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Everything posted by ssconvert

  1. Hello Lexy, look probably been mentioned before but there has been talk of a game breaking bug between Obis and immersive patrols. Have read it on a few other mod lists. From Sinitar's site ( https://www.sinitargaming.com/skyrim_se.html ) : Note: don't use OBIS and Immersive Patrols togehter - while being 100% stable and great mods themselves, when used together, sooner or later they case a game-breaking bug when random factions start attacking you on sight with no reason. I'm personally using OBIS. No idea if true or not but just to give you the heads up.
  2. mmm interesting.....wtf is Typography???
  3. I thought Mule in Skyrim conflicts with ETAC. It has been reported in the posts.... https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59612/?
  4. CJ, dunno if you've looked at this mod but seems a good recommendation for REGS. Stendarrs Beacon Enhanced by EasierRider https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40537/? May need to be cleaned etc but seems fully compatible as I can't think of any other mod that touches this area. Any thoughts anyone?
  5. Not sure but doesn't look like compatible with JK's mods so not compatible with REGS.
  6. This topic has to be the most interesting and conversely the most frustrating and confusing I've seen just about ever. I've read it nearly three times...... Just wondering, if we choose a mod like Women of Skyrim https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25588/? what would be the additional mods that we would need to add eg femfeet, scars, any of Xenius's etc. This mod seems not a bad choice and of course no need to replace vanilla body. EDIT ZZJay does recommend femfeet...............
  7. Er Mos, that's the point, Leto's guide recommends AFT over EFF for that reason.
  8. Hear your pain, that's why on my next playthrough I'm going to use a Sweetfx instead of an enb. From reading widely, it seems an enb, even so called performance ones, combined with JK's, results in a huge FPS loss.
  9. Wicked......Thanks Leto. if you ever feel the urge to come back and update your list, Please don't fight it. Thanks again Leto.............
  10. oh fk, I didn't get a copy......Can anyone direct me? I really need a setup based on not using an ENB. Shame to hear your moving on Leto, your selections and knowledge of mods is impressive at the least.
  11. Fairdinkum legend Neo...................
  12. XCE as a base and then Mature Skin or TDOS on top of that. Add No More Ugly Bronze Shine 1.4b on top of that. I'm assuming you're using CBBE vanilla body meshes here (or at least CBBE or UNP), because I'm not certain Mature Skin or NMUBS will work on the vanilla body. True Daughters of Skyrim by betterbecause has an option in files for vanilla, so I am assuming that it is compatible with the vanilla body, ie no mesh installed like CBBE, UNP etc. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45453/?
  13. Thanks very much Harpalus, that has helped immensely. Just to clarify, you would put XCE as a base then put Mature Skin or TDOS on to overwrite the body and face textures but would keep XCE for the eyes? Would you consider True eyes or Eyes of beauty instead? Also, my assumption is if I don't use a body mesh, will I save a lot of resources. I plan on a STEP extended/legendary with REGS which includes JK's, hence also going for SweetFX instead of a dedicated ENB. I am about to get a high end rig (GTX 970 etc). What I mean to say is, if I skip a body mesh like UNP/CBBE, will this go someway to conserving CPU/GPU resources? Good luck in exams by the way, cram, cram, cram...............
  14. Um Harpalus, sorry for the seemingly ignorant question but I get absolutely overwhelmed with all the body/face texture/mesh overhauls etc on the Nexus. The mod true daughters of Skyrim is just a face/body texture overhaul is it not? ie an improvement to all NPC's face and body that would replace XCE in STEP? Does it also make over Vampires in DG? I want to use vanilla body mesh because I don't use skimpy armors and don't want to d/l all the extra conversions etc. So can I ask if I want to d/l an armor mod that has CBBE or UNP conversion only, would I use the UNP as that is the closest to vanilla? If you use TDOS, do you need any other mods to go with it apart from no more ugly bronze shine? Also, do you know is XCE going to be dropped from STEP, is so what were the reasons? Really appreciate your feedback/support.
  15. Just had to ask you something Leto, I've been following the Seranaholic mod, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38326/? the same author as Bijins warmaidens and wives. It seems a lot of people are having problems, especially changes not taking place etc. I have read that you can't have two mods that directly edit NPC fields, only one will take precedence, including changes made by USKP. Could it be that Rxkx22 didn't carry over the changes from one of the USKP into his Serana mod. Or is it because many people are using multiple mods that edit NPC's? Could you shed any light?
  16. Er Leto, where is your comments in the Fort Dawnguard Overhaul gone? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55347/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D55347%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D1850750&pUp=1
  17. That's mind boggling, how in hell would a cloaks mod affect lighting in Dawnguard????? It shows how even unrelated mods can clash with each other.
  18. Leto, are you using the 2K Quality Snow HD _ Dark from Quality Snow HD 4K? If so your guide mentions to * Download: 2K Quality Snow HD instead of the dark version. Also, glad to see Fort Dawnguard Overhaul in your new list............
  19. Er the PermaZONES - Dangerous Encounter Zones for Skyrim links to DFB - Random Encounter.
  20. Just wondering, I take it your using Vividean ENB, body mods like UNP, etc. Full Step Lenendary install from Neo?
  21. Er not sure if your aware but a patch has just been released for ELFX and Lanterns of Skyrim https://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/63869/?
  22. Also, just so your aware a patch has just been released for ELFX and Lanterns of Skyrim https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63869/?
  23. Read Leto's guides "Ambitious Skyrim" and "Stepping Out" in Republic of Step>Guides and Resources. He goes into detail and even uses a lot of these mods you have mentioned and why. Just note if you use Protected NPC's Redux, you cannot use beauty mods or any other mods that directly edits NPC's. Use When Vampires Attack and Run for your lives instead. Leto also uses Amazing Follower Tweaks : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15524/? which has level uncap function for followers.
  24. Your Serana problem, that mod you used seems to have a lot of trouble associated with it as the author messed with the body even though its basically a face replacer. Looking through the posts: "I also got a quite dark face tone of serana(as dark as a Redguard) After I changed all textures to the female textures I installed, it's not that dark anymore But still darker than other follower and NPC and PC Edited: Given her a cloth which reveal the neck, then you can see quite clear that her head is totally darker than the body(the body is correct compare to other character) posted @ 20:30, 23 Mar 2013 Reply harokyang 4 kudos 64 posts In response to post #7649312. Fixed, the Beauty Eye mod overrided file 00002B6C.NIF reverted it back to what this mod carried and the problem was solved" You also have the eyes of beauty mod installed................. Suggest Seranaholic: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38326/? This mod recommends eyes of beauty, indicates AFT vampire lord transform won't work as well as other fixes.
  25. I'm also interested in this. Going by youtube clips, JK's looks slightly better overall and has cranes and no rats. Although Dawn of does add slightly more content in 2 merchants and "Brand-Shei sells Morrowind goods (and his stall shows it)". As of the last update, June 2014 ( the youtube clips are all older), Removes ladders and roof trap doors due to popular demand (which the you tube clips show). Can any of the pack authors tell us if Dawn of Riften was selected because of JK incompatibilities with other mods, etc. Maybe a resource issue or just purely visual choice? Any advice most welcome...............
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