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Everything posted by BrotherShamus

  1. Disabling VRAMr output made no difference. I'm a bit intimidated by removing the mipmaps from my grass mods so it seems grass-mode 1 is the only sensible option. Thanks again for your help.
  2. My settings for Lodgen were taken from a guide... I can regenerate with my old settings (I believe taken from the STEP guide) after I sort my problem with the grass. The only difference between my grass/LOD generation this time is that I'm using Vramr and ParallaxGen but I don't know that they would cause this (after grass cache generation but before running Texgen/Dyndolod). I've used the Skoglendi, Origins of Forest combination several times and never had an issue. Also, I posted my GrassControl.ini on the NGIO page and they didn't mention anything so I assume that it's as it should be so I'll look into removing the mipmaps to test it out.
  3. Flying to the affected area with terrain lod off and using freecam, the grass did appear fully as I got nearer to it. However, this also happened with LODs turned on. As far as terrain lod, I generated with Lodgen but will have to recheck my settings. In that I'll likely have to regenerate everything... is there a particular setting I should be mindful of? Will I have to recalculate object bounds for my grass mods? edit: I'm not sure if this is the correct information but this is from my SSELodgen_log.txt: [00:12] Generating terrain LOD meshes for worldspace Tamriel [00:12] Reading G:\DynDOLOD folder\Lodgen\xLODGen\Edit Scripts\LODGen_Terrain_Tamriel.bin [00:20] Data from -64,-64 to 63,96 [00:20] Protect Cell Border LOD 4: True [00:20] Specific level: No [00:20] Max Level: 32 [00:20] Specific quad: No [00:20] Output: G:\DynDOLOD folder\Lodgen\xLODGen\Lodgen Output\meshes\terrain\Tamriel\ [00:20] Quality LOD32: 0 Max Vertices: 30767 Optimize Unseen: 550 [00:20] Quality LOD16: 15 Max Vertices: 30767 Optimize Unseen: 0 [00:20] Quality LOD8: 10 Max Vertices: 30767 Optimize Unseen: 1000 [00:20] Quality LOD4: 5 Max Vertices: 30767 Optimize Unseen: 1000
  4. Here are two screenshots (https://imgur.com/a/zGs7LDk)... I'm not quite sure if they can help but they are 'tll' and 'not tll'. I'm still reading through the links you've provided to hopefully get a better understanding. Looking at this now, it seems the issue is with NGIO and not Dyndolod if I'm understanding correctly...
  5. Apologies on not including the Dyndolod log and thank you for you reply. I do have the grass mode set to two in the NGIO GrassControl.txt as well as when generating Dyndolod. I also have the settings correct (the same as the link you've provided). This thread seems like it'll have some useful information so I'll have a look here to see if I can find a solution. Thanks again.
  6. I'm having an issue with grass LODs that I can't seem to solve. I've used the same setup for NGIO and Dyndolod for quite a while and never had this problem. I've posted on the NGIO page and was advised that it may be an issue with setting my grass at 2 instead of 1 (I've currently got it set at 2) but wanted to check here first before I start the process of redoing everything. Here are the relevant logs (https://ufile.io/f/y15ll) as well as a screenshot of the issue (https://imgur.com/a/oyIx80R). Grass seems to be fine in the loaded cell and in the distance but not in the adjacent cell. Would this have anything to do with the "Downgrade FarGrid large references to NearGrid" setting? I am unfamiliar with this setting so left it at the default "checked" setting when I generated Dyndolod.
  7. Using the tll console command, the issue is still present. I had read in a previous post that this may have something to do with a missing 'p' texture. Since this is a problem that seems to affect objects that are unrelated (farm house and rock clusters under certain trees), I'm going to guess that this is a problem with another mod that somehow affected LOD generation and not with Dyndolod itself? I'm going to investigate how to find specific textures in Vortex as looking in xEdit didn't really help... I'll post back here when I find a solution in case someone in the future has a similar issue. Thanks again for your help.
  8. I'm having a problem with blue LODs in some areas. Having looked through previous posts, it seems these are generally tied to specific mods but pulling up the references in xEdit, it seems that these are only referenced by Skyrim.esm and USSEP so I'm not sure how to move forward. I'm attaching a link with all the relevant files (I hope). I'm providing screen shots and truncated log files... any help would be greatly appreciated. https://ufile.io/f/pufct
  9. Thank you for responding and apologies for posting incorrectly. After some investigation, it seems that I'm unable to use Mator Smash for my game as it seems to have generated several similar errors. I was able to isolate them after updating xEdit to the latest version but was unable to resolve them properly. Thanks again.
