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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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I was considering leveling back ALL my skyrim using ASIS. I want to use AT Quickchange to add the flag "PC Level Multiplier" and put a level of "1". Do you think it's doable / is there any risk ? I don't want to break my game which otherwise works great. THe idea behind this is that with wildcat, you can fine tune your game while being in game (with the dmg modifiers).

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And you think that's okay? I'm not trying to be adversarial, I'm really asking.


Seems like a level 30 troll blocking access to High Hrothgar is kinda game breaking, isn't it? (or if it's a snow troll, which I think it is, then it's level 50).


I know all you people are uber-gods when it comes to combat (hehe), but I had trouble with that troll just using Vanilla. If he's now level 30 or 50, that means I'm completely blocked from continuing the main story from that point on for a LONG TIME. Especially with the leveling slowdown introduced by Disparity.


Are you guys actually playing the game like this? I'm seriously considering dropping AAE. I'm trying not to change anything right now (as I have now started my recorded playthrough and don't want to break anything at this point). But I can't have something that game-breaking sitting in my game. While the combat in Vanilla skyrim is a bit too easy in a lot of places, I think y'all are going too far the other way and making a lot of things just ridiculously hard. If I'm dying every two minutes, I'm not enjoying myself (plus it reeks havok on my recordings making the editing sessions difficult). I think I may need to spend this week trying to tone things down and rebalance the combat again. As of right now I'm only just out of the starter cave in my playthrough, so I still have the week to mess with it before I really have to call it "unchangable".


With OBIS, Deadly Dragons, AAE, Scarcity, et al, I don't see how my character has any chance in this world, hehe.

You could always just lower the difficulty level, even if it is just for a single encounter here or there.  But yeah, those Frost Trolls are quite hard. Level 15-20 for Trolls and Level 25-40 for Frost Trolls might be better.

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I am taking a look at it and for both trolls and Frost Trolls the levels from Skytest are actually the same as Vanilla. Currently I am forwarding AAE into the CR thus Overwriting Skytest now what I could so it use the record from Skytest the move the attacks from AAE taht shodul give the best of both world how does everyone feel about that compromise?

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I am taking a look at it and for both trolls and Frost Trolls the levels from Skytest are actually the same as Vanilla. Currently I am forwarding AAE into the CR thus Overwriting Skytest now what I could so it use the record from Skytest the move the attacks from AAE taht shodul give the best of both world how does everyone feel about that compromise?

I like it personally, but I don't mind the alternative if that's what everyone else prefers.

Edited by feanarosurion
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I am taking a look at it and for both trolls and Frost Trolls the levels from Skytest are actually the same as Vanilla. Currently I am forwarding AAE into the CR thus Overwriting Skytest now what I could so it use the record from Skytest the move the attacks from AAE taht shodul give the best of both world how does everyone feel about that compromise?

That sounds like a good compromise to me Darth

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I am taking a look at it and for both trolls and Frost Trolls the levels from Skytest are actually the same as Vanilla. Currently I am forwarding AAE into the CR thus Overwriting Skytest now what I could so it use the record from Skytest the move the attacks from AAE taht shodul give the best of both world how does everyone feel about that compromise?

Seems reasonable.

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Grimy's Combat Patcher is also an option. If you run that, and remove the Combat Styles, it still removes NPC's Health/Stamina/Magicka offsets. They still get their level up bonuses, but not 100, 200, 300 more HP just by existing. It levels the playing field somewhat. The NPCs also run out of magicka this way, which is something I really like. 

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Grimy's Combat Patcher is also an option. If you run that, and remove the Combat Styles, it still removes NPC's Health/Stamina/Magicka offsets. They still get their level up bonuses, but not 100, 200, 300 more HP just by existing. It levels the playing field somewhat. The NPCs also run out of magicka this way, which is something I really like.

Thanks for reminding me about the Combat Patcher, I've always meant to try it. The idea of removing the offsets has always made sense to me, especially magicka, mages would always infinitely heal themselves in my setup. I was going to try the Patcher but then I found a certain new guide... :D

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Grimy's Combat Patcher is also an option. If you run that, and remove the Combat Styles, it still removes NPC's Health/Stamina/Magicka offsets. They still get their level up bonuses, but not 100, 200, 300 more HP just by existing. It levels the playing field somewhat. The NPCs also run out of magicka this way, which is something I really like. 

I have never used Grimys Combat patcher before but if it help to make the troll weaker for the little girls moaning (lol you know i joking guys) about them then i will give it ago


Edit: well scrap that Idea the script is flatty refusing to do anything but crash and currently don't have time to muck about with it if someone else wants to give it ago then go ahead and report your conclusions.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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You need the mtefunctions.pas from Mator's github. This goes into your Edit Scripts folder. When you run the patcher, it automatically makes all mods masters for the patch. Right click combat styles and Remove to preserve Wildcat's. Clean masters to get rid of the useless masters on the patch. 


Right clicking this link and Save As... will download it directly. 

Edited by Skadi
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I have never used Grimys Combat patcher before but if it help to make the troll weaker for the little girls moaning (lol you know i joking guys) about them then i will give it ago


Edit: well scrap that Idea the script is flatty refusing to do anything but crash and currently don't have time to muck about with it if someone else wants to give it ago then go ahead and report your conclusions.

I'm intrigued by this mod, as mages are another place where combat is currently way out of whack, IMO. OBIS often puts mages in that starting mine cave, and if one of them throws fire at you, you're doomed. I went down within two seconds, and there was absolutely nothing I could do to get away from it. If they have a limit on their mana (like the PC does) then at least it's a bit fairer. 


Further, I've never agreed with the Bethesda line that enemies level with you (it almost actively discourages leveling up). I don't think that's particularly immersive myself, and wouldn't mind if that was taken out. So on paper this mod seems like a perfect fit for my play style.


That being said, I'm a bit concerned that it isn't being maintained, and further requires a script that the mod author doesn't provide. Seems a bit sketchy.


Still, I think I may give it a shot. I presume it wouldn't work so well with AAE, so I'll likely drop that (unless you guys think otherwise). But I'd hopefully like to keep OBIS and probably the dragon mods (although again that first dragon encounter outside of Whiterun is a story blocker if you can't kill it until your much higher level, but I suppose I could deal with that as long as it's not too unreasonable).

Edited by RonHiler
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