In order to collect everyone's thoughts in one place (and make sure everyone has the correct Wiki editing privileges), here's a list of all the mods in v2.2.6. Make sure you use the sectional "Edit" links or you'll surely have trouble finding the right place to edit. Doing small edits will also (hopefully) prevent a lot of edit conflicts.
On this page, Template:Yes will represent the mod being added to STEP:Core while Template:No represents adding the mod to STEP:Extended. For a better understanding of what STEP:Core should consist of, read these posts (and this one).
These concepts are being summarized in the NEW STEP MANDATE, so go there and edit/discuss.
- Under Arguments, bring up any reason to go one way or the other and precede them with either "Template:Tl" or "Template:Tl" to generate the icon.
- Under Votes, sign with either "Template:Tl ~~~~" or "Template:Tl ~~~~" (four tildes creates a signature) signifying your opinion on whether the mod should be Core or not.
- {{yes|yellow}} (Template:Yes) signifies an undecided or constitutional vote. Please provide in parentheses ( ... ) your conditions.
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- Review
- Ancient Nord Armor Fix
- Appropriately Attired Jarls
- Argonian Decapitation Fix
- Bowlegged Jump Fix
- Brawl Bugs Patch
- Consistent Older People
- Cursor Fix
- Dead Body Collision
- Dual Sheath Redux
- Elys AltF4
- Fast Travel Timescale Fix
- Fuz Ro D'oh
- Nitpick
- Skyrim Project Optimization
- Tail Twist Fix
- Unofficial Skyrim Patch
- Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
- Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
- Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
- Unofficial High Resolution Patch
- Acquisitive Soul Gems
- Distant Decal Fix
- Even Better Quest Objectives
- Realistic Ragdolls & Force
- Maximum Skeleton
- Trade & Barter
- Weapon & Armor Fixes
- Altar Descriptions
- Better Dialogue Controls
- Better MessageBox Controls
- Disease Descriptions
- Dungeon Quest Awareness
- High Quality 3D Map
- Immersive HUD
- Interface Key Tweaks
- Lockpicking Interface
- Lore-Based Loading Screens
- Main Font Replacement
- No Boring Wait Menu
- No Menu & Loading Smoke
- Quality World Map
- Race Menu
- Skill Interface
- SkyUI
- Not Another Colored Map Icon Mod
- Smaller Cursor
- Spinning Skyrim Emblem
- Time On Loading Screen
- Unique Region Names
- Unknown Enchants
- HRDLC Optimized
- Better Dynamic Snow
- Detailed Chests
- No Stretching
- Ruins Clutter Improvement
- Better Rocks & Mountains
- Static Mesh Improvement Mod
- Skyrim HD
- Serious HD
- HD Miscellaneous Items
- Tobe's Hi-Res Textures
- Food & Ingredients
- Snow & Rocks HD
- AOF Detailed Mountains
- AOF Farmhouses
- Skyrim Flora Overhaul
- Bumpy Inn & Shop Signs
- Chimneys for Skyrim
- Distant Detail
- Dragon Glyphs-Fixed
- Enhanced Night Skyrim
- Footprints
- HD Enhanced Terrain
- High Quality LODs
- Hybrid's Plants & Herbs
- Improved Puddles
- Lanterns Of Skyrim
- Legible Road Signs
- Moon Size Tweaks
- Moss Rocks
- Point the Way
- Real Ice
- Realistic Mushrooms
- Realistic Tundra Moss
- Re-Defined Dungeons
- Trees HD
- Vibrant Auroras
- Visible Windows
- Whiterun Trellis Redesigned
- Windmills Resized
- Bellyache's Creature Pack
- 101 Bugs
- Antz in my Pantz
- Realistic Hair
- AOF Believable Hair
- Beards
- Bellyache's Dragons
- Better Beast Races
