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SRLE Extended

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Guys, I would like to know something : do you guys actually play with your load order ? Do you update it as you go on or just let it the way it is and update when you restart your game ? 

I would like to go on with my life and start playing the damn game (600H logged and never got past the blades) and still update my mods, but I'm scared to break something (even if you do it right, for instance, for vigor : deactivating the mod, then installing it, then reactivating it again). 


What are the risks ? What are you guys doing for your playtroughs ? 


Thank you :)

Depends on the mod, really. Generally the author will say whether it's safe or not.

But when I'm actually playing the game, I don't update until I'm ready to start a new game.

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yes i decided against but i know it has and can be done but it is a lot of work.


this guy has done but with base https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaHO2M49jtr28CV0Of1RbMhQhmR3_yVS-

It's really not all that hard, the mod has a pretty extensive self-patching utility, and there are a whole mess of individual patches on top of that. Because of that, the conflict resolution is actually pretty straight-forward (I do it in one of the last couple of vids, 53 or 54 I think). And I should point out, the biggest conflicts were with Coin Replacer, and there has since been a LotD specific patch for that one, so now it ought to be even easier than when I did it. You may not even need to do any CR at all, or if you do it will be pretty minor.


The patch central page is pretty confusing though, admittedly. There is a main "all-in-one" patch at the top, but then a whole lot of individual patches underneath it. It's really not clear (and yes, I RTFM, if there is any explanation in there I didn't see it) if you are meant to install the main patch, and then all the applicable individual ones on top of that, or if those are in incorporated in the main patch already. I think I assumed the individual patches should be installed along with the main patch. But I could be wrong about that. In any event, my build was stable, so it's all good :)


Other than that it's really just a matter of pulling out the Book Covers of Skyrim mod. That's slightly complicated by the fact that it is a master for the CR patch mod (if you are using the pre-made file), but you can pretty easily remove that dependency via TES5Edit.

Edited by RonHiler
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Thanks man. What do you mean by "Clean Save" ?

uninstall the mod. enter the game. save. then install the new updated mod. enter the game. save again.


and some mods require Save game script cleaner to check for remaining scripts in the save

Edited by paul666root
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Thanks Paul. If I find anything with save game script cleaner, should I attempt to clean ? I remember I've had problems with it.


Anyway I tried the new McM settings for vigor and wildcat and oh boy the doubled injury system is a bit too much for my taste.


I'm not sure I like combat fatigue : I only have injured animations when weapons are sheathed. I ran FNIS after installing it. Is it supposed to have combat animations too when weapons are unsheathed ?

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Thanks Paul. If I find anything with save game script cleaner, should I attempt to clean ? I remember I've had problems with it.


Anyway I tried the new McM settings for vigor and wildcat and oh boy the doubled injury system is a bit too much for my taste.


I'm not sure I like combat fatigue : I only have injured animations when weapons are sheathed. I ran FNIS after installing it. Is it supposed to have combat animations too when weapons are unsheathed ?

if you find the injuries too much is recommend disable Wildcats and using vigor's (this what I am actually thinking of doing.)

I am trying to find a nice balance between the too mods but i can only do that with feedback from you guys.


I Like combat fatigue if only for the injury animation nice to actually see you are injured. I believe the injuries animations should occur when weapons are sheathed (but I could be wrong there.)

Also the animations should only occur when your health is below the threshold.


I am making the Dreadflopps Modular Patches Merge. When I run Merge Plugins CACO - Patches.esp is deactivated because its masters are not enabled. I only enable the masters I need to do a merge. What should I do?

What I do when merge is I have a separate profile in MO just for merging and only active the mods needed for the merge I am trying to create. I also run loot before activating the mods I am going to merge.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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I am making the Dreadflopps Modular Patches Merge. When I run Merge Plugins CACO - Patches.esp is deactivated because its masters are not enabled. I only enable the masters I need to do a merge. What should I do?

when i do a merge I leave all my LO activated in MO and only place the esps for the merge last in LO... then in Merge Plugins i select only the files that are required in the merge, the rest remain unchecked. First i check them and then select them all -> right click -> Masters -> check  all masters. If the OK button doesn't activate then I individually check what remained red/italic.

Edited by paul666root
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if you find the injuries too much is recommend disable Wildcats and using vigor's (this what I am actually thinking of doing.)

I am trying to find a nice balance between the too mods but i can only do that with feedback from you guys.


I Like combat fatigue if only for the injury animation nice to actually see you are injured. I believe the injuries animations should occur when weapons are sheathed (but I could be wrong there.)

Also the animations should only occur when your health is below the threshold.


What I do when merge is I have a separate profile in MO just for merging and only active the mods needed for the merge I am trying to create. I also run loot before activating the mods I am going to merge.


  I'm not sure if I worded my problem correctly after rereading it. I kind of get what you say Darth but not sure. I have a profile that I call SRLE Integrated. I keep all of the mods deactivated. I guess you would say it is my base profile for when finally making characters. When I need to update a merge I will activate the mods to be merged, than I activate their masters, run LOOT, Than I order the esps to be merged in the order your guide calls them out. After that I run Merge Plugin. It probably sounds like the long way of doing it but I feel that for someone like me that is the fool proof way. 

