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Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition News

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I'm finally nearing the end of the SRLE installation - sloughed my way through the conflict resolution, thanks to some helpful tips offered from helpful forum members - and now I'm at the DynDOLOD section. The text gen part seemed to go without a hitch, but the world gen popped up a couple of messages I don't remember seeing last time. DynDOLOD says:


Tamriel worldspace not found.

When starting TES5Edit make sure Skyrim.esm is selected.

Check TES5Edit options: right click -> Other -> Options, check Load BSA

Check that...skyrim.ini is the default version and contains [Archive] (etc, etc)


Well, I obviously messed up somewhere. :o(


I used Spinini to organize / tweak my skyrim.ini, and (I'm assuming probably because it wasn't there already) the [Archive] section doesn't contain the resources at all. They're also not in the one in the documents directory.


So... not being sure how they disappeared (I don't remember deleting them, but I'm not sure what I had for breakfast yesterday, either, so...) is the solution as simple as adding those lines back into the skyrim.ini inside of MO?

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why don't you do a search in windows. Guess it's faster than waiting for an answer

I'm not sure I know how to do that. I'm learn as I go. I wrote the message either last night or before work and to be honest I don't have time to goof around on computers at work. but being how I spend 10 hours at work I have plenty of time to wait for an answer. I will google it (which to be honest I didn't even think of.) Thanks for helping set me in a direction.

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So I just finished installing SRLE but I got crash on the vanilla cart ride

and here is the Crash Fix Message:


form ID:0x1DD98, base form ID: 0x85004ED2 and type 0x22 failed to produce loaded node most likely due to corrupted mesh or other reasons.



The crash happened always when Lokir said This isn't happening part, can anyone help me track which mesh probably causing it?

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So I just finished installing SRLE but I got crash on the vanilla cart ride

and here is the Crash Fix Message:


form ID:0x1DD98, base form ID: 0x85004ED2 and type 0x22 failed to produce loaded node most likely due to corrupted mesh or other reasons.



The crash happened always when Lokir said This isn't happening part, can anyone help me track which mesh probably causing it?

Nevermind found the issue by searching the base form ID in xEdit, can't edit the post for some reason

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Information on DFD page has been updated...


The reason given by the author is:

July 8th: DFD will never be visible again.
Reason is, its successor will be here in less than 1 month.

Please note: DFD and its successor (RDO) will NOT be compatible, and I will not be attempting to make them compatible as RDO will completely replace DFD. Therefore, I do not recommend starting a new lengthy play-through with DFD installed anytime soon, as RDO will be releasing in the next 2-4 weeks.

For those wanting to try out DFD before RDO's release, you are free to share DFD privately. Sharing publicly (i.e. uploading to other mod hosting sites) is not permitted.

Edited by Ogham
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Information on DFD page has been updated...


The reason given by the author is:

July 8th: DFD will never be visible again.

Reason is, its successor will be here in less than 1 month.


Please note: DFD and its successor (RDO) will NOT be compatible, and I will not be attempting to make them compatible as RDO will completely replace DFD. Therefore, I do not recommend starting a new lengthy play-through with DFD installed anytime soon, as RDO will be releasing in the next 2-4 weeks.


For those wanting to try out DFD before RDO's release, you are free to share DFD privately. Sharing publicly (i.e. uploading to other mod hosting sites) is not permitted.

The Good: New Version Coming Out

The Bad: Screwed in the short term.

The Ugly: Existing saves... lol.

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