- Better Freckles
- Birds & Flocks
- Birds of Skyrim
- Breathing Idles
- Brows
- Cover Khajiits
- Dawnguard Rewritten-Arvak
- Diverse Priests
- Female Vampires Have Fangs
- Frost Atronach HD
- Ice Wraith
- Improved Foot Wraps
- More Village Animals
- New Children
- Pond Fish
- Rabbits Plus
- Xenius Character Enhancement
- XCE-Dawnguard
- Better Male Feet
- Natural Eyes
- Accingite Vos
- Better Circlets
- Book of Silence
- Daedric Armor & Weapons
- Explosive Bolts Visualized
- Closer Quivers & Longer Arrows
- Elemental Staffs
- Elven Weapons for Silence
- Weapon De-LARP Project
- Greatsword Sheaths & Scabbards
- Improved Closefaced Helmets
- Jewels of the Nord
- Nightingale Prime
- Not Really HD-Mask of Clavicus Vile
- Shield of Ysgramor
- Ultimate HD Torch
- Animated Weapon Enchants
- Better Turn Animation
- Burn Freeze & Shock Effects
- Deadly Spell Impacts
- Dual Wield Blocking Animations
- Enchantment Effect Replacer
- Enhanced Blood
- Enhanced Projectile Soul Trap
- Finer Dust
- Improved Weapon Impact Effects
- Lightning During Thunder Storms
- No Spinning Death Animation
- New Idles for Skyrim
- Rainbows
- Realistic Smoke & Embers
- Rune Weapon FX
- Running With Bows
- Shooting Stars
- Skyrim Performance Plus
- Skyrim Sunglare
- Ultimate HD Fire Effects
- The 418th Step
- Better Bones
- Better Shadowmarks
- Dark Brotherhood Tenets Restored
- Designs of the Nords
- Destructible Bottles
- Detailed Rugs
- Enhanced Dragon Bones
- HD Baskets
- HD Linens
- HD Ore & Ingots
- HD Sacks
- HQ Skyrim Map
- Intricate Spider Webs
- New Thinner Torch
- Not Really HD-Display Case
- Not Really HD-Keys
- Pilgrim's Delight
- Radiant & Unique Potions & Poisons
- Realistic Instruments
- Realistic Paper
- Septim HD
- Shrines HD
- Silly Level of Detail-Potions & Poisons
- Silly Level of Detail-Wine Cellar
- Skyrim Redesigned
- Soul Gems Differ
- Super Realistic Ore
- Sweet Mother
- Activate Fail Noise Removal
- Ambient Seagulls
- Better Animal Footsteps
- Better Bards
- Better Horse Pain Sounds
- Better Weapon Swings
- Clanking Armor
- Heart of the Beast
- Immersive Thunder
- Improved Combat Sounds
- Improved Horse Steps
- Realistic Bow Sounds
- Realistic Crossbow Sounds
- Realistic Wolf Howls
- Silent Skyrim
- Smooth Blade Draw & Sheathe
- Sounds of Skyrim-Dungeons
- Sounds of Skyrim-Wilds
- Sounds of Skyrim-Civilization
- Thundering Shouts
- Waterbreathing Breathless Emerge
- Ars Metallica-Smithing
- Auto Unequip Ammo
- Bring Out Your Dead
- Candle Lanterns of the North
- Clams Drop Pearls
- Convenient Horses
- Death Cam Duration Options
- Disable Thieves Guild Autostart
- Drop Lit Torches
- Dual Wield Parrying
- Dynamic Fires
- Follower Trap Safety
- Gildergreen Regrown
- Guard Dialogue Overhaul
- Lantern Caretakers
- Lock Overhaul
- More Salt Please
- Move It Dammit
- No NPC Greetings
- Non-Essential Children
- Oblivion Gates
- Paarthurnax Dilemma
- Run For Your Lives
- Skyrim Coin Replacer
- Skyrim Uncapper
- The Choice is Yours
- Traps Make Noise
- Wearable Lanterns
- Lanterns for Caravans
- Lanterns for Guards
- When Vampires Attack
- Wet & Cold
- Wet & Cold - Ashes
- General Information
- SECTION D - Fixes
- SECTION E - Interface
- SECTION F - Conflicting Graphics
- SECTION G - Environment
- SECTION H - Characters
- SECTION I - Clothing
- SECTION J - Animations
- SECTION K - Clutter
- SECTION L - Sound
- SECTION M - Gameplay