  10. I'm having an issue I can't resolve. I'm including the last generation of my log... the problem is with my Smashed Patch so I can't reference the mod page for any help. I followed the link in the error message, followed the instructions as best I could and watched the video. I cleaned the patch in xEdit and checked for errors. While xEdit did find 5 of them, none were related to the error message generated by Dyndolod. Here's the link to the log: https://paste.ee/p/eho0F
  11. Thank you for your quick response... I'll make the necessary changes and see if I can't get this to work.
  12. I read the two resources you mentioned (as you had previously suggested to someone else in this forum) and understood very little. I had originally set the Command Line argument as "-sse" but was confused when I came across this in the LODGen page, In case the used game version uses different paths, use the -m, -p and -d command line arguments to set the INI, plugins.txt and Data paths when starting the tools. For example: -m:"c:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\" -p:"c:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\plugins.txt" -d:"c:\GOG Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\Data\" So should I change it back to "-sse"?
  13. I've shied away from using LodGen in the past because I've found it to be quite intimidating and have generally used pre-generated terrain LOD provided by mods or just skipped it altogether. This is the first time I've decided to take a deep dive and really get it right but have found that just about every resource for information is geared towards MO2 users. While I do understand that MO2 is the preferred choice of experienced modders, I learned on Vortex and for the time being, I really can't commit to changing but I want to make sure I've set this up correctly before I try to run the program and potentially damage my game. I'm enclosing a picture of how I've set it up... if someone could either verify that I've done this correctly or point out what I've done wrong, I would really appreciate it. Also... if I understand correctly, it's better to generate occlusion through LodGen and not through Dyndolod? Thanks. edit: I've added the closed quotation to the Command Line...
  14. I never actually got to test the MCM as I had deleted the last Texgen and Dyndolod outputs last night. Today, I corrected the Level32=1 (from 0) and everything seems to be working again. I'll be testing the MCM values as needed I think but they seem to be pretty good out of the box. Sorry for taking up so much time with what was a clear oversight on my part.
  15. So... this whole mess might have been caused by my not changing a single value in the ini file. I feel a bit stupid here... I keep a copy of all ini files so I can remember how I set everything and I must have forgotten to change that when I updated Dyndolod. I've had a few too many drinks to test this out tonight but will update this post tomorrow. Thank you... this has been driving me nuts.
  16. Oh wow... that was definitely an oversight borne of frustration. My tree settings are Level 0, level 1 and level 2 (billboard 6 for the map) so I'm guessing your suggestions for fTreeLoadDistance don't apply but thank you for pointing that out! I'm still digging for information but this seems to be a problem only I am having. I'm going to try it with all non-essential mods disabled and just generate LOD for Tamriel and see what happens. The thought of another clean install and all the tweaking that goes with it is giving me anxiety here.
  17. Those were actually suggested settings... can't remember where I got them but they've always worked for me. I'm actually using Vortex but both Dyndolod and Occlusion were enabled in my Plugins so I'm really stumped as to what's going on. I'm going to try a clean install of Skyrim... failing that, I'll go back to v110 for now as I did have that working. I'm thinking some time in about 2026, I'll actually start playing the game . Any suggestion as to how much I should increase it by?
  18. I'll have another look at the 'messages' and 'summary of messages' pages... I wasn't able to find anything helpful in them first time though (I try to be thorough as I can before posting here). Here are some screen shots... hopefully they provide some insight... edit: forgot to mention... I don't use Seasons of Skyrim. Sorry for the multiple posts...
  19. In game, there are no LODs... no trees or anything else beyond the loaded cell (except some floating windows). I read through the logs... my problem is that I don't understand them so I just went through the steps I could follow (cleaning all masters and mods as suggested by loot). Re-installed Dyndolod and tried to re-generate but same result. I don't think it's an issue with Dyndolod or this forum would be filled with messages. I'm clearly making an error somewhere but I don't know where. I missed uploading the debug file... here it is. https://ufile.io/u1540d75
  20. I'm having an issue with Dyndolod not generating any LODs at all... it looks quite sad and frightening. Usually the zip file generated is over 10GB and takes around 70 minutes (v110), last two attempts (v111) have been just over 5GB and taken around 45 minutes to generate. Here are the files... https://ufile.io/4lbj7umx https://ufile.io/5zm1s2zo
  21. Thank you for the clarification!
  22. I have a quick question regarding the alpha channel threshold in SSE when not using billboards (I'm using level 0, level 1, level 2, billboard 6 for my trees rule). I tried to research it but kept getting 'bad links' so I figured it would be best to ask here. For billboards, I had my TreeMSAlphaThreshold=174 but I'm not sure where to make the change when using levels. To cut down on the blotchiness of my tree LODs, should I be changing the SSAlphaThreshold? The default is 128 and I was thinking of moving it up to about 150 as a starting point to see how they look. When changing it for billboards, I know increments of 10 were difficult to notice the difference so I'm hoping someone can help me out here to save me from having to regenerate LODs several times and/or changing the wrong values. Thanks.
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