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Everything posted by darkrain261

  1. Ha ha yes, follow your suggestion the effects applied as I wanted. I really appreciate your help. Cheers!
  2. Wow thank you so much. Now I understand the reason some mods have duplicate magic effect with just 1 or 2 different conditions is to avoid these complicated condition rules in one go.
  3. Thank you, these logical writing is confusing me. I'm not familiar with this so I think will add more conditions to cover those extra situations: armor head + clothing body and clothing head + armor body.
  4. Another question is that does the and/or apply to current line or the below line. For example B: Subject.WornHasKeyword(Clothing Head) = 0 AND Subject.WornHasKeyword(Clothing Body) = 0 OR Does this mean: 1) Subject is wearing clothing head and subject is wearing clothing body or .... or 2) and Subject is wearing clothing head or subject is wearing clothing body
  5. Hi guys, I'm adding some conditions to a spell in xEdit and stumble upon this question. Let's say I want a spell that does damage to player unless they are wearing an armor + helmet (which mean that wearing only helmet or only armor still does damage to player), I come up with these 2 ways, can somebody help me determine which one is right? Thank you: A) B) Edit: grammar and explaination.
  6. Looking through posts on the forum and Internet, I know that LOD water is using DefaultWater record, so in my understanding, any change to it will also change the LOD water including the color. However, I'm using Skyland-RWT green water color addon, which is winning DefaultWater in xEdit. But in-game, my LOD water color is still bright blue and only change back to normal when I come closer. Some suggested that the color is from reflecting but I have disabled sky reflect, only objects, trees and lands are enabled. Any idea how can I improve this situation? Thank you all.
  7. Thank you. The problem is fixed with this. Sorry for late replying, I was dead sick tired on bed yesterday.
  8. Sorry for late respond, here are my log files: https://ufile.io/cwwz8atg The combine.txt is from xlodgen example, no edits: Tamriel_Combine.ini From what the logs said I suppose that the combine function hasn't worked with seasons yet? Cause apart from Tamriel and Blackreach, other worlds still have their seasons logs, such as: "LODGen_SSE_MarkarthWorld_SPR_log" or "LODGen_SSE_MarkarthWorld_SUM_log".
  9. Hi Sheson, I'm currently generating a new DynDOLOD output, but in the log, I notice there are lines that said: "Error: File not found D:\Skyrim Mod Tools\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_SSE_Export_Tamriel_SPR_Combined.txt" This repeat with 4 seasons (WIN, SUM, SPR, AUT). Is this normal or I have made a mistake somewhere? I already put the combine.txt file to lodsettings folder and generated terrain lod with xLODGen. Reading "Combine Worldspaces for LOD" and the readme file in xLODGen archive, I couldn't find any mention of the missing file above. I will upload a log as soon as I finished generating this session. Thank you.
  10. It's me again, I see that Pie now has SSE support, so if I want to change from old Bethini to Pie, should I just let Pie handle my current ini settings or should I revert back to my original back-up ini and then applying Pie settings? Thank you!
  11. Generation completed, no other errors occured.
  12. Using this file, DynDOLOD has started generating LOD with no error so far. I will report back again if is there is more problem after the generation process finishes. Thank you!
  13. Hi, I'm getting error "Item not found" when using DynDOLOD, I tried multiple time but it always crash at a same line. I'm using latest DynDOLOD/Texgen and Resource version. Can you help me with this? Here are my log files: https://ufile.io/x08dgvvx bugreport.txt
  14. Hi Sheson, I'm reading the Combine Worldspaces for LOD page and it refers to Combine-Worldspaces-Readme.txt in the xLODGen download archive. I re-downloaded the archive here to make sure I have the latest verion but I couldn't find that readme file in the archive. Is it included just recently? The invite link to Discord is expired so I can't check in Discord channel to see if there is any new version. May I ask how could I get this file? Thank you!
  15. Here it is. Nothing strange to me. It's from Lux Via and nothing is overwritten it. The other objects in the same tab here are attached to this wood post (torch, rope,...) in-game. For LOD, I agree with you and it seems that this doesn't have LOD after all. So no LOD related.
  16. Sorry guys for late replying. No, it was not persistent. It's only on my ongoing save, all other objects were re-enabled but not for this one. I found it's strange because they were wood posts as clutters on the road and one of them was re-enabled with no problem, but one is still disabled (both have the same base ID and their Ref ID have no persistent flag). If enabling it by console does no harm, then it's normal to me. It's true that I haven't regen LOD after changing the plugin. But as I mentioned above one of the wood posts was enabled without any problem so I don't think this could related to LOD. Talking about disabled objects, I recently saw something similiar after the generation of latest DyndoLOD version update, I noticed all three windmills in Whiterun is missing their building exterior but fans and interiors remained. Something like this and I also had to re-enabled exterior by console. Once again, I'm not sure if this could related to LOD as I followed the clean save procedure for each new version of DyndoLOD update, and I don't know if missing windmills only happens after updating or it was there before. Maybe I will have to regen LOD and continue testing with current save for some more time to see if is there any missing object in the worlds. But in mean time, if enabling it by console does no harm, then it's no problem to me. Thank you all.
