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Mod Organizer 2 Discussion and Feedback



Mod Organizer 2 is now in alpha, which is the 64-bit version of MO featuring support for Fallout 4. Testers are welcome and encouraged!


Download the Alpha here: https://github.com/TanninOne/modorganizer/releases


This is not a bug report topic! Please report bugs to the GitHub issue tracker.

Thought I'd start this thread for the discussion of MO2 instead of filling the Fallout Support topic with unrelated posts.

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Posted (edited)



I had MO 2.0.4 Alpha install just fine once, however had to reinstall windows, so I'm now on a 100% fresh Windows 10 Pro 64bit install, so it's very likely im missing some common core components. I am the only PC user, and an admistrator. MO is run as an administrator. Each of its 4 "paths" in preferences are NOT set as read only.


Problem 1, install/dotnet. (solved)

MO reports an issue with  dotnet (for NCC)

FIXED!: Turn on .network 3.5

  On 3/19/2016 at 7:44 AM, GrantSP said:


Enable the .NET framework by following these guidelines?



Problem 2, saving via executable.

My second issue is in regards to Bodyslide executable opened via ModOrganizer, I can't save as.

No matter where to or what I name a Preset- I cannot save a new preset. Says "The filename is not valid" I can save tho, overwiting a preset, just not create my own new ones. I've tried both versions  of bodyslide, normal and 64bit.exe, both set to run as administrator.


It should be noted- this problem existed PRIOR to my above installation issue, when I'd installed MO alpha 4 fine.

So apologies for this long winded double problem,  tried to be thourough, please help!


Edited by neiljwd
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Installing any games or utilities for games (e.g., Steam, FO4Edit and MO) in a User Access Controlled (UAC) folder (e.g., C:\Program Files) almost always causes some problems with access even if the folder is set to allow all users full access. MO should not usually be need to be set to run as administrator; I haven't installed Win 10 yet so I don't know if it needs to have administrative privileges in Win 10. My first suggestion would be to move these to a folder that isn't UAC controlled since the problems you describe might be related to access.

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Posted (edited)
  On 3/18/2016 at 8:09 PM, Kelmych said:

Installing any games or utilities for games (e.g., Steam, FO4Edit and MO) in a User Access Controlled (UAC) folder (e.g., C:\Program Files) almost always causes some problems with access even if the folder is set to allow all users full access. MO should not usually be need to be set to run as administrator; I haven't installed Win 10 yet so I don't know if it needs to have administrative privileges in Win 10. My first suggestion would be to move these to a folder that isn't UAC controlled since the problems you describe might be related to access.


Well Darn, so I uninstalled it, and then reinstalled in C:\MO, as per your advice. It installed 1st time, which was nice, but now the program won't open. Just says "FAILED TO CREATE DEFAULT", same as this guy on github.

I tried  copying across an installation  from my old PC, and it still creates the same error. So now im superstuck.


Fix :

  • Short answer:

    Uninstalll MO and all its files and MAKE SURE YOU DELETE C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer folder! A re-install will hopefully then work. :)

  • Long answer:

    Hi, I just had this issue, and 'fixed' it. I did a TONNE of stuff prior, that may have helped(unlikely mind), but I can only tell you my final few steps, that allowed me to have MO working again.

    First I completely uninstalled it, and all my path location for mods, cache, profiles etc.

    Turned out the very original ModOrganizer folder had remained in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\, and hadn't been removed.

    Once I deleted that folder, I restarted my PC (and did a registry clean/fix in CCleaner, doubt that matters tho).

    After the restart, I ran the installer again, and it worked :) Hope this helps, please comment if it so other sufferers know to try it. :)

Edited by neiljwd
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  On 3/19/2016 at 12:11 AM, neiljwd said:

Well Darn, so I uninstalled it, and then reinstalled in C:\MO, as per your advice. It installed 1st time, which was nice, but now the program won't open. Just says "FAILED TO CREATE DEFAULT", same as this guy on github.

I tried  copying across an installation  from my old PC, and it still creates the same error. So now im superstuck.


I'm certainly doing some serious QA on this Alpha!

Use explorer to examine the file/folder structure of the MO installation. If there isn't a profile folder called "default", create one.

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Posted (edited)
  On 3/19/2016 at 12:17 AM, GrantSP said:

Use explorer to examine the file/folder structure of the MO installation. If there isn't a profile folder called "default", create one.

Thanks for offering help! Sadly, I tried that, and creating a default folder within profile, didn't work. And as I said, I copied an  installation of MO 2.04 Alpha across from another PC.

