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Everything posted by dredd3110

  1. This app works like thunder! and it keep changes I made accross INI re/generation => Thanks! works like a charm now But is Finip4 the same "level"? (my game suddenly crash right after the first video intro, it can be the cause my game still unmodded, and working before I run Finip4, I try to test it again soon).
  2. "More importantly, why does the octopus have 9 tentacles?" the extra one is for love
  3. @Vuud "The change I made should have fixed it, but when you have the admin account enabled, normaly gets thrown out the window." that's true, she's blocked. But the installation directory of the new generated files stay on the admin account only for skyrim.ini and skyrimPrefs.ini. You run win10 too?
  4. @Vuud That's more than 5 mins :confused: Edit: sorry dude it's still the same with the Beta, but I've got this with win10, a new feature called SmartScreen that add a first warning when launch the installation setup, after I've got the default admin rights request and the installation start : https://www.imagebam.com/image/e3da66437019133​ I can recover the new generated files by sharing the folder between my accounts, so it's ok, I see some changes and some parameters that still need to be tweaked for me but in general: BIG THANKS! for your help and your work. I try to be available for further test if needed ​
  5. @Vuud I've try it and nothing, give 5 mins I redo the test.
  6. @Vuud Dude you're right! I don't know why they're saved on my admin account (the exact normal path), so the beta .exe is no longer required for me. Also I'm not sure of what you mean by "Did you activate the admin account on your version of Windows?"=> I've got win10, an admin account and my default account, the one I currently use, is there something I do wrong or not at all? Thanks for your support!​
  7. @Vuud: To be sure at 100% I've delete my skyrim.ini and my skyrimPrefs.ini from my Documents\My Games\Skyrim folder. I've run your .exe and follow every step closely. The launcher appear, it detect my specs and apply the changes. I close everything. I go back to my Documents\My Games\Skyrim folder, but here nothing (again files related to the CK are found in the right place). But don't worry, actually I don't have trouble with my .ini files (well I think )​​, I was just curious of the results. Thanks again. ​
  8. Hi Vuud, Steam is running, the installer work, it detect my install folder without problems, it run the Skyrim Launcher, it detect my (good) graphics options despite the fact I have an optimus system, but nothing is created. But as said it works for the CK files. Thanks.
  9. Hi Vuud, First thanks to try to enhance our gaming experience! however with this new tool my Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini are not re-generated. I've try at least three times to be sure but nothing new. For the Creation Kit files it's ok. What can be the reason? Thanks in advance have a nice day.
  10. Hi Sheson, Thank you for this wonderful tool! it's works like a charm and do a really amazing job, Congratulations A must have for me now! Have a nice day.
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