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SRLE Extended Mod Suggestions

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  On 1/30/2016 at 4:08 PM, mavanaic said:

To the weapons&armors u could add NightingaleArrows if u use the CCO compatibility patch..and for the mods that have mcm..better to use the Standalone..if u use the merge script u have to remember to copy the translations files..

i currently only have merge plugin standalone installed


thanks Mavanaic for the mod merge suggestion esp countis now a bit more sensible went from 219 to 211, that includes all the extra mods I currently have in my load order and I plan to add to the guide


So heads up Disparity and Ultimate Combat will be making an apperance proberly sometime later tonight or maybe tomorrow (basically once Lexy has a chance to looks at the CR again).

Posted (edited)

1. When I was installing CACO, I found a link to a bunch of patches that had mods that were included in STEP. Some of these patches are for iNeed and Immersive Creatures. Here it is:https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70430/?.


2. As for mod suggestions, I'd like for you guys to have sort of a quest mod section. Mods like Moon and Star, Helgen Reborn, that sort of stuff.


3. Another good mod to include is Death Alternate. I like it, but it has a reputation for being buggy. Currently testing. Also, there is Death Cam Duration Extender, which extends the duration of the death cam so you can reload your save manually. I'd like to have this because I remember reading on Skyrim Revisited that the automatic load for saves is sort of corrupted (it's near the end of the guide).


4. There's a fairly new skse plugin called Crash fixes. Read the mod page as well, cuz it has some cool tips that you could integrate into the guide: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/?.


5. I'd like you guys to also have an option to select a big combat mod such as: Ultimate Combat, Deadly Combat, and Duel - Combat Realism. Why did you choose Ultimate Combat over Deadly Combat btw?


Anyways, thanks for the continuous effort of making this guide a lot better. I feel a lot safer installing mods using a guide rather than just myself.

Edited by MattsDaZombieSlayer
  On 1/31/2016 at 7:15 PM, MattsDaZombieSlayer said:

1. When I was installing CACO, I found a link to a bunch of patches that had mods that were included in STEP. Some of these patches are for iNeed and Immersive Creatures. Here it is:https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70430/?.


2. As for mod suggestions, I'd like for you guys to have sort of a quest mod section. Mods like Moon and Star, Helgen Reborn, that sort of stuff.


3. Another good mod to include is Death Alternate. I like it, but it has a reputation for being buggy. Currently testing. Also, there is Death Cam Duration Extender, which extends the duration of the death cam so you can reload your save manually. I'd like to have this because I remember reading on Skyrim Revisited that the automatic load for saves is sort of corrupted (it's near the end of the guide).


4. There's a fairly new skse plugin called Crash fixes. Read the mod page as well, cuz it has some cool tips that you could integrate into the guide: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/?.


5. I'd like you guys to also have an option to select a big combat mod such as: Ultimate Combat, Deadly Combat, and Duel - Combat Realism. Why did you choose Ultimate Combat over Deadly Combat btw?


Anyways, thanks for the continuous effort of making this guide a lot better. I feel a lot safer installing mods using a guide rather than just myself.

1. I am aware of this and i will look into them when i can

2. moon and star and helgen reborn are already on my test list

3. tried these before and there were still buggy for me

4. i am unsure this at the moment

5. deadly comabt was orginally in the guide until i saw this https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/523890681422555089/#p1


Sometimes I wonder if, in the long run, it wouldn't be better to break all mods apart into a property-level delta database and split between required and non-required. It seems that so, so many mods are just terribly full of things that has nothing to do with them, which cause problems later down the line.


Then just have a script build a bunch of BSAs, ESMs, and ESPs depending on which features you choose, regardless of which mod those features came from.


When TES6 comes out, I will probably build a software suite for doing this: there are just too many good ideas with mods that are not properly translated into their mod files, and the endless need for patches between x, y, and z mod is silly and unending. Alas, as I understand it, the Nexus does not allow someone to post fixed or cleaned versions of others' mods.



I'd like to see the Civil War Overhaul added to SR:LE Extended, but I'm not sure it plays well with many things.


I'd also suggest that you edit the original post and add all the suggestions made by others later in the thread with a status of Evaluating, Accepted, or Rejected noted for each.

  On 1/31/2016 at 7:54 PM, Electrocutor said:


I'd like to see the Civil War Overhaul added to SR:LE Extended, but I'm not sure it plays well with many things.


I'd also suggest that you edit the original post and add all the suggestions made by others later in the thread with a status of Evaluating, Accepted, or Rejected noted for each.

CWO is current being looked by my wife

I like the idea of your second suggestion i will do that it will stop people suggesting mod that have already bne suggested numberous times.

