Mr_Moal Posted April 26, 2016 Author Posted April 26, 2016 (edited) I've not gotten the Purple lanterns bugI have had the DynDoLOD spam. This happens when I don't follow the instructions properly, and then I tried to run the DynDOLOD worlds gen thing a second time. This does not work. DynDOLOD, as well as several of the other patchers at the end will actually make changes to their esp. when you combine the changes, then bad stuff happens (esspecially DynDOLOD) The only clean and safe way to repatch stuff is to uncheck the mod, reinstall it, and then repatch it. for DynDOLOD, since you make changes to its ini file, (and it saves a pile of stuff in TES5Edit folder, you need to (STOP, turn off MO first) wipe the contents of the TES5Edit folder, dump a fresh set of files in there, and then follow the DynDOLOD instructions from scratch each time. Since you don't change any file locations, then MO doesn't need any new set up. I have not noticed a FPS drop while looking at a city. strange. Open Cities can be easily removed from the load order by turning it off, and unchecking the OCS patches for stuff. Just depends on how much you want to ride your horse into a city or not. looking at your crash log, I have seen that in the papyrus log of "most" of the crashes. But all the read up says that you either didn't patch stuff properly, or its something else's fault. The only sure fire way to solve this is to turn as much stuff off as possible and see if it goes away. This could take a long time. One way to shorten this is to collect mods into blocks. Take a grouping (say survival mods, or open cities, etc) and turn them off, and see if the problem surfaces. This is what I think I'll have to do. While each of the mods in the load order should be stable and good, there are enough of them that some where something conflicted with something else. All it takes is 1 mod. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Keep the load order you have, I definitely will not be adding anything additional to it (learned my lesson before that an unstable load order + more mods = bad). Make a list of mods you think you can live without, and drop them from the load order. Copy the full Profile to make a second paired down version. Let me know which you dropped, and I will drop a different set so we don't both do the same work. And thanks again for your help! [Note about the papyrus log. There is a HUGE number of items in it. What seems to be the case is that most of it is from opening/closing the MCM menu while setting stuff up, and shouldn't be a problem. You won't see that on subsequent papyrus logs] -------------------------------Edit: there are 2 ways to narrow down the problem. 1 is sequentially turning off mods. Thats crazy with 300 mods. Method 2 is to mimic how a search algorithm works, Cut the list in half, does problem persist? Yes: cut the remaining list in half, test again. No: the problem is in the other half, so load back half of what you unloaded and test again. This will cut down on testing significantly ( theoretically, if you had 1,024 mods, you would need 10 tests. Theoretically of course) I will be assuming that the STEP Extended "base" is correct and does not contain the bug, and will be exuded from this search. If you gave a prefix for the pack mods, then it should be easier to pick them out. Edited April 26, 2016 by Mr_Moal
Mr_Moal Posted May 1, 2016 Author Posted May 1, 2016 (edited) I have found that Immersive Citizens AI is positioned out of place. The Nexus page says it is supposed to be positioned after Requiem. This however requires positioning the STEP Extended Patch after Immersive Citizens (and Requiem) as well. This is going to require some digging with TES5Edit to see what gets changed due to this load order change, and will almost certainly require a custom patch to carry forward various changes between the STEP Extended Patch, Requiem, Immersive Citizens, etc. Edit: I've just started going through the steps of making a custom patch, and I never knew all the little details that would get missed if this wasn't done. I have way more appreciation to those who do this kind of thing for the other STEP Packs. Edited May 2, 2016 by Mr_Moal
Mr_Moal Posted May 6, 2016 Author Posted May 6, 2016 (edited) I've been doing some more investigation into some CTD's I'm having in Whiterun, and when I removed Immersive Citizens AI from the mix, the crashs went away. Investigating what could be conflicting with Immersive Citizens AI in Whiterun. I suspect Requiem is some how conflicting because I get a "REQ_MassEffect" script error just before the crash. Reading up says this is related to when an NPC is spawned and removed too quickly before the MassEffect script can run. Edit: also gotten a "BanneredMareSceneTriggerScript" script error as well. Edited May 6, 2016 by Mr_Moal
PotatoKnight Posted May 14, 2016 Posted May 14, 2016 Hey! Been installing this for a couple days haha, looking forward to playing/testing. I'm stuck on DynDOLOD+Open Cities though. It might just be me being incredibly silly but I don't think either the video or the instructions are 100% clear on whether I am to leave Open Cities and associated esps and files on for the "first step", Generating LODs, and then deactivate them along with the Birdy file, or do I leave Open Cities disabled entirely throughout except at the end? It could go either way considering you've directed people to watch that Youtube video before following the steps, which isn't clear because there's two steps to that as well. I fully accept however that I could just be being stupid. Nonetheless, help! Please clarify.
