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  1. I am having a strange crash-to-desktop error when trying to boot skyrim through MO2. Whether I try and run the game through skse_64 or the regular launcher through MO2, the game boots until the Bethesda logo, then crashes to desktop before the main menu. The same error occurs when I tried to ma...
  2. Unsure if I should post in "v2.3 - Feedback & Bug Reports," if I should dig deeper on the forum for info, or if I should start a new topic. Apologies. New forum user here. I have done the Step Guide a few times before over the years for both Skyrim and Fallout 4. I also mod a few other games. First...
  3. I'm not certain I am doing this correctly so forgive me if I am not. After days of trying to figure out the cause, it seems the mod Trim The Fat - Hagraven (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32177) was causing a CTD for me while using DynDOLOD. The CTD was occurring be...
  4. I did a complete fresh install of FNV in which I have my steam folder/s on my E drive and I cant even start up the game normally through the default .exe; I don't want to proceed with the Fear & Loathing in New Vegas (Fallout NV) guide until I am able to fix this as I don't want to screw anyth...
  5. I've gotten to 80 mods so far. Just building up the framework for my Mod list. All of a sudden after launching SKSE the mods would be present, then crash. What really bugs me it messes up the organization every time for a test of SKSE after LOOT. Plus it also unchecks all the plug-ins. My steam and...
  6. Hi! I am posting here in hope that some of you may recognize something within my crash log, because otherwise I have no idea which way to go. The issue is that I am experiencing CTDs in completely random circumstances and intervals. Sometime I go without a crash a few hours, sometimes I cr...
  7. Hello, everyone! I hope I'm in the right place here. The STEP guide has spoiled me. I can't play Skyrim without it. I'm sure this is a familiar story, but my game updated to 1.6.1130 and of course broke many of the STEP mods. I followed several guides on downgrading back to 1.6.640, but I stil...
  8. Please help anyone who has advice/notices any obvious fixes, adjustments to my load order I need to make, or anyone who knows a program I can run that will help. I will try my best to post any and all information than can help with identifying the problem/s. I play on SSE 1.6.640 Up until...
  9. This crash happens during Bloodsmith quest https://3dnpc.com/wiki/interesting-npcs/quests/blood-of-kings/from-the-blood-of-kings/faces-and-names/the-bloodsmith/ but I am not sure about if this quest is to blame. The net scriptframework log: https://pastebin.com/3FQW7wMm I was just done tal...
  10. Hello, I need some help with an issue in my game. The game kept crashing whenever I entered High Hrothgar. This is from the crash log: It mentions ENB there so I tried changing ENB to no avail. Google search also doesn't really get me anywhere since the people that got this issue had offendi...
  11. Hello, I have been struggling to figure this out for days maybe even weeks now. I have a huge but pretty stable mod list with the exception that the game occasionally crashes when opening the map. The crash logs look very similar so I will provide a couple here. I'm relatively positive that i...
  12. Greeting all, Last week I hit a snag: After intalling Natural Waterfalls and generating DynDOLOD I crash to desktop when at the "bay" and lockpickable chest on Whiterun river, just under Tundra Homestead, in a new game/playthrough. First heavy slowdown and a quick moment later CtD. I hav...
  13. Hello, I need help identifying the culprit of my recent CTD's in the Rift. I have very little knowledge regarding crash logs and identifying bugs and other problems, but as far as I can tell, the crash log has something to do with dwefacadetower01 and other dwemer architecture/clutter. I know that...
  14. So the only CTD's I still have are very sparse but I can't figure out the crashlogs. They always relate to Skyrim.ESM itself. Crashlog: The only headway I've made was with the referenced movups xmm0 and I found this website: https://mudongliang.github.io/x86/html/file_module_x86_id...
  15. I've modded Skyrim following the STEP guide back in March. I've played multiple characters/saved games since. I currently have a Character with 4 saves that for the most part crash to desktop(log attached) on loading the save: One is a quick save This is in Bleak Falls Sanctu...
  16. I have followed the ENBoost guide, but the "Wrapper" version crashes on startup and the "Injector" does not appear to work. I can run the game with the "Injector" version but there is no ENB message in the top left corner and when I enabled the windowed setting, to see if that would change it, nothi...
  17. I have Skyrim SE 1.6.640 and have installed the latest STEP guide (without ENB). The game seems to run pretty good, except that I get frecuent crashes. For example, every time I try to enter windhelm I crash. I wanted some help to solve this. For instance, i don't know where...
  18. Hi, guys I have finished my modding setup, and started to doing some tests. When getting close by the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon my game CTD. I saw my crash log and have a ton of possible relevant objects, but almost associated with snow mods/materials. Well, thats it. But I am not th...
  19. I'm following the STEP 2.0.0 guide and I just finished setting up ENB. The game worked perfectly prior to installing ENB but now the game crashes when ENB tries to compile shaders when running for the first time. I'm yet to run DynDOLOD and TexGen. Installing the ENB Light 0.98 Alpha 2 update file p...
  20. Hey there, I recently generated TexGen and DynDOLOD with no errors, but upon activating the esm and esp, any saves made after will instantly crash on load. Also, attempting to open those problematic save files in ReSaver gives a "Position Mismatch" error. Crash Log I've also attached a screens...
  21. I completed the STEP guide, had everything running smoothly and added 4 more mods (Missives, Better Jumping, Immersive Patrols, Whose Quest Is it Anyway) to keep it started simple. Everything was running smoothly after that too, enough at least to get through bleak falls and back into Whiterun. I pl...
  22. I am at my wit's end. Mod Organizer 2 won't start Skyrim Special Edition with SKSE, launcher, or just the game. Steam starts it up fine but with no mods. Every time I click 'Run' on any of these, the MO2 locked window pops up for a few seconds, my computer fans speed up as if the game is about to st...
  23. Need help with fixing CTD problems. i've been modding my game for a year now with none of these issues and as of late been having crashes with "BSTextureDB" and "BSLightingShaderProperty". I already wanted to change my mods so i thought heck it i'll start from scratch. Done that but half way tr...
  24. Recently switched to Win10 after playing SkyrimSE with mods on MO2 and Nexus Mod Manager on Win 7. Redownloaded all mods on MO2. When i try to start Skyrim SE or Skyrim SE script extender(skse64_loader.exe) through MO2(started as admin)-> crash on startup I only see a black window almost f...
  25. Game crashes when trying to load into the prisoner's cell in abandoned prison (live another life mod). Through process of elimination I figured out it's DynDOLOD Output that was causing the crashes. Through lots of research I eventually read the readme which says to hide the meshes folder in the out...
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