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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. nope didn't work maybe i'l putting the face tints in the wrong place correct me if i am wrong this where i am putting them: J:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Mod Organizer\mods\Lords of Skyrim and Housecarles\textures\actors\character\facegendata\facetint\skyrim.esm
  2. yes i tried them a grey face was still there and the LO was the same Males-Companions-LORDS-Ordinary (i just don't get why i am having so much trouble with this mod) can i ask wht version you chose and the optionals and if you could post the link again i will give it another go cos i will not be defeated by this.
  3. so looks like a new catorgy will be created Weapons and armors textures far far: Cloaks of Skyrim Ultra HD - Glorious Daedric Dark Edition. the art of dragonborn aMidianBorn Textures For Immersive Armors Heroic Imperial amidianborn Dawnguard Rune Weapons FXS Replacer it does work but when transfering the file back to MO grey bug is back but on NPC that didn't have it before what i might is say screw and the fix on all of them that the mod uses i just haven't really had time to fiddle and round with had other things on my mind. it also does help that the the CK crashes everytime I try to exit
  4. I am still have the grey face bug issue with lords of skyrim ( i want it in but i can't fix it i was having grey face on people that didn'ty have it before) TCOW-NPC again grey face bug on tolfdir
  5. Cloaks of Skyrim Ultra HD - Will test now but just looking at it i sat hell yes it's in (but i need to see how the VRam is coping before i commit). like the look of the Glorious Daedric Dark Edition. the art of dragonborn looks cool. we no longer have immersive weapons in the guide. Unique Uniques i am actually in two ind about this one.
  6. these not need as they are included in the lateset version of ESF companions anyway.
  7. as i have mentioned before Dawn of skyrim and JK's will NOT be added to this guide i I consider them too FPS havy for my liking. whne i tested both these out fps went under 30fps at times Helgen reborn and moon and stars on my my test list so they might make an appearance in the future.
  8. cool i'll get it added with a merged esp again so the bijin mod lost from the guide is Wives but the may be hope he will re-publish. OOh SkyTest is hidden maybe an update is about to hit
  9. it will be interesting to see what Chesko does with it
  10. Predator vision semi works cos of the enb. Nightvision doesn't work without some tweaking of the enb (this is why it was left out) but I am using it for my own battlemage Argonian. Smart cast was left out cos of script lag. I still have in my own load order but i am in 2 mind about it. would love to get it to work with my setup i'll have a go but i also am aware how heavy it is a will proberly not make it in but i will try as for CR that I will leave to Lexy.
  11. Aurora - is a definate yes I've had this in my Load order for about a week now and it will be added to the guide maybe this weekend. as for the others I haven't looked at them so I can't really say 100% at the moment. there will mostly likely be conflcits that my wife will have to patch but she is busy with exams at the momet.
  12. i am waiting to see what Neo does cos I sent him the link this morning (my time)
  13. from what i have understood it more a protest against the nexus cos he found a number of follower mods that used his textures from bijin and then not credited him or ask permission to use them. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/42urb1/does_anyone_have_the_bijin_npcs_wives_warmaidens/ I have found a solution to get at the very least Bijin warmaidian back into the guide. and the same mod author has permission for Bijin NPC too
  14. the almighty Gamwich strikes again with his black arts https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72915/?
  15. i am actually waitng for that
  16. i used the Basic version but yes we should already have HDT skeleton installed in Base SRLE
  17. i have uploaded a new version it normally takes little while until you can see and download it
  18. This is a shameless plugfor my own little guide. When you done installing SRLE why not try out SRLE Extended - https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_Extended
  19. I have added it to the guide I think it's clear enough its for those who dont use steam.
  20. found a soloution to get aleast for now bijin warmaidian back in the guide. download https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68208/? this instead use the Basic Edition and you will need the bijin warmaidian customizer. i never knew that I Will add that to the guide?
  21. I SMAA is just another form of anti aliasling - https://www.iryoku.com/smaa/ I use cos it's actually more of a personal preferance if you don't like it you dont have to use it. but i must say there is something odd about your memory blcok log (the first block should be reading a higher value then 256). but since both blocks are "full" that's why your getting ILS have you looked at the Base SRLE mods Modified for better performance which currently on the Intergrating SRLE Extended With SRLE https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_Extended_and_SRLE_Intergration#Install_Order Edit: I will be moving the Base SRLE mods Modified for better performance section to the main guide later tonight. Also since we have lost Bijin from the guide I will have another go at the lords of skyriim grey face bug fix.
  22. interesting you have enough memory in your skse your not using any of the heavy hitting mods so there is no logical reason you should be getting ILS the only thing i can suggest is deactive SRLE Extened mods one at a time until you find the mod causing the ILS on your system.
  23. cam i ask what your DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB= is in your skse.ini file is
  24. yes they are someone must of really upset him to do that. i guess i will have start a search for something new. Edit: he even pulled Seranaholic (which was a mod i was looking at including) so unfortunalty looks like he has indeed pulled his mods.
  25. Interesting I hope he just working on a update and not gone for good. I love his work if he has gone for good i'll have to find another NPC Texture replacer for now just use Ordinary women
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