Mr_Moal Posted May 14, 2016 Author Posted May 14, 2016 (edited) yes, don't deactivate anything for the first step, only deactivate esps (are activate them again) when told to. I advise you to use the back up and restore functions to get esp's back in the correct load order again (the Blue arrow to the disk is for saving, the Yellow arrow is for loading) Remember to do a back up of both the Install order (left panel) and the Load order (right panel) and you aren't being stupid, others have probably had the same question and didn't bother to ask. Edited May 14, 2016 by Mr_Moal
Mr_Moal Posted May 14, 2016 Author Posted May 14, 2016 I've got a new "minor" bug of sorts, related to the ENB. Basically, wet shiny rocks are reflecting the sky sometimes (depends on the weather) and will appear to have a blue tint to them, easily mistaken for a missing textures bug. I'm still trying to figure out how to stop the wet rocks from being mirrors.
PotatoKnight Posted May 14, 2016 Posted May 14, 2016 (edited) And, related to the ENB, I had massive mouse lag issues with it. Limiting Skyrim to 30fps with Nvidia Inspector (NOT ENBLOCAL.INI, I tried that) resolved it, I tried literally everything else. I'm not sure why it worked, I'm not sure if it's the best fix for it - but if anyone else is having issues, try limiting your FPS via Nvidia Inspector to your average FPS with the ENB. Tinker with it. EDIT: If you've got mouse lag with the ENB disabled, though, you might have other problems. Try my fix anyway but don't hold your breath. EDIT2: Oh and another question for you Moal - Mod Organizer is reporting numerous mod order problems (in the left pane). Is that safe to ignore? I've kept, as best I can, to the order given in STEP and your list. Here's the readout:(the EBTKS thing is when I first started and misread the name of the Pack as "Everything BUT the Kitchen Sink". It stuck) Reveal hidden contents Move The Choice is Yours - Fewer Forced Quests - Improved Dialogue Options after EBTKS - Even Better Quest ObjectivesMove Not So Fast - Main Quest after The Choice is Yours - Fewer Forced Quests - Improved Dialogue OptionsMove Wiseman303's Trap Fixes after Not So Fast - Main QuestMove EBTKS - SafeAutoSave after Wiseman303's Trap FixesMove aMidianBorn Book of Silence - CONTENT ADDON after EBTKS - SafeAutoSaveMove Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade after aMidianBorn Book of Silence - CONTENT ADDONMove EBTKS - Civil War Overhaul after Complete Crafting Overhaul RemadeMove Thieves Guild Requirements after EBTKS - Civil War OverhaulMove EBTKS - Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships - Overhauled after Thieves Guild RequirementsMove EBTKS - Provincial Courier Service after EBTKS - Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships - OverhauledMove The Paarthurnax Dilemma after EBTKS - Provincial Courier ServiceMove EBTKS - Open Cities Skyrim after The Paarthurnax DilemmaMove EBTKS - Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild after EBTKS - Open Cities SkyrimMove EBTKS - Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul after EBTKS - Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions GuildMove EBTKS - Better Vampires 7.2 after EBTKS - Requiem - The Roleplaying OverhaulMove EBTKS - Timing is Everything - Quest Delay and Timing Control after EBTKS - Better Vampires 7.2Move EBTKS - Alternate Start - Live Another Life after EBTKS - Timing is Everything - Quest Delay and Timing ControlMove EBTKS - Skyrim Unlocked after EBTKS - Alternate Start - Live Another LifeMove Convenient Horses after Wet and ColdMove Auto Unequip Ammo after Convenient HorsesMove EBTKS - Brawl Bugs Patch after EBTKS - Campfire - Complete Camping SystemMove EBTKS - Wearable Lanterns after EBTKS - Brawl Bugs PatchMove EBTKS - Clothing and Clutter Fixes after EBTKS - Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade Edited May 14, 2016 by PotatoKnight
Mr_Moal Posted May 14, 2016 Author Posted May 14, 2016 If you got mouse lag, there may be other problems. I have a 760, and I get about 30 fps, but no mouse lag. Make sure you follow all instructions on the STEP pack for setting the base game, and follow all Vividian instructions for setting up the ENB. Mod Organizer is not reporting anything (except when something is in the override folder), so I don't know whats wrong there. I've included a load order and Install order files in with the patches (Top of Pack page), so check those out and see if you have things out of place. good reminder about the FPS limiter, there are massive physics glitch that happens over 60 fps, I find I need to limit to 55 fps in the enb settings or I get fun stuff happening sometimes (plates and furniture exploding everywhere) 1
