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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. It has all the same basic function of CH just implmented a but differently Brodual has a good review on immersive horse and Hawx did a fairly good comparsion of the two It does indeed seem script lighter then CH to me the only thing missing from IH is horses armors, but there and mod Craftable Horse Barding by sevencardz (who is the same author as IH) but thats just an Aesthetic thing.
  2. Been actually playing the game for a few hours today and I've come to the conclusion. that I miss SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators the animals are dump the just stand there and let you shoot them with arrow while a least with SkyTest to would either run and fight back. i have had one CTD cause by Immersive pertrols near Rokistead in 3 hours of gameplay so not bad. I think alot of people wouldn't mind I have a message out to Neo to see what he palnning plus immersive citizen update out so I'll wait for Neo to update Base but put it this way if Neo doesn't want to add it to Base I wlll add to Extended.
  3. Hi all with the Update to Immersive Citizens I am going to wait for Neo to update SRLE Base before I add anything new.
  4. OK this is why it's I also have you guys testing things out for me.
  5. that was my other idea and Lexy did suggest that to me last night i am still thinking about it. I say we add the 4 villages to extended but turn off the Carts in those locations in the MCM?
  6. haha which he proberly has
  7. yeah Lexy Noted that last night when she was testing and dediced it was to much of a pain to fix which is a shame what we need is a compatability patch between the 2 mods but that is way beyond my skills i'll look into to this for you. Edit: you need to make sure Loot and Degradation is above Even Better Quest Objectives in the left hand pane and that BetterQuestObjectives.esp loads after LootandDegradation.esp i am therefore recommending moving Loot and Degardation to the "Other Fixes" section of the Guide and updating loot metadata
  8. lol.. great minds think alike dont they Neo i'll leave it up to you then
  9. No they are interesting I just personnaly find ETaC and JK's far to performance heavy for my liking. if i didn't have so many mods already installed I seriously use both. Plus there is now the added issue of immersive citizen compatbility and i am also aware the esp count and VRam is getting rather high. anyway on another note i have checked out Arthmoors village mods and there is little to no performance drop so I say it's in. Lexy will do CR again tonight so it should be added later tonight or sometime tomorrow.
  10. i am planning on (if i ever get round to it) looking at Beyond the Reach, Moon and Stars, and Helgen Reborn.
  11. well i looks like i uploaded the wrong CR this morning (my wife has corrected me so new one coming up) edit also with Neo's included of Farmhouse Chimneys to Base SRLE it makes sense for me to look at the 4 villages by arthmoor for SRLE Extended. i may also look at dawn of skyrim but dont know yet. Lexy said it not abig isue to patch (which was what I was mostly worried about)
  12. ok one for you guys I know I have said this a Primarly an add on for SRLE (and it wil always be so) but since It is quite modualr (if you dont you my CR) has anyone tried this with STEPS or STEP Extended i dont hve either installed so can't test?
  13. I am glad you really like my guide it start from just from a simplke forum post now look at it. Its not up there with the likes of Neo, Nearox, Hishutup or EssArrBee guides, but it is maturing nicely.
  14. dont worry she thought it was amusing and you're right she is sexy
  15. well in that case i will check them out. I will also look at Farmhouse Chimneys this will be worth a look too I have tweaked the spINI instructions some more. you need to make sure [Display] iShadowMapResolution=2048 I just forgot to add that but it part of the spINI instructions now. I strongly advise everyone to give spINI a try it doesn't have everything but it does have most things you'll need. that would be very useful
  16. Just added lock overhaul MCM setting now lexy is kicking me off so she can do some CWO testing.
  17. yes very useful indeed
  18. So I have added more pretty to colours to the subguide hopefully it is clear what mods were added, what were removed, what were modified and what were left as base SRLE. also added to the tools section and created a post spINI Tweaks Section.
  19. that actually makes sense to me but could lightening during thunderstorm not be merged in with climates of tamriel that way we'll all have 1 least esp all together?
  20. thanks for this i'll look at these today.
  21. can someone explain while running DynDoLod worlds I can never seem to watch videos of the internet i jyust get major stuttering a slow down while of the videos.
  22. no conflcits do every Neo say to do except Enhanced Landscapes adds compatabilty to SFO so you will need to choose SFO Trees in the billboards section the EL Fomod you can then remove the Bilborads added by SRLE Base as these are the same. EDIT unrelated to this question HDT cloaks anyone https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72581/?
  23. ok just checked Bijin Warmaidians DOES NOT use a Fomod since SRLE Extended uses the LOOSE version and yes the Lydia Private Version does indeed have a Fomod i will add this to the guide. EDIT Just so you know here this the subguide showing my install order https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_Extended_and_SRLE_Intergration#Install_Order This will be updated as both I and Neo add and remove this around.
  24. yes sorry it is a torrent file I forgot to mention that. I have since noticed that interesting npc nexus page has the update to v3-16 on it so I think there is now an easier method to install this now. no there is no real reason aganist douing that if you prefer i just placed then in a logical order to me. thanks for the throughts I very aware of the high memory already required and I have a feeling Warzones wont be able to run on SRLE Extended (with some modifcations) but I will test, I will be doing more work on the sub-guide which shows Install Order today. I installed it after I actually forgot at the vivid landscape patch i'll look into the today. it woulkd make sense to move crime overhual under the NPCs and Behavior Section I will move it in the guide. Yes bijin warmaidens does have a Fomod that I forgot to add and i'll check the Lydia Private Version. On an Personnal note I wish to thank everyone that is look at my litle guide making mod suggestions and testing this out then giving me feeback and giving the encouragement to make this guide. We could almost call this a beta test of the guide couldn't we. I realize it has had a rock start but I do feel things are comning together nicely.
  25. yeah i know how to console command i am just being lazy and trying to make my life easier
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