated recently with the patch note "Added compatibility with USKP v1.2.5 changes to skill books using TES5Edit." Is it still necessary to do the procedure in your guide to make it compatible with USKP?


Yes because 1.2.6 made yet another change. If it was no longer required I would have removed it. Think I actually did for a short while.


On my browser there is a small problem with the guide. The table of contents in the right column and text in the left column is fine, except when there is a brown background box with light brown text. These are always nearly full width on my browser, and they act as a layer on top of parts of the table of contents.


You might find English Strings useful in Skyrim Revisited; I feel its corrections and changes improve lore friendliness - and it doesn't add an yet another esp.

That's the boxes. Neovalen, you can set those to a fixed width.

<pre style="width: xxx;">blah blah blah</pre>
Thanks for the tip I'll check it out a little later today.

Have you considered using Unlock Spell Modified instead of Open and Lock? It doesn't include a "lock" spell, but I feel that the Unlock spell is much better executed (no message boxes, single spell that scales with your skill level, the item glows briefly then unlocks if you have the appropriate skill level for the lock). I've been using the Alternation only version for several months now, and I think it works wonderfully.



I will take a look later. :)


Regarding SKSE - The pre-requisites section states to not install the script files (i.e. still manually install the rest) then provides instructions later for installing those through MO.


Love the work, especially the detailed tes5edit/CK/etc. instructions.


Random points:

-There's some run-off text going into the content box on the right. Light brown text in code boxes as far as I see (using Chrome on 1920x1200).

-Probably more work than it's worth, but reasons for using these particular mods over the other 'popular' alternatives would be neat. (Aquisitive Soul Gems over Smart Souls, individual Texture Pack installs over TPC, UNP vs. CBBE/ADEC/vanilla, etc.)


Also curious, how large is your Skyrim/ModOrganizer folder? I love the isolated installs feature of MO. My Skyrim install is on a small SSD though (64Gb w/lean Win7 install), so space could be an issue for me if I don't install texture packs directly in the data folder.


I'm planning to fix the run off text when I get a chance (real life kicking in - possibly tonight).


I think UNP (with my selected mods) has more realism than vanilla/cbbe/adec/etc. Also UNP/UNPB is very widely supported even by mods such as Immersive Armors, etc.

ASG fixes things that Smart Souls didn't (such as the soul shout). Not using TPC allows me more control and since TPC is not being updated as much anymore, I got rid of it.


Skyrim: 10.1GB

Mod Organizer: ~24 GB (I do have some mods I'm testing for inclusion as well on top)

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