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  1. Thanks Angel, now I think about it, I should have realized that was the case.
  2. Just out of curiosity as I'm a little unsure how M.O. handles the bsa archives, when installing the optimized textures there are two bsa's, Vanilla & DLC. My question is whether or not the order in which the two are placed matters in the archive tab as the default for mine is DLC first and Vanilla second. I know I can drag and drop them to re-order but was unsure whether or not it actually matters?
  3. If I want to use the Animal Tweaks version .esp will there be any problems with the S.T.E.P patches?
  4. Yes my bad peeps, it is indeed Skyrim Immersive Creatures that adds the Draugr armor as playable and thanks for the clarification on how to install both AMB and Draugr mods Tech. I was pretty sure that's how things would be done but got all confused due to my above misunderstanding of the two armours I thought were the same, facepalm!
  5. OK thanks Tech, this would mean placing Draugr in the Clothing & Equipment mod group section rather than Characters & Creatures based on the current S.T.E.P. set-up. Of course it is possible to add AmidianBorn's Creature file individually into the former mod group, separate from the others and allow Draugr mod to be placed below it. Also, my head is still perplexed as to why both mods retexture the armor but place the textures in different folder structures. As I remember Vanilla Skyrim does not make the Draugr armor playable. Does AmidianBorn change this by actually adding the armor? Has anyone checked/noticed if this breaks the ability of having playable armor? Also SIC definitely adds this same armor as playable, how is that affected if at all? I'm not lazy when it comes to testing but I'm really struggling with this one. :/
  6. Requirements version has always worked fine for me. I echo past comments that as thieves guild requirements is already in S.T.E.P. I see no reason not to add this too.
  7. I'm very confused as to how this plays with AmidianBorn as it appears both mods cover the armor although they are set out in different file structures. As far as I can see, AmidianBorn has its armor in textures/armor/draugr structure, Whilst Draugr by Kajuan has its armor in textures/actors/draugr. How should I install/Is this an issue meaning the need for some tweaking? Sorry if I'm being a ******.
  8. This was one of the reasons I became more confused as that sticky was by EssArrBee who I believe to be a pretty well respected member of the community. I hope if the recommendation is indeed incorrect that I've helped in some way to find the mistake as I'm sure I'll have to look up this info again some time when my brain fails me. Thanks for your hard work guys, I for one highly appreciate what you do. :D
  9. Excellent, then my assumption was correct and the Skeleton Rig Map (HDT) will be the correct choice for me. Having read the previous posts you suggested it seems a lot clearer now. Maybe someone could post an ideal choice set-up for S.T.E.P. testing in case others are confused or like me were a little slow on the uptake. Not trying to cause trouble, just trying to be helpful. :D Thanks for the response Greg, much appreciated!
  10. I'm trying this out as it seems like a much better option than the original. May I just ask is there a reason to use the Skeleton Rig Map (HDT) instead of none option? I ask as I'm a complete noob when it comes to animation/skeleton mods and I'm not using any other mods (I believe) that would require HDT. Just to clarify: "This is the recommended option for "HDT Physics Extension" and "HDT Soft Mesh Physics" and disabled Body Physics." - This is the description and I'm understanding it as disabled Body Physics means Vanilla? Or am I completely wrong and should choose the "NONE" option? Thanks in advance for any help.
  11. I thank you for the reply. Just wondered what the positive/negative's of using the Combined Plugins or Patches are and also is the mod compilation is fine to use with any set-up?
  12. Hi all! I'm wanting to add this STEP compilation to my load order but am unsure which options to check in the fomod installer. I've not added The Paarthurnax Dilemma or Bring Out Your Dead and am wondering how I should move forward.
  13. Fixed! I've posted what I discovered in a separate post. Thanks for replying and sorry for my ignorance. Love this community, helpful and polite.
  14. OK so I figured out having tried multiple things that it was indeed my own stupid fault. Just so others know, a problem with Mod Organizer 1.3.4 (A well known problem that I myself was aware of) was having problems with its internal FOMOD installer. This in turn was causing WAFR to not install correctly and meant I was missing all the supplemental esp's. In case anyone would like to check, in future, if you suspect Mod Organizer is not installing your mods correctly, you can try going to the settings tab in Mod Organizer and navigate to the plugins tab. There you will find a list containing among others a Fomod Installer plugin. Highlight it and in the window to the right double click the true next to prefer and in the drop down change the setting to false. Now you can install the mod you suspect is having issue using the external installer I believe (correct me if I'm wrong somebody) and pick the options you desire. If you then see a difference you may, like me need to update Mod Organizer. I would also note that other mods already installed may also have missing info so it may be wise to re-install all those as well. I checked, using this method to see if WAFR was working correctly and once I had verified this issue was the internal installer I just updated MO and reversed the Fomod Installer plugin setting to true and installed again through MO without issue. Hope this helps! :D
  15. Tried and failed. The installer doesn't seem to want to work correctly. Having used the optional manual install through Mod Organizer, I can see the there is a Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp but I have no clue as to how I should re-structure the files to have all the correct content.
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