  17. Hey guys, I'm having a question about re-enabling an object. So before, I made a small patch in which I set "Initially disabled" along with setting "PlayerRef" parent for some object cause they were clipping with objects from another mod. Recently that mod was updated and the clipping is no more. So I disabled my custom patch to re-enable those object, all but one object didn't appear again in-game and I have to manually enable it by console. Is this a normal behavior or is there any extra steps need to be done to properly restore the object? Thank you!
  18. No problem, I just need to remind myself to check the value again after using BethINI. Also I look forward to the new Bethini Pie. Cheers!
  19. Hi, I want to report a minor issue with Skyrim AE. That's when I open BethINI, the setting "ireflectionresolutiondivider" sometimes will be automatically set back to 1, although I have changed to another value. This happens when I run BethINI, so not opening it kinda solve the problem but that's would defeat the purpose of it. Not really a big deal but I prefer a higher value to increase my fps. Sometimes when I lost in the wood and fps drops, it usually because of this setting is set back to 1. Thank you.
  20. Update: just found out that the area will change depending on the hour, so at 0:00, it will be directly on top of my character. From 8pm to 23pm, it is located in the west and from 1am to 5am, it's at the east. I think it's because how Bes designed the sky, it's a spherical with symmetry in 2 hemispheres, so even the sun doesn't come out at night, the setting fSunBaseSize for it still affect the night sky.
  21. I just tried some more presets and options, the blurry of TAA is indeed reduced but that blurry area in the sky is still there. It's only blurry/flickering when I move camera and only in that specific area in the sky. So I don't think it has anything to do with TAA blurry, but somehome with TAA on, this happens.
  22. Yes, Enb and Reshade seems to be the only ways to fix this. I haven't tried enb but with Reshade, I have tried a couple of presets and setting with SweetFX's SMAA but no use so far. I also tried Skyrim Upscaler with FSR2 and XeSS option but the result is the same. Besides I want to know why fSunBaseSize can cause this issue. I think it only affects the sun but don't know why it could create this blurry area during night time.
  23. It's hard to describe this problem but whenever I turn on TAA, my night sky will have an area that will be blurrywhen I move my mouse. You can see it here: In case you can't see with the YT quality, you can notice that the star in the middle look like it flickering while the ones in the bottom corners don't. I tested in vanilla with Etheral Cosmos, fSunBaseSize value 220, but you can produce this problem with any night sky mods and TAA on, or even with vanilla night sky. Here is another user encountered the same problem: At first I thought this problem is only TAA related, because when I turn it off or use FXAA then this issue will disappear. But after some testing, I notice that the effect will be more noticeable with RAID Weathers enabled, and I found that this mod has some edits to ini, with fSunBaseSize changed from vanilla value to 220. So I tried to messing around with that setting. Here is the result: 1) With vanilla value 425: the area border expands toward the horizon (around 30-40 degree about the horizon), making the sky blurry/flickering in a bigger area. 2) RAID Weather value 220: as shown in the video, this makes the issue more noticeable, the area is now smaller and more distinguishing as the area surround it doesn't have this blurry effect. 3) Value 0: the area disappeared. 4) Value 1000: the whole sky is now blurry with mouse movement. Turning of TAA or adjust the value might temporarily fix this issue but they are not the best ideas, because the setting is tied to the sun's base size. Too high value will make the sun gigantic and the whole night sky blurry, or set value to 0 will make the sun disappear, so I'm trying to avoid this. So I'm asking if anyone know the answer to this problem. Thank you!
  24. Hello, it's me again. I think I found the source of problem. I'm using Vortex and the newest version of it has something wrong with the variable you said "DOTNET_SYSTEM_GLOBALIZATION_INVARIANT". If I launch DynDOLOD (with original LODGenx64Win.exe - not the one you sent) through Vortex as tool then I got the problem I mentioned. However, if launch DynDOLOD directly, then it works normally. In addition, adding the environment variable: DOTNET_SYSTEM_GLOBALIZATION_INVARIANT=0 in the DynDOLOD shortcut in Vortex also solves the problem. So it's not my NET runtime but the Vortex itself causing the issue. Once again thanks for your wonderful DynDOLOD and support for players.
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