  Today I remerged CACO Patches with no problem, than I went to merge Dreadflopps Patches. I activated All of the esps in Dreadflopps Pathes, activated the master files, Ran Loot, reorganized the mods to be merged, Than ran Merge Merge Plugin. When I ran Merge Plugin CACO - Patches was unchecked in MP's dialog box. So Than I also activated the masters for CACO - Patches esp thinking that was the problem. Ran Loot, Reorganized esps to be merged, Ran MP and the CACO - Patches in still unactivated by Merge Plugins. So I am not sure what to do for now.

  I am guessing in your profile you have every mod that you ever merged and all of their masters activated. I'm guessing you also keep CACO Patches Merged activated at all times.

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when i do a merge I leave all my LO activated in MO and only place the esps for the merge last in LO... then in Merge Plugins i select only the files that are required in the merge, the rest remain unchecked. First i check them and then select them all -> right click -> Masters -> check  all masters. If the OK button doesn't activate then I individually check what remained red/italic.

  Do you leave all of your merges active also? I think my whole problem is CACO_Immersive _Creatures_Patch_lvl_list.esp.

  It says missing CACO-Patches.esp. I am guessing in your merging profile you just leave all merges and mods within those merges active

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Sometimes an esp from a merge requires another esp that has need for another master which again has a need for another master etc...

either you keep track of all required master and dependancies for all esps when you do a merge so that you can make your separate profile or you do as i told you above .  it's your choice. Either way is the same foolproof because you only activate in merge plugins the esps you need to merge



edit: i don't have another profile... i just leave my entire load order activated and just disable everything in merge plugins... this way any master that you require at some point it is there arlready activated just by clicking it in merge plugins


 i hope i'm making myself understandable


edit2: yes i leave all merges active too.

Edited by paul666root
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Guys, I would like to know something : do you guys actually play with your load order ? Do you update it as you go on or just let it the way it is and update when you restart your game ? 

I would like to go on with my life and start playing the damn game (600H logged and never got past the blades) and still update my mods, but I'm scared to break something (even if you do it right, for instance, for vigor : deactivating the mod, then installing it, then reactivating it again). 


What are the risks ? What are you guys doing for your playtroughs ? 


Thank you :)

I think the best advice is to freeze your load order when starting a playthrough and only update mods when absolutely necessary. Someone once told me that Skyrim is held together with mystic voodoo and wishful thinking. 


If you have the disk space you can copy your entire mod organizer folder to another location. You can then keep it updated for the next playthrough or play around with new mods without risk. 

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  Today I remerged CACO Patches with no problem, than I went to merge Dreadflopps Patches. I activated All of the esps in Dreadflopps Pathes, activated the master files, Ran Loot, reorganized the mods to be merged, Than ran Merge Merge Plugin. When I ran Merge Plugin CACO - Patches was unchecked.

     Razorsedge877,  The merged plugin in is supposed to be deactivated, the author of the program even states not to activate them if not necessary.  To update or rebuild an already created merge, all you have to do is:


1.  Place all the esp's required for the merge in the correct order at the bottom of your load order and activate them (do not activate the already merged file).


2.  Fire up merge plugins and deactivate all,  activate the esp's to be merged at the bottom and highlight the entire group.


3.  Right click on the highlighted esp's to be merged, click masters and select activate masters. 


4.  If the OK button does not light up, scroll up until you see esp's in red italics (not bold text) and activate those, your ok button will come on.


5.  Click ok,  once all mods are loaded, reset errors, check for errors on the esp's to be merged, then go to the merge tab.


6.  Your previous merge will be highlighted in green,  right click and select rebuild merge.  Wallah!  your done.


You can do this to add new esp's to an already created merge the same way.

Edited by Kneph13
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If you have the disk space you can copy your entire mod organizer folder to another location. You can then keep it updated for the next playthrough or play around with new mods without risk. 

That is precisely what I'm planning to do. I will actually be copying it to another SSD drive.


When you copy the whole MO folder to another directory, does it automatically recognize where Skyrim is installed? I couldn't find in settings a field where you tell MO where the Steam/Skyrim are located.

I'm also assuming that after you copy the MO folder to another location you have to change the "Mod Directory" path and maybe also the "Cache Directory" path in the MO settings.


It should be that easy right? Or am I missing something?

Edited by edynacio
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It's really not all that hard, the mod has a pretty extensive self-patching utility, and there are a whole mess of individual patches on top of that. Because of that, the conflict resolution is actually pretty straight-forward (I do it in one of the last couple of vids, 53 or 54 I think). And I should point out, the biggest conflicts were with Coin Replacer, and there has since been a LotD specific patch for that one, so now it ought to be even easier than when I did it. You may not even need to do any CR at all, or if you do it will be pretty minor.


The patch central page is pretty confusing though, admittedly. There is a main "all-in-one" patch at the top, but then a whole lot of individual patches underneath it. It's really not clear (and yes, I RTFM, if there is any explanation in there I didn't see it) if you are meant to install the main patch, and then all the applicable individual ones on top of that, or if those are in incorporated in the main patch already. I think I assumed the individual patches should be installed along with the main patch. But I could be wrong about that. In any event, my build was stable, so it's all good :)


Other than that it's really just a matter of pulling out the Book Covers of Skyrim mod. That's slightly complicated by the fact that it is a master for the CR patch mod (if you are using the pre-made file), but you can pretty easily remove that dependency via TES5Edit.

Agreed Ron, I have now added Legacy into my kitchen sink build and was very surprised last night just how little CR it took. It actually took me longer to scroll through the entire expanded plugin looking for conflicts than it took me to actually address them! They were mostly books, weapons and armour stuff with the odd few cell edits. But really nothing serious. I'd say it probably took me a couple of hours.

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