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New Cut Weapon mods restored adds more content and changes it's naming, The following is a weapons patch for modern weapons section. I've removed some if the prerequisites but in doing do I've had to rebuild it. Not all description have been redone.


This patch "Requires you to remove LOADS"

and install "Light em up" https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17815/?

My system has issues in seeing the LOADS light emitting rounds(I assume as the forums talk about FPS issues) so I've switched to this mod as it shoots more of an effect like the laser musket rounds.

This will be the Default Mod in the next Patch release.





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Without the mod merging tool Skyrim had it will be difficult..however merging is a very necessary part of modding dude...for further growth I would highly reccomend amending your guide and throwing in merges here and there...merges is another way of making sure **** doesn't conflict...while it may be thorough, over the next couple years many,many amazing mods will come out. Merging is going to become mandatory quickly

We all know this. Yes it is tedious but many of us have been around modding for a while and don't mind a bit more complexity as we have been through it before...hell, installing and SRLE EXTENDED LOTD takes days as it is a combination of Neovalyn's work then Darth Mathias's work but it is worth it...merged a couple hundred plugins there too lol

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yea, You can merge FO4 atm just not everything as tes5edit cannot decode some things but there is alot of stuff that can be merged.


I'm just going through the realism section but after that and patch release I'll do a couple of sections to see how much people have difficulty with it.

But there is alot of brokenss in the mods, atm I'm hiding it via overwrites but I might make a TAG with cleaning/fixing info on the mods or patches that need it.

Edited by Gernash
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Thank you for this guide/list of suggestions on what mods to use. It certainly is helpful. ::):


Now, I do have a bit of a problem. I posted this on other places already, but so far no solution could be found.


My MO2 (set up just like you suggested in your guide) seems to have trouble with making mods visible to the game.


Fresh FO4 install, fresh MO2 install, set up as in your guide.

Using FO4Edit, LOOT or Bodyslide (x64) through MO2 works like a charm, no problems at all.

But when I start up the game (via F4SE, of course, which was auto-detected by MO2), the game does not load the installed mods correctly.

Loose files (and files from .ba2 archives, as far as I can tell) are loaded, but all plugins (.esm/.esp) are completely ignored.

The ingame Mod menu only shows "No content found".

The file "plugins.txt" located at C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\Fallout4 was empty, btw. I copied over the one MO2 generates in its Profiles folder, but that did not help any.



Do you have any suggestion or idea what I might try to get FO4 to actually load all mods completely?

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2 things usually cause this


1. mods from a 2nd source i.e Beth mods, this can be checked from the load screen. What mods are listed there? If you have Beth mods of any files in the FO4 DATA directory they have to be removed.(This seems the most likely from your explanation)


2. Windows updates has broken your computer. Do a system restore to a month ago and then test if working.(usually can be seen if you start loot or FO4Edit and no mods other then default FO4 and DLC's appearing.


The file "plugins.txt" located at C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\Fallout4 was empty, btw. I copied over the one MO2 generates in its Profiles folder, but that did not help any.


The plugins.txt gets copied in there via VFS when you run an application via the launcher. I'd recommend deleting




start FO4 via steam

Check Modlist at load screen and see what is listed.

Edited by Gernash
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2 things usually cause this


1. mods from a 2nd source i.e Beth mods, this can be checked from the load screen. What mods are listed there? If you have Beth mods of any files in the FO4 DATA directory they have to be removed.(This seems the most likely from your explanation)


I have only Nexus mods installed with the sole exception of MiscHairstyle 1.6 by Atherisz, which isn't hosted on the Nexus anymore. I have absolutely NO Bethesda.net mods installed. Hell, I do not even have a Bethesda.net account. ^_^"

If by "load screen" you talk about the ingame Mod Menu (Main Menu->Mods), there is nothing shown there but the text "No content found".


2. Windows updates has broken your computer. Do a system restore to a month ago and then test if working.


When restoring back in time, on restart, my Win10Pro immediately wants to reinstall all updates. ^_^" (I HATE mandatory patching like this.)

