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Is okay was just making sure if it was okay or not, I can sacrifice that.


Thanks for the quick responses will stick too "Modern Weapons" section.


Although a Loot mod hmm gah decisions for a 200+ year wasteland you'd think it was but ultra rare to get Loot haha.

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Issue example

Q: How to approach for resolution for wiki


Extended Weapons mod

If you open it in FO4Edit and do an error check you get 2 issues.



Should only have


modcol_44_Grips_Any (delete this)

modcol_44_Grips_Rifle(This is not listed at all and I have to explaine how to locate.)

(I work this out via crystal ball)



OMOD\mod_DoubleBarrelShotgun_Receiver_Automatic "Automatic Receiver"

delete the nul reference


Because Of these errors I do not use it in the Auto spawning of .44 weapons as it would cause a CTD.


There are Problems like this all over the place I have just been making overwrites but maybe people want to find these problems for themselves and have a guide to resolve these sort's of problems...?

Edited by Gernash
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"Subway Runner updated to 5.1 you still think NoDynamic to be installed?"


I'll put a HQ flare up (Dynamic shadows etc cause potatoes to cook)


"Lexington Interiors has a Patch for Subway Runner"


Well the issue still remains as stated either way

""""(Tested at version 4) this mod clashes with both BTInteriors and Lexington Interiors. I recommend loading it last so you can play the content but until it's resolved I don't recommend using it as it will break immersion(AND BUILDINGS) in some areas."""""



Soo if you want to use Subway Runner as the main then only Lexington Interiors patched version for least conflict no others.

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Hmm right so should untick Beantown and DL the Non-Conflict Patch for Subway Runner from Lexington Interiors site and use them two if i want Subway Runner, Not all 3 since it would cause issues.


Gah feel as if my head will explode, Respect to you for surviving this long haha.

Edited by Verenios
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"That broken building"


Without the Subway runner the broken building in concord are mostly ok, if a mob runs in you can see it though


I've also noticed noticed you can't sprint in these zones and need to activate spring cleaning to be able to run with the



also when zoning from a "new" area back to the commonwealth I get DC's


So basically Think really hard about Worldspace mods and what you "really" want from them.


NOTE: using mods like spring cleaning you have to load then After DLC but before anything else

Edited by Gernash
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I've been thinking about Posting weight's, weapon damage etc.(There is not a scripted mod that allows you to change individual item weight in game as far as I know.)

Plausible weights is controlling weight for realism are you talking about vanilla or Modern weapons?

All weight if controlled is in MODWiki - Overhaul - Patch under Misc. Items


Fan animation an issue? um you can use https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8598/? then edit the DeskFanOfficeOff01.nif and delete the animation from it. I do not know is there is a way to disable the vanilla animation.


"That broken building" I see it too....I've not had time to fiddle with all the worldspace mods to see which one it is. Might be Plenty "O" Interiors

Started my play through on survival with modern weapons. Regarding the weights, just noticed things such some 10mm pistol having a value over 10 and some junk were on the heavier side. Also with melee weapons, there are these nice katanas you find in your own home, that do less damage than some little stilletto I found later. (~30 vs ~80). At work so can't check exact values.


Sure about those fans spinning in vanilla? Anyhow, not a biggie :)


Issues with weight mods:

A weight mod modifies the vanilla weight it does not have description info or item modifications you have used so it can only be used as a reference to altering your weight of mod/weapon/trash with a multiple mod loadout.

I can't just install a weight mods and "Done/Fixed" you have to manually go through and change all the item weights the modlist modifies.

Realism uses Pipe weapons overhaul for all the weapon mods scopes is see through scopes

Modern weapons is a lot more complicated. I've manually adjusted all the weapon effects (Recoil, sway etc) then modified the damage and all the descriptions manually (with the aforementioned changes)


(I wouldn't mind actually learning to create something myself...)

What sort of things do you want a write up of? I'm happy to Post a Guide so you can do stuff. I made the patches easy to understand, so modifying them should be a simple process.

I was thinking that once the guide is more or less stable and influx of new items stops, perhaps some patch or mod specific to the guide where all the weights (etc) would be consistently edited...or something like that.


"That broken building"


Without the Subway runner the broken building in concord are mostly ok, if a mob runs in you can see it though


I've also noticed noticed you can't sprint in these zones and need to activate spring cleaning to be able to run with the




also when zoning from a "new" area back to the commonwealth I get DC's


So basically Think really hard about Worldspace mods and what you "really" want from them.