PotatoKnight Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 (edited) Oh yeah no I'm TOTALLY out of whack. Thank God for Mod Organizer. Alright. Gonna reorder everything, run DynDOLOD again just incase (because textures overlapping eachother and whatnot) and start a new game. No matter, only a couple hours in and still level 1. (<3 requiem) EDIT: And if I can get it right this time and it's stable I'll help you test those patches :P Also if that's the PROPER order it might be a good idea to make it a little more stand-outy. I skipped that entire section because of the test patch business. Edited May 15, 2016 by PotatoKnight
PotatoKnight Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 (edited) Hrm, in your load order... Reveal hidden contents Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmUnofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.espSkyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esmFalskaar.esmWyrmstooth.espLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esmWinterholdDestruction.esmEFFCore.esmCampfire.esmdaymoyl.esm How did you get Wrymstooth.esp there? I can't move it into the masters at all. EDIT: I THINK I figured it out. The latest version of Wrymstooth I was able to find is 1.9 but I believe the latest before the author disappeared was 1.15. Edited May 15, 2016 by PotatoKnight
PotatoKnight Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 Okay now I'm hyper confused. Mod Organizer still tells me I have a load order issue even after sticking rigidly to your load order. Can you check this out and see if anything stands out to you? Otherwise I'm just gonna ignore it. Reveal hidden contents Move EBTKS - SafeAutoSave after Cutting Room FloorMove EBTKS - Even Better Quest Objectives after EBTKS - SafeAutoSaveMove The Choice is Yours - Fewer Forced Quests - Improved Dialogue Options after EBTKS - Even Better Quest ObjectivesMove Not So Fast - Main Quest after The Choice is Yours - Fewer Forced Quests - Improved Dialogue OptionsMove Thieves Guild Requirements after Not So Fast - Main QuestMove Wiseman303's Trap Fixes after Thieves Guild RequirementsMove Traps Make Noise - More Dangerous Traps after Wiseman303's Trap FixesMove EBTKS - Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild after Traps Make Noise - More Dangerous TrapsMove aMidianBorn Book of Silence - CONTENT ADDON after EBTKS - Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions GuildMove Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade after aMidianBorn Book of Silence - CONTENT ADDONMove EBTKS - Civil War Overhaul after Complete Crafting Overhaul RemadeMove EBTKS - Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships - Overhauled after EBTKS - Civil War OverhaulMove The Paarthurnax Dilemma after EBTKS - Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships - OverhauledMove EBTKS - Open Cities Skyrim after The Paarthurnax DilemmaMove EBTKS - Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul after EBTKS - Open Cities SkyrimMove EBTKS - Better Vampires 7.2 after EBTKS - Requiem - The Roleplaying OverhaulMove EBTKS - Timing is Everything - Quest Delay and Timing Control after EBTKS - Better Vampires 7.2Move EBTKS - Provincial Courier Service after EBTKS - Timing is Everything - Quest Delay and Timing ControlMove EBTKS - Alternate Start - Live Another Life after EBTKS - Provincial Courier ServiceMove EBTKS - Skyrim Unlocked after EBTKS - Alternate Start - Live Another LifeMove EBTKS - Brawl Bugs Patch after EBTKS - Skyrim UnlockedMove Auto Unequip Ammo after Wet and ColdMove Convenient Horses after Auto Unequip AmmoMove EBTKS - Wearable Lanterns after EBTKS - Campfire - Complete Camping System
BUBISHI Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 On 4/20/2016 at 4:30 AM, Mr_Moal said: wow, after finding out about the CCO-Reqtified note about requiem and that you need to disable the mine ore script from requiem, the papyrus log is now short enough that the little scroll bar actually got bigger. That has got to be a first for me. Major savings on papyrus log spam. Shows how much I follow my own instructions about reading through at minimum the mod authors front page. Hi Mr_Moal, by reading your guide I have noticed that I have not deactivated/deleted/hidden Requiems MineOreScript.pex as recommended when using CCOR. Is it save to do the procedure on a running game? Or should I just keep it in mind for a new game?If I can do it now, is there something I should concider, like beeing in a interior cell, not beeing in a mine or something else. Thanks.