Posted (edited)

You'll check these out later when you get the time ;)


Bob's Armory




Unique Bows Collection




And this is the TNF - Heartfire mod series of all the 5 vanilla houses




Edit: And also I would have suggested Dragonborn Gallery but it will be updated soon (hopefully) and I think you know it.

Edited by Ocean

I wonder why no one in this forum ever mentioned ERSO - Erkeil Real Skyrim Overhaul. The two main elements of this Mod are "Enhanced Enemy AI" and "Enhanced Mighty Dragons" - almost script-free and should be compatible.


Especially "Enhanced Mighty Dragons" is great:


– Dragons are very powerful respect of vanilla version.

– Dragons have new resistences and weaknesses, depending by their nature. The knowledge of strenght and weakness points of these fantastic enemies are fundamental for your strategies and your victory (or death).

– Dragon breath is really tremendous. The breath is related to Dragon age so… older Dragons have deadly breaths.

– Dragon’s elemental attacks (i.e. fireball or icestorm) are true deadly. They are also related to Dragon age but have different effects from Dragon breath.

– Dragon bite is devastating. Stay away from the jaws of the dragon, because they are his physical attack more lethal.

– Dragon quests (“going to kill the bossâ€) now are really challenging, they aren’t no longer a simple picnic (with Dragon meat).

– Dragon tail may knockdown you. Stay away from Dragon tail!

– Dragon in (only) Super Mighty (a bit) and Nightmare (more) versions regen health in combat. Slighty Mighty Dragons (versions) don’t regen health in combat.

– Dragon have a (bit) improved AI respect vanilla game. There are two type of behaviour = Magic Dragon behaviour and Melee Dragon behaviour.

– Each Dragon, according to his nature, type and age have a particular set of shouts to use in battle!

– Each Dragon, according to his nature, type and age have a particular texture created by better Artists on Nexus (Luddeman, Bellyaches, LoganGFX and Flaincau).

– Dragons have a proper name (lore friendly) in relation to their age (level) and nature.

– Alduin is really the world eater, a semigod of incredible powers.

– Low level NPCs (from 1 to 9 level) have fear of Dragons and flee away. Stop with annoying and unrealistic massacres of people. Guards and followers don’t go away and stay to fight the monster.

– Each Dragon is more characterized and the Dragonborn need to know him very well before engaging a battle!

– Finally, when you see a Dragon you should hide yourself and spying the situation before choosing beetween attack or go away! Low (and just medium) level players (from 1th to 12-15th level) are warned!


– (OPTIONAL) As the Dragons, also Dragon Priests have became very hard enemies.

– (OPTIONAL) In some secret (in game) locations you will find the Dovah Holy Book, a secret book written by Ancestor for the Dragonborn.

– (OPTIONAL) You may have a new Odahviing, that become a really useful ally for the Dragonborn.

– (OPTIONAL) You may have a new Durnehviir, that become a really useful ally for the Dragonborn.

– (OPTIONAL) Reduced Dragon Respawn rate.

– (OPTIONAL) A lot of vendors, trainers and quest-related NPCs are protected = killable only by player. So they are safe by Dragon’s fury.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for replying, Darth. It's great to know that you're testing those mods that I considered. Also, thanks for the link of mods that I SHOULDN'T put in my game. Helps a lot. Oh, by the way, why was Skyrim Skill Interface Retex and Summerset Isle removed from the guide?

Edited by MattsDaZombieSlayer
  On 2/1/2016 at 5:06 AM, MattsDaZombieSlayer said:

Thanks for replying, Darth. It's great to know that you're testing those mods that I considered. Also, thanks for the link of mods that I SHOULDN'T put in my game. Helps a lot. Oh, by the way, why was Skyrim Skill Interface Retex and Summerset Isle removed from the guide?

Skyrim Skill Interface Retex is now inclided in Base so not needed in Extended. There seems to a massive issue with script lag with summerset Isle my frame rate suffered massively just opening the skills menu.

FourOne i have never seen thsi mods and your suggestion of Enhanced Mighty Dragons is actually a good idea i am currently testing dragon combat overhaul but i might switch.

Posted (edited)
  On 2/1/2016 at 1:10 AM, Electrocutor said:

Hearthfire Extended

Helgen Reborn

Unlimited Bookshelves

Morskom Estate (would require some patchwork updating)

helgen reborn already on test list check frist post.

Morskom Estate is my all time favourite house mods i will need to check how script heavy it is with then setup.

Hearthfire Extended - is also on test list.

Unlimited Bookshelves - Personally don't see the point in adding this unless it is need for a house mod.


EDIT: could everyone please check the first post to make sure a mod you want to suggest is not already there thanks.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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