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Everything posted by YomNexus

  1. Well this issue appears only after generate my terrain lods thats why i ask. If you need specific informations tell me what exactly and i'll give you :p I'm on skyrim se, i'm using these settings : I have RW2 (water mod) installed maybe there are lods includes which could interfere ?
  2. When scrolling the worldmap, sometimes the water disappears briefly but completely. What could cause this?
  3. ah thank you :) I'm trying to find the right settings to not mess up my world map, well actually only the water is weird. I tried lod32 with optimise unseen to 500 but im still not satisfied :p Also i struggle to find a good setting for the snow, i would have liked if i could increase the brightness only for the snow without it affect the others terrain lods :p
  4. just a suggestion, it could be nice to have a button to reset the default values like with dyndolod.
  5. There's a guide/tuto to do it with SRO? (I'm afraid to make mistake) :p
  6. It could be nice to have a patch for a lighter/reduced version for the normals map. I have a gtx970 (sse installed on ssd) and i noticed more stutters/drop frames when the game have to load a big amount of textures, especially when we approach close to the cities. Just did a test only with and without SRO installed, going to whiterun from riverwood, the difference is really noticeable.
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