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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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It's just the ones bY Arthmoor he's done that to. If your game's already stable and the mods in question are working fine I'd probably leave them alone for now, though. My opinions on bsa extraction are well known.


Yes and I think my opinion on the subject is well known too but it this is mostly to save arguments and debates (I have always had the saying "if the Author says to leave it packed best to leave it packed").

Got it. Thanks for your answers.



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Yes and I think my opinion on the subject is well known too but it this is mostly to save arguments and debates (I have always had the saying "if the Author says to leave it packed best to leave it packed").

That's like saying that if an author of a book claims it's "best read underwater" then the reader should go dive into the lake with his/her book....  If the author's suggestion is nonsensical dogma then it deserves no consideration.. 


There are documented facts about how to properly work with both extracted and non-extracted bsa's... the author's wishes about how you use his mod have no bearing on it.  It's totally up to the individual user's situation as to whether they should extract or not.  Trying to hand wave the concern away with "do as the author wishes" doesn't really help anyone's particular situation.

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i pretty sure we do need both cos one is for the actual crafting of the armor but will double check it.

Oh, of course, makes complete sense. Hah, with all the crafting overhauls and recipe changes it's easy to forget what from the vanilla game isn't already craftable.


well that's a bummer the NoMaaM Breathing Idles is no longer on Nexus. might replace with Realistic Animation Project - Idles instead guess time for a bit testing again.

Is it different than this link because that's what my mod organizer is linked to... I don't know if that was a link from Neo's guide or wherever but I must have been directed to download that from one of these guides since I don't even use it myself, is that a different version than was used in this guide?

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Nah that's not the same one. By the same author but not the same mod. Fore's usually pretty good with his mods. Give it a day or so, might just be updating it.

Are you guys sure it wasn't just a typo in the guide?


STEP, SR:LE base, and SR:LE LotD Reqtified links to this page for NoMaaM Breathing Idles by Fore. Same filename and version number requested on SR:LE base, SR:LE LotD Reqtified and SR:LE Extended LotD, "Female without BBB and Male Breathing Idles" version 0.1.


The Nexus file ID is only off by one digit as well, "7093" for STEP, SR:LE base, and SR:LE LotD Reqtified, versus "3093" for SR:LE Extended LotD.

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So, I've got what I think is a solid SR:LE install that I've been playing for a couple days now (played for >5h straight tonight without any glitches, massive framerate drops, or crashes, which is absolutely incredible to me), and am looking to move onto SRLE Extended. It looks like the integration guide is currently undergoing a lot of changes (and thus the locked version is also a bit confusing to follow), so is it a good idea to hold off for a bit on SRLE Extended for a bit? I'm willing to experiment a bit as things get swapped in and out, but I'm by no means an expert at conflict resolution/parsing Papyrus logs/etc.


BTW, I configured The Ruffled Feather to enable Just-Ice since Real Ice is unavailable. SRLE Extended doesn't seem to do this (in the current version of the guide); is Just-Ice not recommended or overridden by something else?

Edited by Codeacious
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Are you guys sure it wasn't just a typo in the guide?


STEP, SR:LE base, and SR:LE LotD Reqtified links to this page for NoMaaM Breathing Idles by Fore. Same filename and version number requested on SR:LE base, SR:LE LotD Reqtified and SR:LE Extended LotD, "Female without BBB and Male Breathing Idles" version 0.1.


The Nexus file ID is only off by one digit as well, "7093" for STEP, SR:LE base, and SR:LE LotD Reqtified, versus "3093" for SR:LE Extended LotD.

you're right my bad I'll fix that (guess it was a hold over and i missed it going thing i am doing one final pass through before I disappear again).



So, I've got what I think is a solid SR:LE install that I've been playing for a couple days now (played for >5h straight tonight without any glitches, massive framerate drops, or crashes, which is absolutely incredible to me), and am looking to move onto SRLE Extended. It looks like the integration guide is currently undergoing a lot of changes (and thus the locked version is also a bit confusing to follow), so is it a good idea to hold off for a bit on SRLE Extended for a bit? I'm willing to experiment a bit as things get swapped in and out, but I'm by no means an expert at conflict resolution/parsing Papyrus logs/etc.

I say wait as we are nearly done with the transfer to a Standalone version. but tit up to you if you want to experiment. we're are still looking for a new Ice mod

Edited by Darth_mathias
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you just can't stay away right ?

you know me so well but this is it one last full pass through then I am handing over the reins.


Nozzer is effectively already in charge and looking after things I am just doing an idiots check while he is busy trying sort out the CR.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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