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So yeah actually using this account for a good reason. Getting a repeatable ctd when I fast travel from Diamond City to J.B. Technical High School. Tbh I find the downtown area to be my highest ctd area. I'm using all the world space mods from your guide except for the subway runner mod. Might just be a issue with loot and the load order for them. But figured I would report this seeing as I have been able to recreate the crash multiple times now. 

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plenty o interiors

I ran around with it for 30min zoning in and out of buildings in lexington and Concord seems ok. It introduces extra items and such that has not been patched for, but nothing game breaking (as in breaking the game).


It can be used just there seems to be mesh issues where these mods overlap and mobs run through walls.

I've not stared at it long enough to know which mod is what as yet. The Patch should be a reasonable Band-Aid till I get time to look into it further.

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Try the v2 patch I posted, I'll check those areas.


With the patch I zoned back and forth a few times to

D.B. Technical High School and it seems OK.



Recommended load order at the end


MODWiki - Overhaul - Patch.esp
MODWiki - Weapons - Patch.esp
MODWiki - INNR - Patch.esp
MODWiki - Ingestible - Patch.esp
MODWiki - Leveled Items - Patch.esp
MODWiki - Armor - Patch.esp
MODWiki - Power Armor - Patch.esp






DIF - VIS Patch.esp
MODWiki - Worldspace - Patch.esp


MODWIKI - Worldspace testfix

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Np, Sorry I've not had a chance to test all these things before releasing. If you have issues you can replicate please post So I can investigate.

As I've said before, I can't fix what I don't know is broke.


NOTE: I cannot fix the mesh issues, we will have to wait till there are versions released from the mod authors. I will keep an eye out on forums etc if there are any resolutions.

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If you are having an issue with Mobs running through walls in Lexington and Concord and you use subway runner try this patch load after

MODWIKI - Worldspace testfix

MODWiki - SubwayRunner testfix


Please report fail/Sucess

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OK I'll have to delve into location overwrites then (YEAY more endless hours of learning....)


Can you have a try of the v2 patch with InteriorsEnhanced-All-in-One.esp and see if your CTD vanish...?

Sure, once I get home from work...4-5h to go...


Does anyone remember when in the game you are asked to do the settlement beacon? I have only played the start of the game once on vanilla and I distinctly remember being tasked to make a generator and the communications thingie...I might be wrong of course.

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um you make a communication station then assign a settler to it. After that you make a becon from the chem lab. they pick up the stuff from the closest settlement with a communication station


I think you can make at any time

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um you make a communication station then assign a settler to it. After that you make a becon from the chem lab. they pick up the stuff from the closest settlement with a communication station


I think you can make at any time

I was referring to the beacon that attracts new settlers to the settlement :)

I can do them, no problem, I just remember there was some sort of mini quest regarding that? I might be wrong :) The pick up stuff beacon thingie works wonderfully btw, stashed a lot of items in a container inside Concord metro tunnels and had them delivered to Sanctuary, which was utterly cool :)

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I just watched the Gopher vid, It didn't mentioned it (there is a new version today)

hmmm from salvage becon web site.


2. Don't Call Me Settler - Why? This one pains me, as it's one of my favorite mods. The mod has massive performance overhead and one of the scripts that runs in the background periodically can break individual settlers permanently in your save (there's a complex solution in the Posts section of that mod). Ever had a settler that just refuses to allow you to re-assign them? This is probably why.

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