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i'm not with knowledge in Dyndolod since i'm not using it but Darth suggests 

  1. After DynDolod Worlds script has finished it is advised to reload the esp and Clean Masters.

i think there was some talk at a point that  it contains masters that doesn't supposed to be there.

Actually I just need someone who's using Dyndolod to take a look if there are Caco Patches or the bashed patch as masters..I'm running it right now and had to disable those two cause I have some birds mods that DynDOLOD doesn't like them :D

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Actually I just need someone who's using Dyndolod to take a look if there are Caco Patches or the bashed patch as masters..I'm running it right now and had to disable those two cause I have some birds mods that DynDOLOD doesn't like them :D

I can confirm the dyndolod adds Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul but not CACO Patches or the based patch.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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Birds and Flocks and SkyBirds need to be disabled for DynDOLOD which means to disable caco patches(I have caco-skybirds merged) which means to disable the bashed patch...I also use Birds of Skyrim, Pets of Skyrim and Farm Animals :)))

I can confirm the dyndoload adds Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul but not CACO Pacthes or the based patch.

Thanks darth, I forgot to take a look at my old dyndolod file

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I updated to Crash Fixes 12 for the crash dump functionality.  I'm not sure how useful this may be but..



13 Jul 19:38:29 Game has crashed with exception address 0xF52FBC!



Crash info:
2016_07_13_19-38-29 - F52FBC: V(1); EAX(9); EBX(1B37900); ECX(0); EDX(1); ESI(8); EDI(1B37930); EBP(1FC9FEA0); ESP(1FC9FE98); STACK(F52361 60C0F5 9049FE 8C7C32 8C7C5B 401739 8C89B7 B333C0 6F4473 6F3A33 A4E31E A4BB02 A4B4A9 A4B4A0 A4B4A0);
Still seeing issues with CACO_AltFloraScript and a few others pretty commonly as the last 3-4 lines of papyrus when it crashes.
Error:  (0300ED61): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent.
[ (0300ED61)].CACO_AltFloraScript.Enable() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (0300ED61)].CACO_AltFloraScript.OnCellDetach() - "CACO_AltFloraScript.psc" Line 51
I guess I'll just binary search the mod list until i find the culprit.
Edited by jdsmith2816
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Regarding foot IK crash it is something about animation actually, reinstalling XPMSE32 could fix it or just rerun FNIS. I had that problem to while loading save that usually loads just fine, sometimes it won't load and Crash Fixes give me that error. Just an FYI.


Huh never had any crash while I was testing, I even startrd from the Helgen Keep exit and run all the way to whiterun because I need to check something about Aela never crashed. Maybe verify everything about CACO is installed properly and updated?

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Hey guys, in regard to the issue with Brawl Bugs - I've been finishing up (or endlessly rebuilding, depending on how you want to see it) a fairly extensive install based on Dreadflopps' install (STEP: Extended with large parts of SRLE + Extended, plus my own additions).  In regards to brawls, I believe I use all the same mods you guys do - Wildcat, Vigor, Disparity, Weapon and Armor Attributes and perhaps most importantly Campfire.  So as I was building and rebuilding I at points experienced this bug and at others didn't.  I couldn't figure out why and tried a lot of different things - but while following the discussion here, I noticed Darth point out that Campfire seemed to overwrite its scripts.  So in my current (pretty much final - barring release of Last Seed, and possibly holding off for RDO in the next couple weeks) setup, I have Brawl Bugs, with the 'cheat' version installed as a separate mod loaded after, both of which are at the bottom section of my MO left pane (after Campfire, and pretty much everything else).  I also noticed MO seems to have the tendency to uncheck the BSA in my archives tab.  Anyway I just successfully brawled Uthgerd with everything activated, no issues.  To note, I'm pretty sure I deactivated all hand-to-hand bonuses in Disparity, so that may or may not be an issue.

Edited by baronaatista
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Hello, everytime I try to remove Immersive citizens and Helgen reborn from the CR patch I get stuck at the dragon logo. I use the report masters script to make sure that I remove all there records and remove their names from the file header. Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Just a small note.. Campfire includes the scripts from the Brawl Bugs Patch. AFAIK the scripts are exactly the same as the ones that come with Enhanced Blood Textures and the ones from the original Brawl Bugs Patch mod. I'm not sure why the brawls are still bugged without the 'cheat version' (I had that problem too with my build), but it isn't because of Campfire overwriting files.

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Hello, everytime I try to remove Immersive citizens and Helgen reborn from the CR patch I get stuck at the dragon logo. I use the report masters script to make sure that I remove all there records and remove their names from the file header. Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Don't remove the file name in header ... use Clean Masters to clean the esp of a dependancy. If this doesn't make the master dissapear then there are other records that are dependant on this master.

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