NOTE: using mods like spring cleaning you have to load then After DLC but before anything else

I'm using Scrap Everything...and have it in my loadorder somewhere just before MODWiki patches and worldspace mods....and it has worked fine for now...have I been just lucky or?

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When I did the conversion to Light'em'up it killed my Patch and I had to almost build from scratch. The weights are off atm in realism but not bad. Modern weapons has no weight adjustment or very little. the weights are derived from the mods they come from.






those 4 would be perhaps the closest to "real weight" as mods for data tables.


Scrap Everything would have a cell fixer (running in cell modified areas i.e. worldspace mods)


Weights are in:

weapon,ammunition is in the MODWiki- weapons patch and calibre.

Modern weapons are not in Weaponsmith

Misc items are in Modwiki

Armor is in armor clothing is in the clothing mods....


It goes on... there are basically a few hundred items and they have to be adjusted individually. Takes me about 2-4hrs with reference tables depending if I go in depth or not. There is no Single place to find all the weights. (And this is done on each section of the wiki so 3 times)



I have not adjusted any Modern weapon damage it's all "out of the Box"



Verenios has also asked for better weights and realistic loot So I'll just make a addon for modern weapons for weight and loot. If I can be stuffed I'll try to make a spreadsheet as well for all the items and weapons in google docs so people can argue about it.


And I pulled the Nif from the vanilla folder and the fan has an animation in there but different look

Edited by Gernash
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When I did the conversion to Light'em'up it killed my Patch and I had to almost build from scratch. The weights are off atm in realism but not bad. Modern weapons has no weight adjustment or very little. the weights are derived from the mods they come from.






those 4 would be perhaps the closest to "real weight" as mods for data tables.


Scrap Everything would have a cell fixer (running in cell modified areas i.e. worldspace mods)


Weights are in:

weapon,ammunition is in the MODWiki- weapons patch and calibre.

Modern weapons are not in Weaponsmith

Misc items are in Modwiki

Armor is in armor clothing is in the clothing mods....


It goes on... there are basically a few hundred items and they have to be adjusted individually. Takes me about 2-4hrs with reference tables depending if I go in depth or not. There is no Single place to find all the weights. (And this is done on each section of the wiki so 3 times)



I have not adjusted any Modern weapon damage it's all "out of the Box"



Verenios has also asked for better weights and realistic loot So I'll just make a addon for modern weapons for weight and loot. If I can be stuffed I'll try to make a spreadsheet as well for all the items and weapons in google docs so people can argue about it.


And I pulled the Nif from the vanilla folder and the fan has an animation in there but different look


Oh woah no need to do so haha that's just me thinking out loud well typing out or whatever, I just remembered Skyrim i had a Loot Overhaul Mod errm Morrowind Loot Ultimate or something which was pretty cool or was it something else hmm... All i know it made it so Loot is precious and not so much chunks of Loot that you become a millionaire once you hit Lv.20 or so.


Figured for FO4 being a wasteland for 200+ years and such that lots and loads of places would of been scavenged by Scavengers or Raiders etc cause i felt Vanilla gives a lil too much Loot like example "Sanctuary" you go there and every house has Loot such as Tools & Clothes sometimes a Weapon and you think wow for one you think they would take the Weapons and some Clothes or so so hmm yeah.

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I've already done it for the realism section it's not an issue. I just don't want to change "core" mods in that sectionas it breaks alot of stuff.


Updated Advanced tools





Champollion PEX to Papyrus Decompiler

Merge Plugins


Will be making Merge writeups shortly. For some sections.

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Hell yeah booooi, lol you knew merging plugins would have to come eventually bro. As the FO4 modding scene evolves over the years, it is an inevitability. It seems as if that weaponsmith I suggested a while ago and you implemented isn't popular for some? I enjoy the boom boom lol...I am still grateful you took the time to patch it and put it in Gernash, masterful work..It really adds so many weapons so that you don't have to lol. So my my two jobs and senior electrical engineering semester is preventing me from playing too much till this weekend. I will try to provide more feedback as it comes, Cheers mate!!!

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Yea it has to be done, But as I was pointing out earlier there are mods with issues and I't will be a guided Merge because some Mods need to be fixed before merging.

My hope is that "seeing" how they are fixed people will be able to use that information to look at mods and help themselves adding mods they like.

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