BUBISHI Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 On 5/1/2016 at 10:56 PM, Mr_Moal said: I have found that Immersive Citizens AI is positioned out of place. The Nexus page says it is supposed to be positioned after Requiem. This however requires positioning the STEP Extended Patch after Immersive Citizens (and Requiem) as well. This is going to require some digging with TES5Edit to see what gets changed due to this load order change, and will almost certainly require a custom patch to carry forward various changes between the STEP Extended Patch, Requiem, Immersive Citizens, etc. I don't know if it helps, but this is how I have solved the problem without making a patch:[spoiler=relevant load order excerpt]120.Alternate Start - Live Another Life.espesp121.Requiem.espesp122.Requiem - Legendary Bugsmasher Edition.espesp123.Requiem - Hearthfire.espesp124.NRM_Dragonborn_Reqtified.espesp125.NotSoFast-MainQuest.espesp126.Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.espesp127.RealisticWaterTwo.espesp128.RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.espesp129.ELE_Legendary_Lite.espesp130.STEP Extended Patch.esp It would be interesting what consequences you see in that, as I'm not very good at interpreting TES5edit.
Mr_Moal Posted May 15, 2016 Author Posted May 15, 2016 I'll try to answer your posts all at once here: Post 39: point, I'll make a much bigger deal of the patches and the load order information. Post 40: wyrmstooth is 1.16Don't know how the .esp is among the .esm, that is how it was sorted by loot Post 41: organizer is telling you that your Installation order is out of wack. I have no Mod Organizer warnings, so I am assuming here that you need to check your installation order again. One of the files I uploaded has the installation order (although listed backwards bottom to top) that you should look through Post 42: do not know the consequences of disabling Requiems MineOreScript. There could be all kinds of things that will happen, or nothing. I have tried disabling mid game play (early on testing) and the game didn't immediately crash, but for all I know, something from the requiem script could be in the save, there is just too many variables I don't know. Post 43: load order you posted has a few problemsAlternate start should be loaded after everything, except skyrim unlocked. definitely after Requiem. (the patchers come last again) With STEP Extended Patch.esp loaded after requiem, a pile of stuff gets over written for Requiem and you will have funny values for some spells and such. I'm currently advising not to use Immersive Citizens because during testing, I would get regular and predictable CTD in Whiterun (every 5 to 15 minutes), especially when sleeping or waiting, entering buildings, etc. With immersive Citizens removed, the only CTD I've had in whiterun was related to a weather change where rain ended immediately as I exited, but with too many scripts running, Real shelter and wonders of weather had a fit (using performance mode with Wonders of Weather seems to reduce the script load)
BUBISHI Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 Thanks for answering and looking up my load order. I guess I keep Requiems MineOreScript running then. Have to make a note to disable it for a future run. I'm pretty sure the newest Alternate Start version can be placed above Requiem. Arthmoor wrote it, will have to post the source here to prove it. Will do it later. With STEP Extended Patch.esp loaded after requiem, a pile of stuff gets over written for Requiem and you will have funny values for some spells and such.Thats not good. I had some crashes in Whiterun when exiting buildings but they stopped and I have not investigated the cause. Thank you.
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