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  1. I used Whiterun Mansion in my last playthrough and liked it alot. I'm also a big fan of Forgotten Windmill.
  2. My 2c... SafetyLoad allows me to play a fully modded game with uGrids set to 7. I've never been able to do an actual playthrough with uGrids set to 7 due to ILS. With this mod I get no ILS. I did get a CTD when opening my menu once, but after setting the .ini file to only run SafetyLoad on loading screens I have had no ILS and no CTDs. I think a mod like this is highly dependent on your mod and system setup and would be hard to recommend to the community as a whole in its current state. If the author gets the CTD issue 100% fixed then this is THE must-have mod for heavily-modded Skyrim.
  3. The author released a potential fix for the people getting CTDs.
  4. This is amazing. Mod of the year for sure.
  5. Man, that does look amazing. Seems like a slooooow WIP though.
  6. My original and only point was that Skyrim is not capped at 30 FPS.
  7. Skyrim is capped at 60 FPS by default. Not 30. Not sure where you got that piece of misinformation.
  8. I actually just gave up trying to run max res textures. I just resigned myself to mostly 1k with a few exceptions like mountains and trees. It still looks great in-game and you'll really only notice if you put your face up to a texture.
  9. I seem to recall the same unfortunately.
  10. Hey all, haven't been around in a while but I thought this was worth bringing to your attention. It's not a mod per se so I'm not sure if this is the right place for it, but someone has released a fix for the LvlPredatorScript script that spams the papyrus logs. Lots of people are reporting fewer CTDs or in the best case scenario 100% elimination of CTDs. Myself included. I (finally) started a game about a week ago and I installed this after playing for about 40 hours. Prior to installing the script I'd crash every 2-3 hours. I've now been using it for 10-15 hours and I haven't crashed once. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/985247-bugfix-for-lvlpredatorscript-errors-no-more-log-spam/
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