Started the game while it was still downloading the updates, but it did not change anything. Game still does not see the plugins. :-/


(usually can be seen if you start loot or FO4Edit and no mods other then default FO4 and DLC's appearing).


Well, as said, FO4Edit, LOOT and Bodyslide 64bit work correctly and see all mods correctly. It is just the game itself which ignores the plugins. (But does load loose files and .ba2 archives.)


The file "plugins.txt" located at C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\Fallout4 was empty, btw. I copied over the one MO2 generates in its Profiles folder, but that did not help any.


The plugins.txt gets copied in there via VFS when you run an application via the launcher. I'd recommend deleting




start FO4 via steam

Check Modlist at load screen and see what is listed.


Did that. Nothing listed at all. "No content found".

I honestly wonder why it works for some people, and not for others... *puzzled*

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MiscHairstyle 1.6 by Atherisz


This you can make into a zip file and copy into the downloads folder of MO2 then install from there.


FO4 load screen

MOD menu


Nothing listed?


Do you have the MO2 installed in the FO4 install path? if so you need to move it out as that causes issues with VFS

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The Issue you are having has to do with the following

The Mod list on load screen is generated by the modlist.txt in the C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\Fallout4

if Loot and Fo4edit see it then VFS is working and doing the right thing.


Have you tried to start the game with just the vanilla fallout 4 from the launcher and not the F4SE?


I honestly wonder why it works for some people, and not for others... *puzzled*


To me it sounds like MO2 is working fine, Just need to nut out why FO4 hates you

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It seems I have solved it now. *preliminary happy dance*


As it looks, Fallout 4 does not like windows symlinks.





I have Steam installed on my game SSD, N:\Steam.

MO2 is also installed on that drive. N:\ModOrganizer2B3 (with N:\ModOrganizer2Data being the place where the profiles etc are, as per your instructions).


I had moved Fallout 4 from "N:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4" to just "N:\Fallout 4" and created a symlink (mklink /J) from that back to the original Steam location.

The Mod Organizer 2 ini file (ModOrganizer.ini) had this in it:

gameName=Fallout 4
gamePath=N:\\Steam\\SteamApps\\common\\Fallout 4

I changed that now to

gameName=Fallout 4
gamePath=N:\\Fallout 4

thus circumventing the symlink and pointing MO2 at the actual place of Fallout 4.


And now, it seems the plugins are read by the game correctly. ^_^"

So, while LOOT, Bodyslide etc. don't mind symlinks, Fallout 4 itself seems to be way more picky.





It was user error to an extent. Repointing the MO2 ini to the actual place of F4 instead of the symlinked one fixed the issue of the game not seeing mod plugins.


My apologies ot have taken up your time with this, Gernash. And a big fat "Thank you" for trying to help. :-) It is most appreciated.

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"So, while LOOT, Bodyslide etc. don't mind symlinks, Fallout 4 itself seems to be way more picky."


They are just using the VSF from the guides sym link and point directly to the files.


Symlink into symlink is ok in linux but cascading in windows had odd behavior.


All good I'm happy to help, It's always helpful to bounce ideas off other people.


It's good to have another turning to the dark side....... we will be an endangered species in 6-12 months.

Edited by Gernash
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It's good to have another turning to the dark side....... we will be an endangered species in 6-12 months.

Dunno. Have been using MO 1 for Skyrim for over a year now, so I am no recent convert, I am afraid. ^_^"

As for endangered species... do I take that as a small hint of realism on your part in regards to the future of mod managers, now that Tannin has stopped working on MO2? :p

(Personally, as written elsewhere, I wish Tannin all the best, but will remain skeptical of what the planned "new" NMM will actually become until I can test it myself and confirm that the nice MO/MO2 features have safely made the transition.)

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I'm happy to "change over" to NMM but only when it has a virtual file system.

As an example this guide is only possible because of MO2 because I could not write 3 patch Loadouts with addons if I was using NMM (Well I could but my brain would melt with the uncontrolled overwrites)


Tannin has indicated that a virtual filesystem is possible through a plugin but that dream seems to be a long way off.

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