It works 100% on my crappy 6 year old machine, but not on my spangly new Skylake. So that means there's something MY PC is missing, as opposed to the installation file being broken. Just hoping someone can identify this hidden dependency and save future people from this ball ache.

Edited by neiljwd
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Okay I think your copied install may be pointing to the directory settings from the other computer. Open the INI from MO's settings storage in AppData and examine the settings similar to these:


Do they match those of your actual installation? (Not those I've posted here, those of your INI.)

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They did not, adjusting  them yieldwd no better results :(

However I did  then delete EVERY bit of MO that was in the app data folder, and this then let me re-install MO -yay! :^_^: I'd over-looked it, as id set my paths to custom locations, and it hadn't been removed when i'd uninstalled MO.


This does though leave me back where I started, with the problem in my 1st post.

Ergo, I'm missing something to do with the .net framework- but not enough to actually stop MO from working/modding Fallout. But perhaps it's rlated to the fact the Bodyslide executable wont save AS... . If that makes sense to anyone.

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Hmm... I don't know, I too have MO, both 1.3.11 and MO 2 and both are installed onto a clean Windows 10 64 bit system.

Have you tried to enable the .NET framework by following these guidelines? Win10 has all the .NET system files MO needs but maybe they weren't enabled in your install.

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Posted (edited)

Marvellous sir! I turned on 3.5 framework, and my problem 1 went away, MO reporting no errors.  Thank you :)

Didnt fix Bodyslide not being able to Save As in case any1 wonders, but I think the above is valuable information for all!


I have a work around for being unable to "save as" within Bodyslide opened via Mod Organizer 2 Alpha, in case anyone else encounters it:

Go to   \Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-\Tools\BodySlide\SliderPresets within you MO Mods folder. Make a backup copy of CBBE.xml.

Now you can edit  CBBE.xml. Add new presets by copying a full preset, then just give it a new name. Or just change the names of some presets you don't use. You can now edit these sliders as normal, and just save to overwrite the main file with you editided in names.

Edited by neiljwd
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Is anyone aware if the "official" version, when ready for general use, will be on Fallout4 nexus? Or if it will remain on Skyrim nexus? Weird question, I know, but I'm sure someone will understand why I ask. 

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I've asked @Tannin a couple of times now about the way he has MO distributed and he seems to be more concerned with the programming side of things than the mundane distribution aspects of mod/tool support.


Since MO is/will be a multi game tool my guess is he will go with his model of today and distribute it through just one page, ie. the Skyrim page. His reasoning has always been to keep all the posts about issues in the one place to make his bug-tracking easier.


As it is now there are still users commenting on the Fallout 3 page despite a big warning on the description and the posts pages to only ask on the Skyrim page or here in STEP.


Of course now that the GitHub repo is being used the best option would be to disable all posts on the Nexus and only have the download available on Nexus. But that's just my opinion.

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I'm just gonna write here to share knowledge, tho I'm sure it's been covered in the previous ten pages:


If you have ANY textures/meshes in your standarard Fallout 4 Data folder (Steam install), then Mod Organizer 2  will FAIL to LOAD YOUR TEXTURES.

I spent ages faffing and cursing. Turns out I had 1 tiny Pre-war Money Ttexture and mesh from a Mod that didn't come rar'd. And it was  stopping any and all of my meshes/textures applying in game through Mod Organizer 2 Alpha for Fallout 4.
 Hours of tuning and fussing wasted over a 30 second fix :( Was frustrating coz .esps and such worked, just not textures.


For what it's worth, I also read that sometimes having 2+ mods affecting the same file (a conflict) within MO can stop any appearing in game, not what I experienced but mentioned in the same place that uncovered the above problem for me.


Hmm, is there an "official" topic to leave should feedback? I suppose th whole point of an alpha is bug testing...

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Wasn't sure where to post this, but I LOVED MO for FONV and Skyrim. I'm using it for fallout 4 now,

and thought I'd post an error when trying to use the sort plug ins feature. I'm not sure what features

are working and not working, but was hoping this might help.


Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
  Application Name: lootcli.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp: 56a90ac9
  Fault Module Name: StackHash_21d7
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
  Exception Code: c00000fd
  Exception Offset: 7721bab4
  OS Version: 6.1.7601.
  Locale ID: 1033
  Additional Information 1: 21d7
  Additional Information 2: 21d72c1074f68727150fd37d730b86a8
  Additional Information 3: 13a0
  Additional Information 4: 13a0f0f8853a63adf7b559d7c1d084d7
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Welcome to STEP @AlisterX


MO 2 is actively supported in the GitHub repo that houses the source code. With an error such as the one you posted you may have more success posting it there, we are more on the settings side of things and assisting with installing mods and tools into MO. The actual code work is handled there.

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