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I've done my yearly attempt at fallout new vegas modding, only to hit a particularly annoying snag this time, or rather, several snags. In my first attempt at modding new vegas this round the lighting seemed extremely off, being unusually harsh and causing some textures to appear pure white. Additionally, the inside lights seemed to have been at least twice as bright as they should have, and light from windows were very harsh. I was also having difficulties with the electro city engineers popping up where they shouldn't (in nipton some were on crosses, and worse, some escaped the crosses after being in town for a minute). I have since removed most of the lighting mods (electro city, RWLE, interior lighting overhaul+merged, and the OBW path lighting just in case), however now I am left with a different problem. While the light is no longer blaring white, and the interiors seem more normal, light from windows is still too bright, and the outside is no less harsh, in addition to the world appears to have grey/brown/yellow/dust covered filter, and the sun is still ridiculously bright.

I am now under the impression that the problems I have are to do with the LOD, but I'm still uncertain. During the guide it tells me to tick FNVLODGen Resources and LOD additions and improvements, but never tells me to untick them after creating lod, so I've kept them activated.

I have included images to show what the world looks like now, unfortunately I do not have images of the bright white textures.


Something worth noting, I am not using any enb, or even the enboost recommended in the guide. I could not get it to work with 4gb loader/windows 10 with EITHER the injector or the wrapper version. Also, I am using the d3d9.dll found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34778/?

I could not get FNV to work without it, and I did attempt to replace it with the dll included with enboost, to no avail.


Final note: I also have some trouble with certain npc eyes. It does not affect any vanilla npcs encountered so far, and it does not affect willow (usually the greatest source of eye problems in my experience). It causes the eyes to become grey and lazy, I first encountered it on Paul Edgcomb and thought it was part of his design, as he is old. But later found the same eye problem on Steve from the steve bison questline mod. This issue is less important however.



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In my first attempt at modding new vegas this round the lighting seemed extremely off, being unusually harsh and causing some textures to appear pure white.

This is a weather "problem". The textures that emit light (like windows at night) do so by being connected to certain weather regions. Same with the windows in your screenshot. ILO won't make them any brighter, or less bright. It's not actually light, it's emittance, meaning that they glow, but they won't cast light on anything else. In any case, try dropping RWLE to the bottom of your load order. Also, there's a brightness setting in-game.



I was also having difficulties with the electro city engineers popping up where they shouldn't (in nipton some were on crosses, and worse, some escaped the crosses after being in town for a minute).

This is not a bug. It's how the mod is made. You can not like it – I don't like it – but there's no way to "fix" it.



the world appears to have grey/brown/yellow/dust covered filter

This is FNV's default appearance...


Not sure how lighting problems would have anything to do with textures displayed at a distance. You're told not to deactivate it, because you shouldn't deactivate it.


Eyes: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vsnt4ne3jswj791/FCO%20EYE%20FIX.rar?dl=0

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Thank you for responding. After going through installing RWLE, creating lodgen, rebuilding the bashed patch and putting RWLE at the bottom of the load order most of the problems were fixed. Eye fix seems to work, but on initial load some characters eyes are grayed out when talking to them inside, however waiting or moving in/out of cell seems to fix this.

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