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  3. If a world has the No Grass flag, it will be removed from the list.
  4. This is the xLODGen terrain LOD beta thread. It does ship with and does use LODGenWin.exe or LODGenx64Win.exe. The requirements of DynDOLOD and the different LODGen versions are explained on the DynDOLOD website. For example at https://dyndolod.info/Downloads#Additional-Requirements and https://dyndolod.info/Help/LODGen The question if .Net is required for LODGenx64Win.exe is already answered by the Windows message.
  5. Hi, I'm using SE 1.6.640.0 NGIO 1.0.16f and Worldspaces with Grass SSEEdit Script for No Grass In Objects 2.0 In Worldspaces with Grass SSEEdit 1.1 I had these 6 additonal Worldspace that no longer appear in 2.0. DLC1VampireCastleCourtyard LabyrinthianWorld LabyrinthianWorld03 SouthfringeWorld TestSnow WhiterunWorld Forgive my ignorance here, but I didn't see any changes that these worldspace should no longer be appearing? THANKS
  6. Hello sheson, Sorry about posting the images... My mistake over xLODGen and LODGenx64Win.exe I never said anything before about .NET vs .NET Framework, I know they are different. I thought I read somewhere that LODGenx64Win.exe works with .NET 4.8 installed? Or do I need to install the latest .NET Runtime for LODGenx64Win.exe? THANKS
  7. No xLODGen_log.txt was provided. Do not post screenshots of text. Copy and paste the text when possible instead The xLODGen archive does not contain LODGenx64Win.exe. xLODGen does not use the .Net versions of LODGen. xLODGen does not use any files in DynDOLOD directories. .NET Framework and .NET are different things. I suggest to read and believe messages from the OS or programs.
  8. Yesterday
  9. Hello, I'm running SSE 1.6.640.0 using xLODGen Beta 114, DynDOLOD 3 Alpha 173, DynDOLOD Resources SE 3 Alpha-50, and DynDOLOD DLL NG Alpha-30, and I'm using MO2 2.5.0. I'm getting an Event 1023 .Net Runtime; A .NET application failed I'm running Windows 10 Home 22H2, with only the default .Net 4.8 installed, here are screen shots for these; Here are my M02 settings for xLODGen; Here is the Windows log Event 1023 .Net Runtime after running xLODGen; THANKS
  10. I haven't found the time to test this against Rudy's mod using ENB (see OP) under our 2.2.0 guide. If anyone cares to do so, please post screens for vanilla, Step 2.2.0, and this mod replacing Rudy's. This would be an easy add for 2.3 once verified.
  11. Re-tagging 'accepted' as-is for 2.3. Next iteration, we can do the DDDM testing to see if we'll retain this in 2.4 or not.
  12. Disregard my last. We can use the ENB-compatibility in 21 - Post Processing ModGroup
  13. Discussion topic: Rudy fix for Splashes of Storms and ENB by rudy102 Wiki Link ENB component of Splashes of Storms
  14. Discussion topic: SB - Fixed Windhelm Entrance by Asedael Wiki Link Fixes the Windhelm entrance and gate. Also provides the LOD assets needed for visuals when both entering and exiting. Superseeds FYX - Windhelm Entrance
  15. It looks to me like SB - Fixed Windhelm Entrance is more comprehensive and supersedes this mod, so creating that mod topic for testing and removing this one. See new mod topic.
  16. Voting to drop for 2.3, since this is redundant with updated CL.
  17. ENB is on in those screens, what I was saying was that while it is less visually jarring, it still occurs without ENB being on. knowing it is texture mipmapping gets me in the right direction though.
  18. If anyone cares to test this in the current Step 2.2.0 setup, please confirm it's working (makes equipped left-hand weapons and both staves visible on PC/NPC when not in combat).
  19. I've been working with this one in my patching, assuming we'll 'accept' for 2.3 (and voting likewise). Thoughts?
  20. ENB is on or off in those screens? You are seeing the effects of texture mipmapping. Close up, you are seeing the native texture resolution. As you increase distance from the object, textures provide lower-resolution mipmaps to account for the size difference. This is just how game visuals work. As far as the transitions of the mipmaps with changes in distance, it's possible that it could be mitigated by certain INI settings, but I don't know which ones offhand. Test without ENB to make things simpler.
  21. It does look different without enb, but there is still noticeable texture load in as I approach even with the ENB off. I played around with shadow distance a bit and concluded that was not the issue either. These pictures show the issue a little more clearly. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CUZjUZEOUWrcEB9hULPi7n02jH7bopFQ/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/17fNJT4JyVndUEXgxmSaasFuVCoiw-Wqh/view?usp=drivesdk
  22. Keep RenderSingle=1 and add both GLDebug=1 and RealTimeLog=1 under [DynDOLOD] Upload new log, debug log and bugreport.txt if it exists or DynDOLOD_SSE_realtime_log.txt in case it wasn't able to save the log and debug log.
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