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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. good point added a little note about that
  2. yes you should always experiment with different vaules for your system 1280 for block 1 i the best vaulve for my system that why I recommend for SRLE Extended bt what right may not be for you. I am currerntly experimenting with a lower value. i will have to add a discliamer to that in the guide.
  3. ok i have been reliabily informed that the immersive creatures patch for new revenge of the enemies is no long compatbile an as such will be removed from the guide until a pacth comes out
  4. ok just so you know 2 mods that will likely make a apperance in the near future Aurora - Standing Stones of Skyrim (i've actually already had this in my load for the past week) Disparity (since there is now a patch for imperious races) and Dragon Priest Circlets some CR work will have to be done but as usually Lexy will deal with that but afer her exams have finished.
  5. well i usually play an either a argonian or a khajiit and so have predtor vison by gopgher installed thus never needed wearable lantern installed. however you you want wearable lanterns i don't think to conflict with any of the mods installed by SRLE Extended just dont froget the vividian patch and merge that neo suggests as well. I will think about however Neo basically uses the stock Step SKSE setting, I feel everyone would benefit from the change even on base. but if helps and everyone would prefer a peperate install of SKSE for Extended then i'll happy add those instructions to the guide.
  6. I tried dawm of Skyrim but my pwerformance majorly suffered when down to under 30 fps and few times so i am vetoing it from my guide.
  7. sound like a good idea however at the moment i don't have the time to do that.
  8. Guide restructure almost complete just Mod Merges and MCM menu sections to go. that it I give up on these bloody fomod for tonight. Edit: and with the final Fomod finally in the newly structured (and hopefully improved) guide is complete.
  9. Zegrorzalek i like some of the armors you suggest and if the can be all be merged together all the better.
  10. fair enough i trust you Neo. one more then then i'll stop bugging you why is CACO_AlternateNames.esp not included in the CACO patches Merge?
  11. no but you tell people to download when installing DynDoLod it's these billboard i am talking about: TES5LODGen Author: Ehamloptiran, Sheson, and the TES5Edit Team Version: 1.0 (Vurt SFO 2.3 LOD Billboards Optional) Mod Notes: This mod is installed a second time to provide tree billboards for Skyrim Flora Overhaul. Overrides: Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD, TES5LODGen Mod Dependencies(As Configured): I am sure these billboard need to be after SFO unless i am wrong and have understood things wrong. this is also what Micheal of Gamerpoets say to do in his video: from about 7:30 - 9:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3zVK8PD3Vg
  12. yes it does all of them that sounds about right Also Neo shouldn't the placemnet of the SFO Bilboards not be after the SFO mod pretty sure they should
  13. Vividian ENB - SRLE Extended now included in the guide with a fomod (I hate wirting fomods they take me so long to write)
  14. just having a quick look at the new verison of revenge of the enmeies and it currently has a lot of conflicts with OBIS so for now I suggest not update until a patch is created or Lexy has time to deal with the CR (which i can say wont be this week as she has exams to revise for) Lucky it doesn't seem to conflict with the males of skyrim replacement esp Lexy did
  15. Morskom esatate i one a all time fav house mods but yes it is heavy it recommend that you leave the bsa pascked. be good to hear how you fair in game updating now
  16. rhodsey thanks for the further feedback yes i am still work through your frist list but I will get there when i can as i am quite busy this week so i will update things as and when i can.
  17. this look nice a nd will likely be included and all merged together within the armors merged created for SRLE Extended.
  18. PLEASE CHECK THIS POST BEFORE SUGGESTING A MOD AS IT MAY ALREADY BE ON THIS LIST. Hi all decided to start a new post about mod suggestions for SRLE Extened if you have a suggestion for a mod you think would go well in SRLE Extened that please post them here. I will also now place a Evaluating, Testing, Accepted, or Rejected After section mod so you can see what has been suggested.
  19. ok what i will do it start a new topic for mod suggestions that way we can keep them all together and i can track them more easily. https://forum.step-project.com/topic/9815-srle-extended-mod-suggestions/
  20. mmmm yes i like let me sort out the guide before i go add yet more new mods. yes i am open to suggestions on this
  21. that is the new plan so massive changes on the way and hopefully these change well be for the best and make the guide easier to follow.
  22. ok another thing a user just pointed out to me which i have totally missed ENB manager setting for Vividian - SRLE Extended. at this rate it would be easier to just intergate the changed mods into the guide.
  23. i thought Lexy removed it from the lastest CR unless i updated the wrong verison again let me check. yes I uploaded the wrong verison sorry will fix asap (Lexy is going to shoot me now) CR has been updated to the correct version
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